Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4476

It was a knight who completed the first breakthrough mission, not a magician.

No wonder Locke was so happy at this time. Even in addition to the originally established reward, he also agreed to a request within the ability range of level 6 Knight Roland.

The higher quality golden apples and other top resources bred locally in the paradise lost did not lose Roland, who was called the "brave" in the Belem empire. After expressing his highest respect and worship for Locke, he made an unexpected request to Locke.

"Dear Lord Locke, the supreme knight, I urge you to exert your great power to revive my lover, alimino, who is also one of the eight gods of the former Belem empire." Roland knelt on one knee and lowered his head deeply.

Roland pleaded to let the atmosphere in the main control room of Xinggang suddenly condense.

You know, in addition to Locke, super Saiya people such as kakarot, Wukong and sarafa are here at this time.

The special environmental atmosphere makes Roland\'s body tight. He doesn\'t know whether his request is more presumptuous. However, compared with the reward in the field of material wealth, Roland wants to revive himself and accompany him day and night. He has been supporting each other from the time of weakness to today\'s wife alimino.

Alimino, level 6 light mage of the Belem empire.

In the previous wizard world, the fall of a level 6 strong man was enough to be called a severe injury.

However, with the continuous expansion and development of wizard civilization, the level 6 strong has gradually become less rare and precious.

From the beginning of the pan star war to today, for tens of thousands of years, there have been more than 20 level six strong men who have fallen from the wizard civilization.

As alimino is a rare light element master, Locke, the knight master who has been away for a long time, may not be familiar with him, but sharafa has paid attention to each other for some time.

The fall of alimino, including sharafa, is also considered a pity. The other party\'s depth of exploration and some strange opinions in the field of the profound meaning of the light element can\'t help but marvel at Rao\'s elder identity.

But today, when the sixth level Knight Roland offered Locke the hope to revive his wife, the whole hall of the Starport main control room couldn\'t help falling into a silence.

The dominant power is not an omniscient "God". Naturally, there are things that can\'t be done in the star world.

In Roland\'s expectation and some uneasy eyes, Locke on the main seat sighed gently and said, "I can\'t meet your desire to revive the dead, even if I reach the peak of level 8."

"If I want to accomplish such feats, I\'m afraid it\'s only possible for level 9 creatures. This is also the direction I pursue all my life..."


The communication between Locke and the sixth level Knight Roland has come to an end for the time being.

After the passage opened by the main battle corps of the Belem empire was completely stabilized and widened by the wizard world corps, the wizard civilization war Corps personally led by the supreme Knight Lord Locke crossed hundreds of warring planes and reached outside the tower world in just three months.

"The warlock Legion led by the dragon mother danilis is currently blocked in a medium-sized world called the Kuroshio level."

"In addition to the special rules of the plane, there seems to be an extremely outstanding level 6 creature in that medium-sized plane. It can even temporarily resist the attack of the dragon mother by virtue of the unique rules of the Kuroshio plane."

"In addition to something different from the dragon mother, the war Corps led by the sword Saint Karel and the fire master of zicha yanhun world group all opened the world according to the established requirements."

"It is expected that the first person to arrive at the tower world is the master of level 7 fire, and the sword Saint Carlyle will arrive about half a year later." Outside Xinggang, when Locke looked at the vast iron tower world in front of him, sharafa said by his side.

Sure enough, the progress of the civilization war must be accompanied by the enthusiasm of a group of talented and outstanding talents. Especially at the time of the survival of civilization, a very few creatures that were not outstanding originally shine because of various coincidences and the choice of the times.

It\'s not too much to call these creatures the protagonists of the times!

Locke was like this in those days. Ingrichebo, the great commander of the underworld who once fell under him, was also a similar figure.

Roland, the sixth level Knight of the Belem Empire, who took the lead in completing the breakthrough task of the wizard civilization, is also one of the strong six level iron tower in the black tide world and rated as the "Lord of the black tide" by the wizard civilization.

However, the accident of the Kuroshio level has not been paid attention to by the world leaders of wizards such as Locke.

There are all kinds of accidents and impossibilities in the star world. Under the torrent of the general trend of civilization war, the emergence of a few small probability phenomena will not reverse the final outcome.

No matter how outstanding a genius is, he is only a genius before he really grows up.

Not to mention how long the level-6 creature can stop the bombardment of the Dragon Mother\'s dominant force relying on the plane rules, it is only the millions and tens of millions of wizard civilization legions in the medium-sized plane that are enough to swallow it in the end.

Sarah law\'s report made Locke, who had no joy or sorrow, nod gently.

Then, outside the whole iron tower world, with the attention and expectation of tens of millions of wizard civilization armies, Locke turned the destroyer, severely pointed out the iron tower world below, and ordered in an extremely cold and cruel tone to "conquer this plane, disintegrate the iron tower star domain, and finally end the war!"

Locke\'s dominant voice completely ignited the wizard civilization Legion that had long been in a depressed and eager state.

Locke\'s two thugs, super Saiya kakarot and Wukong, who opened the form of destruction ape, took the lead to rush out and hit the world level barrier of the iron tower directly below with the power of their own domination.

In the end, it is a large-scale world with complete rules and profound details. The final conquest and aggression against the tower world will inevitably require strong dominant creatures to take the lead and resist the first wave of counterattack from the tower world.

Normally speaking, Locke should be the first to rush to the tower world and tear open the plane barrier with his unparalleled strength to provide a stable channel for the invading army.

But who let Locke have two equally powerful thugs known for their outstanding physique.

The Saiya kakarot immediately opened a five degree super transformation, turned into a silver streamer and hit the plane barrier of the tower world.

Wukong, which opened the form of destroying giant apes, although it is several chips lower than kakarok in terms of dominating authority and momentum, it can not be ignored in the field of dominating creatures!

The appearance of two meteors falling from the world, one silver and one black, marks the arrival of the day when the iron tower world perishes.

Although many creatures above class III in the world are psychologically prepared for the arrival of this day.

But when the invading army from the wizard civilization really arrived, more than 90% of the world\'s creatures could not help feeling timid and afraid.

Up to now, the wizard world has not only defeated the most elite combat corps of tower civilization, but also the confidence of tower people.