Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4477





One after another collision and shock waves occurred outside the world level barrier of the iron tower.

It turns out that it is not only the two thugs of kakarot and Wukong under Locke who are crazy, but also Locke\'s most elite destruction Legion and the wizard world knight Legion inspired and excited by Locke.

Countless meteors cut through the sky and constantly hit the surface of the world level barrier of the iron tower.

The lowest level of life of these meteors has also reached level 1, while the highest level is dominated by level 8 like kakarot.

Due to the development trend and civilization characteristics of the tower civilization itself, the level barrier strength of the tower world is harder than those large levels conquered and occupied by the wizard world in the past.

The dark and thick iron curtain rules are filled inside and outside the world level barriers of the iron tower.

In addition to those above level 4 creatures in the tower world who have always paid attention to and provided a certain increase to the level barrier, the guardian of the tower world, an tower Lord who has reached level 6 life level, brings real blessing to the level barrier in the tower world.

The three remaining masters of the tower world also appear under the ruling surface barrier at the moment. They represent the final strength and hope of the tower civilization.

The drooping and old king of the eight tower appears in the center of the ruling surface, where his palace is located, and also retains the last card and power of the king of the tower.

The other two seven level masters appear next to the umbilicus and guardian of the ruling plane.

The bombardment of countless legions and creatures above level 4 from the plane barrier allows the guardian to feel the pain of the plane will and the heavy injuries fed back to her all the time.

A trace of blood flows from the corners of the guardian\'s mouth. Because of the binding relationship with the plane will, when the rules of the iron tower world are destroyed and the plane of the iron tower is impacted, the guardian will inevitably be affected by certain injuries and rules.

Similarly, the fall of the guardian will inevitably cause great trauma to the tower world. They are a relationship of prosperity and loss.

Therefore, there will be a tower master who specially appears next to the guardian to provide the guardian with protection as much as possible.

The impact of countless legions and strong people above level 4 is definitely not what the weak tower world and guardian can bear at the moment.

The wizard world has killed two tower masters successively, resulting in the destruction of tens of millions of tower world legions, which also weakened the strength of the will of the tower world.

The weak nature makes the guardian bear unimaginable pain every minute.

In addition to physical pain, the guardian is more distressed by the tragic groans from the plane will Sing.

"Meteorites fall from the sky!" The appearance of the forbidden spell level magic sung by a level 5 magician indicates that in addition to the original savage force impact, there are magic elements with wizard world characteristics coming soon.


"Inferno sea of fire!"

"Dark tide!"

"Aurora rain!"

"Tornado storm!"

"Ten thousand Ren startles the waterfall!"


The release of countless forbidden magic spells interprets the violence aesthetics with the characteristics of the wizard world.

And because there are a flood of knights and slaves in front of the biological legion, and their own masters as a deterrent.

After completely ignoring the almost impossible counter charge in the tower world, these nearly ten million mage legions gathered outside the tower world can vent their magic power as much as possible.

The appearance of numerous forbidden spell level magic is another huge mountain that overwhelms the world level barrier of the iron tower.

Even because there are many magic elements, and special magic phenomena such as element disorder and elimination and explosion between different elements are triggered, these magic frenzy full of gorgeous colors bring heavy pressure to the world level barrier of the iron tower, even higher than the destruction of the great ape Wukong, which is comparable to the kakarot who opened the five degree super transformation.

"Click!" "Click!" “......”

The sound like a broken mirror continues to appear in the world level barrier of the iron tower.

This is a partial fragmentation phenomenon caused by the inability of the plane barrier to withstand the pressure, including those iron curtain rule barriers blessed by the world\'s top four and above of the iron tower, which have also been broken one after another under the release of the firepower of the wizard world army.

Although it is a completely different civilization from the galent Federation that embarked on the scientific and technological system, the level of magic war represented by the wizard civilization can be compared with the scientific and technological warships of the galent Federation.

What is more advanced and outstanding than galent Federation is that the emergence of Knight class perfectly makes up for the shortcomings in melee confrontation.

Knights and strong men can tear up warships by hand, and their advantages in the field of individual combat are the short board of civilization that galent federation can not solve in the short term.

"Oh? Won\'t you give up yet?" In the light of destruction, although some wizard world legions have been seen to enter along the broken crack of the plane barrier, it is obvious that this situation is far from satisfying Locke.

Those cracks are barely enough for four or five level creatures to enter, but considering the accumulation of the essence of the whole civilization at the time of the iron tower world, the part of the wizard world Corps that is the first to enter is certainly not very good.

On the one hand, it is to reduce the losses of the wizard civilization Legion in this war. On the other hand, it does not want to see the weak and weak iron tower world still struggling in front of itself.

The God killing gun in his hand emerged from the void again with a strong destructive force. This destructive gun, which once ran through the body of the source energy God of the eighth level peak, was more and more powerful in Locke\'s hands against the background of the extremely strong destructive force.

"Break it for me!" With the roar of Locke, the killer gun turned into an incomparably turbulent destruction drill and went straight to the center of the world level barrier of the iron tower.

This is an irresistible force of destruction, including the amazing power possessed by the super Saiya kakarot. At the moment, it also seems a little thin under the threat of the destruction drill bit transformed by the God killing gun.

"Stop!" Below the level barrier, the king of the world of the iron tower roared, and then turned into a virtual shadow of tens of thousands of meters high iron curtain rules, holding the level barrier in an attempt to block Locke\'s powerful shot.

It seems that with the blessing of the local rules of the world of the iron tower and the help of his iron tower palace, there is only a trace of the soul of the master. There is still some spare power for the level 8 creature in the state of oil and light.

However, after all, it is an eight level master who has no foundation and superfluous power, and the blessing of rules and foreign objects is limited.

In the face of the strongest blow released by Locke with a killer gun, the late king of the iron tower can\'t prevent his mother plane barrier from being destroyed!

"Boom!" After the huge energy shock and unimaginable regular shock wave, a huge wound that is difficult to heal appears in the center of the plane barrier of the tower world.

In the eyes of the native bottom creatures of the tower world, what they see is that a hole has been poked in the sky of their own world.