Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4481

Tower world is a large-scale world civilization with complete rules on one side and balanced development process in all aspects.

Although there is no trend of transition to the top civilization so far, it must be admitted that the attainments of the tower world in some fields are also watched by the magicians in the wizard world.

The giant iron tower, which goes straight into the sky, is a very common special building in the vast region of the world.

For the world of iron towers, these giant iron towers, which are more than ten meters short and tens of thousands of meters high, are equivalent to the magic towers of wizards all over the world.

All the giant iron towers with a scale of more than one kilometer are similar to the holy towers and palaces of wizards all over the world.

In addition to the effect of suppressing the world plane nodes of the iron tower, the back of each kilometer Iron Tower represents having an iron tower Lord above level 4.

During the pan star war and tower star war, the wizard world Legion has faced these towers more than once and felt the incredible power and iron curtain power of these towers.

As for the iron towers that were knocked down by Wizard civilization in the war, there are not a few.

In order to speed up the war process against this large plane, hit the will of the tower world as hard as possible, and weaken the resistance of the tower civilization, the most direct war task for the legions of the wizard world and the wizard alliance after entering the tower world is to remove any kilometer tower they can see in their field of vision.

All the towers with a height of more than 10000 meters are the life tower of the world\'s dominant creatures.

Nuo Da\'s iron tower world has only five giant iron towers of this scale, corresponding to the past five dominant creatures in the iron tower world.

However, with the progress of the civilization war to today, two tower masters have fallen successively. The giant tower representing their identity, status and law details has been completely transformed without the support of the power of dominance, leaving only some basic energy.

Among the several dominant battlefields with strong resistance in the iron tower world, the new iron tower master on the battlefield near the navel of the plane has not yet had time to extend his will into the Benming iron tower and supervise the expansion of the Benming iron tower.

However, the closer one of the two ownerless iron towers can still give full play to the unique advantages and the strength of the iron curtain rules of the local masters of the iron tower world in the standard war.

"The power of this tower... Maybe you can learn the essence and mystery and join the construction of the holy tower in the wizard world." In the southern battlefield of the world continent, a level 5 magician from the east coast led hundreds of thousands of knights, magician legions and millions of slave biological legions. After pushing to a huge iron tower up to 4000 meters, he couldn\'t help touching his chin and whispering by observing the lines and unique energy application mode on the surface of the painted black iron tower.

The invasion and conquest of the wizard world is not only the savage and primitive plundering of wealth and resources, but also the absorption of knowledge and the continuous exploration of the boundless star world.

The wizard world has been at war with the tower civilization for so many years. With his unique wisdom and exploration spirit, this unknown level-5 magician has deciphered and decrypted many rules and energy utilization mysteries of the tower world.

If the towers on the front line of war in the past were just forts specially arranged by the tower world in response to the civilization war, they were equivalent to the magic towers often built by the wizard world on the front line of civilization war.

Then, these giant towers rooted in the local world are the essence of tower civilization. The standing of each kilometer high giant tower is equivalent to the holy tower of the wizard world.

In addition to reaching some unspeakable resonance with the plane nodes of the tower world, the knowledge mysteries and details contained therein really point to the core of the tower world.

Just a huge tower with a height of 4000 meters gave the level 5 magician unimaginable harvest and desire to explore.

I really don\'t know what mysteries will be contained in those giant iron towers that are more than 7000 meters and comparable to level 6 creatures? What about those towers that reach a height of more than 10000 meters?

The discovery of this level-5 magician is only one of the booty plundered and harvested by tens of millions of wizard civilized knights and magician legions in the iron tower world, which belongs to the booty of knowledge.

As the level-5 magician led his regiment to the south of the mainland, he gradually gained other gains in addition to the increasingly difficult and powerful indigenous strongmen in the iron tower world.

"It turned out to be a giant iron tower built under the endless deep ocean. Magicians above level 4 of major organizations and forces in the world have never considered building a holy tower in the ocean."

"This is a new field of truth and mystery, and I, Hoffman gulagado level 5 magician, will become the founder of the first wizard world in this field!" Facing the boundless sea with golden light under the sunset, the level five magician couldn\'t help holding his magic array and shouted excitedly.

In Hoffman gulagado\'s view, the giant iron towers that show the virtual shadow of the outline below the sea level are not cold iron towers, but treasures waiting for him to dig.

If we only look at this picture, it seems to be a process of knowledge explorers constantly pursuing the profound meaning of truth.

However, if you pull the picture up and away, you can see the amazing damage caused by millions of wizard civilization legions in the tower world and the deep disaster they have caused to the local creatures in the tower world under the will of Hoffman gulagado level 5 magician.

Even just a few thousand meters away from the level 5 magician, a scuffle between six level 4 and level 5 creatures is taking place.

Four of them are knights and magicians above level 4 from the wizard world. The other two besieged objects are the local tower lords of the tower world.

"Hello! Hoffman, we invite you to join our group. We don\'t come to be your bodyguard."

"This five level tower Lord is very difficult to deal with. If you don\'t come to help again, I will unilaterally terminate the cooperation with you because you violate the alliance contract!" In the battle group, the only level 5 Knight preached to the level 5 magician who was in an excited and neurotic state on the coastline.

As a member of the wizard world, this level 5 magician naturally does not exist independently.

He and his legion are only a small part of the battlefield of the whole world.

Including the local war zone in front of him, the knight legions assigned by his orders and a large number of slave biological cannon fodder, many of which are from the Knights above level 4 on the east coast.

The voice of his companion made the level 5 magician recover from his excitement.

Then came a burst of "Jie Jie" cold laughter. If you want to study the local tower rules of the tower world, you must have the help and mutual confirmation of the creatures in the tower world.

Now, the specimen of a level 4 or even level 5 tower Lord will contribute to his future truth exploration process.

If it\'s a living specimen, it\'s even better!