Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4478

Beyond the huge plane barrier wound, there is a huge scarlet light eye overflowing with cruel meaning, looking down through the plane barrier wound.

In the eyes of hundreds of millions of low-level creatures in the tower world, what they see is that beyond the huge hole in the sky, an unmatched and powerful demon God is looking at them coldly.

The unstoppable destruction storm, far exceeding the previous expansion speed, pushed deeper into the tower world.

Only relying on the weak plane will and the weak body of the king of the eight level iron tower, it is obvious that Locke can not stop the overflow of rules and energy dominated by the destruction of the eight level peak.

"Ah! Evil is coming. Where are our beloved and powerful tower warriors?" Countless creatures at the bottom of the tower world fled and scattered in horror.

No world can be completely composed of higher creatures. Even in the world of light Protoss and hell, there are hundreds of millions of creatures below the first level.

The so-called higher organisms are just a process of gradual transformation from lower organisms to higher organisms under the influence of the intertwined laws of biological evolution and multiple rules of the star world.

The ordinary light people in the star domain where the light Protoss is located, as well as the demon worms born at the bottom of hell, are the cornerstone of a powerful civilization.

This is true not only for the light Protoss and hell, but also for the fairy realm, the galent Federation and the wizard world.

The tower world, as a large plane under the complex background of the star world, is obviously inseparable from these stereotypes.

Although relying on the inherent rules and plane environment of the tower world, the native creatures born in the tower world have a slightly stronger physique and defense than other civilized creatures in the world.

But this physique and defense only refer to ordinary creatures below level 1.

In the face of Locke, who has reached the peak of level 8, those who do not enter level 1 are mortal.

"Poof!" "Poof!" “......”

Countless black and red blood fog, with Locke\'s destructive power invading the tower world, began to be staged in many areas of the tower world.

This is the power factor released by the unconscious as a master knight, which causes indiscriminate crushing on low-level creatures.

Hundreds of millions of creatures below the first level in the world just glanced at Locke outside the plane, and their bodies exploded and turned into black and red blood fog induced by the irresistible force of destruction.

Including those creatures above level 1 and even above level 4. Similarly, when Locke came, there were all kinds of abnormalities in his body. The vulnerable even turned into a blood mist like those creatures below level 1.

There is no doubt that high-level creatures crush low-level creatures at this moment!

Why does the war of civilization try to avoid fighting in its own mother plane? Because the indiscriminate rolling of this high-level creature on low-level creatures, as well as the destruction and permanent damage to the rules of the whole plane, are enough to smooth out these post-war riddled worlds for tens of thousands of years or even longer.

I haven\'t even shot yet. I just broke the plane barrier and caused such terrible damage to the tower world with the power of destruction factors and laws released by my own unconscious.

So that at this time, the king of the eight level iron tower, whose oil lamp was dry, was shocked by Locke\'s strength. It was such a terrible life. He even wanted to seal each other before.

Even in that battle, kakarot did not give him an impact from behind. It was only Locke\'s law thickness and biological quality, and it was definitely not a feat that he could complete with the straw of his ancestral life.

"Jie Jie, I have broken the plane barrier, rushed in, occupied and conquered the world!" Like a giant demon God, Locke, who incarnated in the destruction storm, pointed down and issued an all-round attack order to the iron tower world.

The first to respond to Locke\'s orders were kakarot, who turned one silver and one black with two bright meteors, and Wukong, the great ape of destruction.

As the main vanguard of attacking the tower world, they have reached the dominant combat power. They are definitely the nightmare of fear and fear in the tower world from below Locke.

A giant meteor burning a rolling silver white flame is obviously faster than the lacquer black meteor not far away.

Since seeing through the true meaning of the battle, the super Saiya people who have reached the eternal realm have changed five times, and the soul of the master has been completely solidified, kakarot has almost unlimited capital to fight and fight.

At level seven, kakarot was synonymous with madness and violence.

Now, as he entered the eighth level, deep in the center of the tower world, the king of the tower world, with the double blessing of the plane rules and the tower king hall, seems to see his death from the dazzling silver star.

"Boom!" Under the impact of kakarot\'s absolute power, the gap of the plane barrier, which had been pierced by Locke\'s killer gun, was even larger.

As the initiator, kakarot has coerced unparalleled power to continue to dive into the plane and rush towards the king of the world of the iron tower.

At present, the only thing that can attract kakarot\'s fighting spirit in the whole iron tower world is this level 8 creature with only the last trace of strength.

As for the iron tower world-specific rules, the various shackles and constraints imposed on kakarot at this time did not slow down kakarot\'s scoring speed.

Karkarot, who has been used to honing himself in the state of ordinary Saiya in the thousand times and ten thousand times gravity training cabin, has not paid attention to the constraints of these tower world-specific rules under the super transformation form.

This is the true embodiment of the fighting blood of the Saiya family. In terms of adaptability and fighting talent, kakarot is even stronger than his master Locke.

Kakarot took the lead in breaking through and widening the gap of the plane barrier. Wukong, the destructive great ape who rushed into the tower world after kakarot, took advantage of kakarot.

As a proud fairy stone monkey, Wukong obviously didn\'t want to lose face in front of his master. After rushing into the plane barrier, the guy first looked at it for a few eyes, and then rushed straight to the direction of the world guardian of the iron tower.

The guardian of the tower world is the existence that borrows the most from the rules of the tower world. With the large-scale plane details of the tower world, only the guardian of the tower at the level of six life can even fight with the master of level seven.

Needless to say, in addition to the guardian itself, there is a level 7 tower master around the guardian to provide shelter.

The monkey ran directly to the guardian, and his plan was to fight one against two.

Wukong\'s acute son, Locke, who is a master, is also used to it.

But he would not let his apprentice in the possible danger, look at Montana, the blood curse behind him, and Locke said, "help a monkey king. You who have experience in war cooperation will not let me down."