Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4479

Deal with a guardian whose strength has fallen sharply due to huge damage to the plane, and a weak level 7 tower master who does not dominate the omnipotent soul.

Over the years, Montana, who has moistened a lot of blood curse eyes in the Wanhua psychic world, has not shirked it too much.

More importantly, Montana knows that with the strength of the current wizard civilization, there will be no "accident" in the war in the tower world.

Not to mention the supreme strength Locke has, just the masters who arrived with follow-up support are enough to destroy the effective power of the tower world.

Turned into a bloody virtual shadow, Montana followed kakarot and Wukong and fell to the inside of the tower.

The appearance of three meteors of different sizes, one silver, one black and one red, not only represents the dominant combat power of wizard civilization and lands on this large-scale battlefield respectively, but also indicates the arrival of the day of the demise of the tower world.

In addition to the three masters as the main advance force, tens of millions of destruction legions have also turned into rolling destruction meteorites, falling in different directions along the barrier wound of the plane.

The destruction Legion can also bless himself according to the power of the destruction rules. For Locke, the killing and destruction caused by the war in the tower world will not cause much additional improvement.

But not for the tens of millions of destruction legions.

Among the major destruction envoys under Locke, the mutant Niu Gelong, the blood Jiao Xiaohong, the skeleton lost Tyrannosaurus Rex and the blade winged angel safiros are all beings with certain qualifications and potential to move forward to the dominant level.

The war in the iron tower world plays a positive role in absorbing the power of destruction and solidifying the law of destruction.

But it\'s hard to say whether it can be promoted to dominate.

It is also tens of millions of destruction legions turned into extinct meteorites, and as the tower world continues to collide, a red sea of elements appears behind Locke.

Under the gaze of countless wizard civilization war legions, the level 7 fire master from Zisha inflammatory soul world group led nearly ten million element legions to reach outside the tower world.

Although it has a scale of nearly ten million, the biological legion of these elements dominated by fire can not be compared with the destruction Legion under Locke.

Locke\'s destruction legions are elite beings who have honed their virtues. In addition to the stronger Vietnam War by drawing on the power of destruction in the civilized war, Locke absorbed the scattered destruction factors in the silent bone convergence star domain, which also improved the composition of these destruction legions by several orders.

The large number of destructive creatures above level 4 is the most direct proof that even the lowest destructive creatures have reached level 1 life level.

In contrast, the fire element creatures dominated by fire first experienced the bitter experience of the purple chayan soul world group being invaded and conquered by Wizard civilization, and then experienced the irreconcilable war contradiction between the fire element group and the thunder element group.

Even after joining the wizard alliance, due to the frequent attack and no bottom line plundering of the pan star domain by the wizard civilization, the purple chayan soul world group, as the front line of the war, did not know how much to pay for this, and how many elemental creatures died.

The tens of millions of elemental creatures in front of us are only the last dignity of Zisha yanhun world group, and even the individuals who have reached more than one level of life are less than one million.

The huge rolling of the life level makes Locke do nothing, but these fire element legions close to him frequently explode.

Locke is not like the master of fire, so take care of its people. For the inadvertent extinction of hundreds of thousands of low-level fire elements, Locke\'s face in the destruction storm did not even have a ripple.

It is also true that the death of a weak and small alien creature directly or indirectly due to Locke is more than a billion trillion. The death of hundreds of thousands of fire element creatures will not make him have unnecessary emotional fluctuations.

If you even lament the death of this weak creature, what about the countless dead creature sea and the thousands of regular complete planes in the silent bone convergence star domain on the battlefield of the silent bone convergence star domain?

It is also Locke\'s strength, which makes the fire master who has just arrived in this battlefield feel uncontrollable fear.

The wizard alliance is not a world alliance dedicated to promoting peace, fraternity, freedom and equality as expressed by the wizard world.

The deeper they go into the core of the alliance\'s rights and the longer they stay in the wizard alliance, the more they can understand the horror and disobedience of the wizard alliance.

Now it is impossible for the fire master to get off the ship.

In order to let itself and the ethnic groups behind it get a corner of habitat, all it can do is do its best to work for the alliance, and obtain some resources for the development of its ethnic group from the powerful wizard civilization by creating value and earning magic money.

As for betraying the wizard alliance?

During the pan star war, there were also several wavering small and medium-sized world civilizations. After joining the wizard alliance in the middle and late stage, they were overwhelmed by the cruel exploitation mechanism of the wizard alliance. Finally, they gritted their teeth and withdrew from the wizard alliance, and even joined the hostile tower world array camp.

The outcome of those world civilizations is not very wonderful. In addition to the great disaster and heavy damage caused to this civilization by the rule phagocytosis, those world civilizations without exception have been completely exterminated by the powerful wizard world.

Knowing the powerful fire master of the wizard world, no one dares to disobey the idea of disobeying the wizard world. Maybe it has, but that unrealistic idea has been firmly crushed by him in the bottom of his heart and will not be revealed easily.

Therefore, in the face of Locke\'s unconscious destructive power, which easily wiped out the lives of hundreds of thousands of his people, the fire master only restrained his subordinates and provided them with a flame element barrier to breathe.

As for the fire dominating itself, it came to Locke in respect and deep fear.

"The last dominant battlefield in the world is located at the navel of the tower world. You can occupy it, right?" Locke\'s attitude towards alliance dominance is not the same as that towards danilis and kakarot.

In the face of Locke\'s cold face, the master of fire dared not say "no".

In the roar of the fire master, the element biological Legion from the purple Temple burning soul world turned into an element torrent and rushed towards the tower plane below.

Although in terms of prestige, these elemental legions are far from being compared with Locke\'s destruction Legion.

However, because most of the creatures constituting this corps are fire elements, it has a great impact on the local rules and environment of the tower world.

A large-scale drought and fire element disaster, with the influx of nearly ten million fire element legions, appeared in some areas of the tower world.

These catastrophes are essentially the same as the void erosion catastrophes that occurred when the wizard world was invaded by the void crossing clan in ancient times.