Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4480

The invading legion, like a torrent of flood, rushed towards the interior of the tower world.

Since the destruction Legion and the fire element legion, slave biological legions, knights and magicians with the characteristics of the wizard world have also poured in one after another, bringing the world destruction crisis to the tower world.

Due to the opening of the most elite destruction legion, the influx of legions in the wizard world did not suffer much loss in the early stage.

But the real war of annihilation, in addition to the extremely fierce in the early stage, the battle in the middle stage is more important.

It was a long tug of war between foreign invaders and native creatures.

Even if the battle between master level creatures will end soon, the battle between creatures below master level or even below level 4 will continue with the resistance of the tower world.

As the supreme Knight of wizard civilization, Locke, who watched the war outside the throne, did not join the battle for the first time.

On the one hand, the king of the eight level iron tower has been designated as his must kill target by kakaro. It is also the first master of the same level killed by kakarot after he was promoted to level eight.

On the other hand, Locke has his own strength. On the premise of such a huge advantage, there is no need to bully the weak in person.

However, the accidents in the civilized war and the final resistance of the tower world at the time of despair still brightened Locke\'s eyes.

Perhaps for Locke, the war of civilization is no longer a war, but a game in his eyes.

This is a game to sharpen wizard civilization. In addition to Locke\'s destruction corps, which is becoming stronger and stronger in the tower world war, the wizard world knights and magician corps are also improving.

Regarding a civilization war as a game, only dominant creatures have this qualification and inside information.


"Ah! Lord Locke, help me!" It was only a year before the war of invasion began. The fire master of the battlefield went straight to the navel of the plane and asked Locke for help outside the plane.

It was a level 7 master of the same level who fought with the fire master, but because it was related to the life and death crisis of the mother plane, the tower master was more fierce and fearless of death than the fire master.

Even due to the terrorist threat given by Locke outside the plane, the master of the level 7 medium-term tower can be said to have ignored his death and just wanted to cause as many wounds to these evil invaders as possible before falling.

If it is only a master of the seven level iron tower, it is worth mentioning that, as an exception in the World War of the iron tower, it is an iron tower world six level peak creature that is deeply submerged in the navel of the plane. With the dual blessing of the mother plane crisis and the world will, combined with various details and special means, it has been directly promoted to the master.

The appearance of the new master of the seven level tower is very similar to the scene when Locke was ordered to be promoted to the master in the face of crisis in the wizard world.

At that time, Locke was also the darling of the plane will. As a "savior" who was about to save the buildings of the wizard world, Locke created all kinds of incredible myths and finally drove the invaders out of the wizard world.

But there is only one myth after all, and there will not be so many miracles in the star world.

If the appearance of the new master of the tower world is the last card and stubbornness of the tower world, the tower civilization can not avoid being destroyed after all.

In the middle of level 7, the fire master\'s call for help did not give way to Locke, who was watching the war outside, and there were any waves in his heart.

He is like a cold demon God. He not only watches the tower world gradually go to destruction and decline, but also ignores the level 7 fire master who is a vassal of wizard civilization and is in a huge crisis.

What the wizard world needs is a foreign vassal civilization that is absolutely obedient. Through the feedback in the field of emotional rules before, Locke saw a trace of reluctance and hatred in the heart dominated by the level 7 fire of Zisha inflammatory soul world group.

Although it was hidden deeply, Locke saw it.

Locke will not despise all unstable factors, especially as he sees the way to the future and attempts to reach the top of level 9, Locke is bound to clear the obstacles for the wizard world.

The eye of blood curse, Montana\'s remaining master soul, is not enough to make her turn over any storm.

As the guardian, the Golden Jade mother flower cannot leave the mother plane.

Quan Zu\'s world is very far away from the wizard world. In addition, Quan Zu has the grace of saving the wizard world, and Locke is also very close to the spring of destruction and the spring of vitality, so Quan Zu is not a threat.

Throughout, it is the seven level fire in front of us, and there are great unstable factors.

It can be said that Locke is indifferent to life, or Locke is taking the opportunity to suppress the fire master and hopes to consume the omnipotent soul of the new master through it.

In the face of the burning fire master\'s bitter request for help, Locke did not start at the first time, but paid indifferent attention to all this.

Six months later, the sword Saint Carlyle led millions of Knight legions and nearly tens of millions of slave biological legions to arrive outside the iron tower world.

It seems that the kingdom of jahana has not been able to compete with the Belem empire for the time being because of historical relics and other factors.

It is clear that Karel, the wizard, is the second knight in the world, but jahana\'s comprehensive national strength and knight Legion strength are still a little worse than the Belem Empire at this time.

As for whether the kingdom of jahana can surpass the Belem empire in the future, it depends on when the second Knight master will be born in the kingdom of jahana and when the first seven level master will appear in the Belem empire.

However, considering that the Belem empire is full of talents and only Karel, a gifted swordsman, has appeared in the kingdom of jahana so far, the future focus of Knight development in the wizard world will still linger in the western islands and the Belem empire.

As for the Yili Knight alliance and the kingdom of jahana, most of them still stay in the second echelon.

The sword Saint Carlyle, who arrived at the battlefield, immediately found the tragic situation of the battlefield near the navel of the plane.

Unlike the super Saiya kakarot and the destruction ape Wukong, who show great advantages and initiative in the battlefield, the battlefield where the level 7 fire master is located should be the only inferior area in the world battlefield of the iron tower.

Even as the war went on, the local disadvantages near the navel of the plane gradually radiated to other regions of the tower world, bringing some resistance to the conquest process of the whole tower world.

The sword Saint Carlyle is just a person who studies Kendo wholeheartedly. He doesn\'t know what Locke\'s intention is.

Facing the more and more embarrassed level 7 fire master and its constant distress signals, Carlyle looked at Locke like an inquiry.

"What a waste. You should lead the army to occupy the navel of the plane and prevent the deterioration of local war."

"As for the fire master, if he can\'t hold this time, let him die. The wizard alliance doesn\'t raise waste people." Locke said in a very cold and cruel tone.

Locke\'s order made the sword Saint Carlyle\'s face freeze.

However, he did not disobey Locke\'s order. After nodding a little, he led the war Corps directly belonging to the kingdom of jahana to the navel of the world plane of the tower.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans.