Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4469

The travel history of sword Saint Carlyle is definitely wider than that of Locke in the fourth and fifth stages.

And because it absorbed some of the essence of the system of sword cultivation in the celestial realm, Rock stood at the height of the top eight knights, and still had some new insights and exclamations in the process of communicating with Carrel.

This is the exchange experience between the same master level knights, far from Locke\'s exchange with other exotic master level creatures or true spirit level magicians.

Not only Locke, but also the sword Saint Carlyle benefited from the long communication and communication.

In addition to those Knights\' reference to the use of fighting spirit and the field of power rules, Karel was also interested in the grace continent, Tara civilization and silent sea civilization mentioned by Locke.

As for the source energy civilization that is desperate for a full-scale war between the world and the light Protoss, Locke did not introduce much to Karel.

As he said before, dimensional hegemony is a terrorist war participated in by Locke in his personal capacity, which does not involve wizard civilization.

Wizard civilization is still in continuous development and vigorous growth. Even at this time, the wizard world is already an invincible behemoth in the eyes of the surrounding star regions and thousands of worlds, but looking at the whole star world, it is nothing.

It is not good for wizard civilization to involve dimensional war too early.

Including the bright Protoss, this time in the desperate world, they only encountered a source energy civilization close to their strength, rather than the world civilization of the level of the dead country that year. It is largely due to luck.

Locke does not want to attribute the future of wizard civilization to luck, including communicating with Carlyle at this time. Locke also hopes to vigorously develop a relatively single and closed knight system as far as possible and create a more prosperous future of wizard civilization.

The two Knight masters are not the end of the wizard world knight system.

Now there are as many as three magicians with true spirit strength in the wizard world, and there are more and more level 6 casters who can challenge the level 7 true spirit realm.

According to the development inertia of knights and magicians below level 7, the number of knights who are easier to break through the inherent realm will far exceed that of spell casters.

The number of Knight masters in the wizard world in the future is bound to be more than that of true spirit magicians.

However, the actual result is still 2:3, and the level 6 peak knight who attacks the master level realm is far less talented than the caster group.

Different from the older generation of casters, in the process of constantly enriching their own knowledge and experience, the inside information becomes more and more powerful and profound.

Most of the knights who spent a long time, like the Obsidian general Dussel of the Belem Empire, ushered in their own weak and dead period until the fire of the soul was completely extinguished.

It seems that the star world is balanced. Indeed, it is below level 7. The number of Knights of the same level in the wizard world far exceeds the casters, and even the specific proportion can be close to 3:1.

However, at level 7 or above, it seems that casters with more inside information and knowledge are easy to break through the life barrier.

This is caused by the development trend and basic rules of different systems, which can not be reversed by one or two people.

Even Locke, who is dominated by the most powerful knight, can\'t change this situation in one breath.

All he can do is do what he can for the knight system and the hundreds of millions of Knight groups in the wizard world.

The vigorous promotion of the knight academy, the Kingdom war plan, and the cultivation of civilian Knights And the establishment of the Challenger Knight seat.

All these are Locke\'s contributions to the wizard civilization knight system.

Regardless of Locke\'s status as the leader of the current civilization, only from the perspective of the knight system and knight group, Locke\'s prestige in the wizard civilization is no less than Douglas in the eyes of hundreds of millions of casters.

And those sages who promoted the wizard world from the micro level to the low level, and from the low level to the medium level.


The communication time with the sword Saint Carlyle is substantial and short.

Even in Locke\'s feeling, time has only passed for a while, but the external war has passed another 150 years.

Unconsciously, Locke gradually had similarities with those casters in some places.

The high-level casters in the wizard world do often carry out magic experiments ranging from dozens to hundreds of years.

Unexpectedly, knights who break through their own limits through passive evolution and combat will spend hundreds of years in discussion and innovation one day.

Both of them benefited a lot from the exchange of master knights.

Because of the influence of the academic atmosphere generally created by the magician group in the wizard world, the two Knight masters did not immediately make the intention of implementation after obtaining the corresponding harvest and understanding, but chose the western islands and the kingdom of jahana as the pilot.

No wonder the wizard world has been dominated by casters since ancient times. Even if Locke has the supreme eight level peak and dominant combat power, he has never considered renaming the mother plane as the knight world.

Compared with the vast number of knights who are rude, savage and have a limited vision, it is obvious that the rules, reason and open views of the caster are more suitable for the development of the mother civilization.

Knights like Locke and Carlyle are only a few in the wizard world.

It is an indisputable fact that more knights are no different from those exotic gods who pursue passive evolution, and Locke never wanted to cover it up or distort it.

Only when we face up to the facts and history, will individual development and the prosperity of civilization become more and more prosperous.

It has to be said that Locke\'s many caster wives and his elders such as Jos and Douglas had a great impact on him.

After communicating with the sword Saint Carlyle, Locke called his confidant knight.

Klopp, a level 6 knight from the western islands, summarized these precious information and insights.

The future pilot reform of in-depth knight in the western islands will be in the charge of the powerful knight who has been following Locke.

Klopp\'s achievement of level 6 in the war of civilization is indeed an unexpected joy for Locke. The good news he also brings is that Locke\'s teacher, bojos, has already won level 6, and is now a powerful post level 6 caster.

There is good news, and naturally there is bad news.

Panama, an old and powerful Western archipelago that has suffered a lot in many civilized wars, passed away in the wizard world 5000 years ago.

Panama died in its own laboratory. The extinction of the magic light source of the Santa tower marked the complete fall of the veteran caster in the wizard world.

However, before the fall, the Panamanian master was promoted to the early level of level 6 he dreamed of.

As for the specific cause of death, it should be that the soul was damaged many times during the pan star war. Even if he has been promoted to level 6, he has no treasure comparable to the nectar of the Golden Jade mother flower, the dominant body fluid, and even the omnipotent soul. He can only fall down.