Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4482

The suffering and destruction that the tower world is experiencing has no impact on Locke, who is looking at the war of civilization as a bystander.

What is justice? What is evil?

Natural selection and survival of the fittest are the eternal principles of the star world.

No one will love the pigs and sheep on the chopping board, except for the salvation organization that is difficult for outsiders to understand, like the grace mainland holy see.

It has been more than a year since the war in the iron tower world. I didn\'t expect that the old thing, the king of the eight level iron tower, could last so long.

Obviously, under the fury of kakarot\'s five degree super transformation, he showed the posture of falling every minute, but he insisted on it in the end.

This is really another miracle in the star world. Locke saw stubbornness and attachment to the mother plane from the will expressed by the king of the iron tower.

In addition to the king of the iron tower, the other three dominant life bodies in the iron tower world are similar.

This kind of struggle is the most annoying for the attacking side.

Including Karel\'s headquarters, who went alone to destroy the navel of the plane, when he just arrived near the navel of the plane, one of the two world masters of the iron tower who originally besieged the master of level 7 fire was assigned to target him.

Karel\'s action was blocked, which indicates that the plan to destroy the navel of the plane and hit the tower world\'s resistance will basically failed.

In this context, without the participation of other external forces, the ectopic invasion war in the iron tower world will fall into a stalemate for the wizard world.

This war in a large plane may last 200, 500 years or even longer.

This is determined by the vast area and deep deposits of large planes. If it is a general small and micro plane, it may be completely conquered in a few years or more.

"The dragon mother danilis can\'t come to support for a short time. It seems that I have to send my old bone out again." During the destruction storm, after taking a general look at the direction of the war in the large level below, Locke sighed.

To sharpen the wizard civilization Corps does not mean that Locke will sit idly by and watch a large number of elite knights and magicians fall.

The infinite destruction storm outside the plane began to shrink to the center, while Locke himself squeezed into the plane barrier that was getting weaker and had broken a big hole.

The appearance of a level-8 top strong man is enough to attract hundreds of millions of creatures in the tower world.

But now, the iron tower world has no spare power to stop Locke.

Including the plane guardian, who wanted to expel the demon and repair the broken world rules of the iron tower, but the guardian was tired of dealing with the continuous attack from Montana, the eye of the blood curse around her.

Even because Locke attracted too much attention from the guardian in the process of squeezing into the iron tower world, Montana, who had been hidden in the vicinity as a blood mist, resolutely attacked and cut off one arm of the guardian of the iron tower world with a broken sword in her hand.

Montana\'s demonic cold laughter in the blood fog made the guardian of the world of the tower feel pain. At the same time, the alarm suddenly came into being.

The pain of the guardian comes from the broken left arm and the painful groan of the plane will Sing.

Not to mention anything else, just the rule impact and environmental disaster caused by the alien master of level 8 peak crowding into the tower world, the trauma to the tower world is no worse than the burning, killing and looting caused by tens of millions of wizard civilization legions.

But at the moment, just as the king of the eight tower is also struggling to support, the guardian has little spare power.

The roaring destruction storm squeezed into the tower world at a slow and firm speed, like the sound of broken glass. All creatures above level 4 who pay attention to the terrible existence outside the tower saw the miserable scene of the tower world level barrier.

The local strong in the tower world looked sad and desperate. The Knights and magicians of the wizard world who had invaded here cheered for the arrival of the supreme knight.

"Boom!" The plane barrier vibrated and sounded again.

After breaking a huge gap in this large plane again, Locke, who came to it, couldn\'t help sighing, "finally came in."

Although the process of entering is slow and arduous, Rao Shylock can\'t help but relax after entering it and feeling the breadth and generosity of this position.

Compared with those medium-sized planes with complete rules, even the medium-sized world as strong as the Titan world, Locke, who is at the top of the eight levels, will feel incomparable oppression and oppression when entering them, and he should be careful that the power he releases at will will will cause irreparable trauma to those worlds.

But the world of iron tower is different. The bearing capacity of large-scale plane is enough for a strong man like Locke to roam in it.

Even if he felt the malice from all aspects of the world, Locke could ignore these rules in the face of absolute strength.

The strong breath belonging to the top of level 8 began to lift the ban. This is the first war that Locke took seriously after joining the tower star domain war, and it should also be the last large-scale war in the tower star domain.

Giving this powerful large plane a decent ending is Locke\'s last respect for the tower world.

It is an honor for the world of the iron tower to be an important stepping stone for the wizard civilization to set foot on the top civilization in the star world.

During the destruction storm, Locke scanned the tower world and didn\'t care about the battle groups below level 7. Finally, Locke\'s direction is the location of the guardian of the tower world.

Killing the guardian helps to weaken the will of the tower in the world, and the influence and positive effect are even more than killing a level 7 tower master.

The coming of this destructive storm will also officially mark that the iron tower world is completely hopeless.


Half a month later, the world guardian of the iron tower, who fought with the eye of the blood curse Montana for nearly two years, was erased by Locke who arrived in this battlefield with supreme destructive power.

In Locke\'s view, with the help of the battle mode of plane rules, the guardian is like a small dwarf picking up a huge sword that is inconsistent with his own strength.

Even if she does have the capital to confront the dominant creatures, she is still a mole ant in the eyes of the eight level peak creatures like Locke.

Even because there is no master Almighty soul to provide life thickness for himself, the ease of killing the world guardian of the iron tower is much higher than that of killing a level 7 iron tower master.

Locke\'s strong shot made Montana obviously stunned in the form of blood fog.

In the face of the incomparable and majestic destruction storm carried by Locke, Montana in the form of blood mist is like a small blood mass that has not grown up. The overall mass and volume are less than one tenth of Locke\'s.

From such a material appearance, Locke really looks like her father.