Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4468

"Oh? What dominant creatures have you come into contact with? What worlds have you traveled?" Locke said curiously.

The time of ten thousand years is not short even for dominant creatures.

The Knights and magicians below level 7 and above level 4 in the wizard world generally travel in the star world for 1000 to 3000 years, and rarely more than 5000 years.

Such a long time is unimaginable for creatures below level 4, but for creatures above level 4, it may only be enough for them to explore one or two large star domains or several small and medium-sized star domains.

The travel time of sword Saint Carlyle is not as simple as 10000 years, but is about to reach 20000 years.

According to Karel, he chose the iron Castle world group that maintains a certain friendly relationship with wizard civilization as the direction, explored deeper into the starry sky, honed his Kendo and walked out of his own way.

"The iron and steel Castle world group itself is a relatively closed, but also extremely vast and rich and diverse large star region."

"I have been in the world group of steel castle for 3000 years. Although I have not had direct contact with the dominant creatures in this large star domain, I have also seen and competed with many sixth level creatures in this large star domain, and even one or two of them can compete with me."

"After the iron and steel Castle world group, after 1300 years of star roaming, I arrived at a medium-sized star domain called soraman, which is a star domain with a generally low degree of evolution, and even the internal unification of the star domain has not been completed..."

The travel history of sword Saint Carlyle is enough to be written into a book in the wizard civilization.

The arcane tower of the city of the sky has never stopped collecting such information. It also belongs to the category of knowledge and belongs to world knowledge.

Whether it is to explore extraterritorial for the powerful wizard civilization in the future, or to launch a deeper and further model of civilization war, it has an extremely far-reaching impact.

Also through the oral statement of sword St. Carlyle, the small and medium-sized star regions, not to mention, are the other two large star regions that Carlyle mentioned and learned in addition to the world group of steel castle.

The Challenger civilization, the last large star domain visited by Karel, also completed the transformation of master promotion here.

Generally speaking, the Challenger civilization is a relatively closed and xenophobic large-scale world civilization, but different from the relatively peaceful world inside the iron tower, the Challenger civilization is full of fighting and killing.

Every strong Challenger above level 4 stepped on the road to God by stepping on the bones of tens of thousands and even more creatures in the same star domain.

The Challenger civilization has only three masters, and it doesn\'t know how many evils and casualties it has caused, so it stands on the top of the whole star domain.

This is actually a special civilization that obtains strength improvement and civilization progress through internal continuous elimination and competition.

According to Karel, the strength of the local creatures of the Challenger civilization is generally stronger than that of other star domains, but this large star domain with more than 2000 regular complete planes has been facing the current situation of resource depletion and shortage of new vitality in recent years.

This is caused by the special development mode of the Challenger civilization. Like the wizard civilization, it does not continuously expand itself through plunder and slavery. No matter how rich the star resources are, they will be exhausted one day.

This is the most basic law of energy conservation in the star world, but the three seven level masters of the Challenger civilization failed to solve this dead knot because of their contradictions and the inheritance of civilization since ancient times.

"I defeated 362 challenge kings in a row in the control star domain under the command of the thunder fist and the emperor, so that I could see the opportunity to dominate."

"Because of the exclusiveness of the challenger\'s civilization, and the exclusion and malice of the other two warlords who are in a hostile state, I owe a lot of favor to the warlord of thunder fist. In the future, I will fight for each other free at least three times." The sword Saint Carlyle said to Locke.

The thunder fist war emperor is one of the few clear vision and calm existence in the Challenger civilization. He sees the disadvantages and traditional dross of the Challenger civilization, but it is difficult to reverse it on his own.

Thunder fist war emperor is the seventh level master with the weakest comprehensive strength among the Challenger Civilization World War III emperors.

When the other two warlords each have nearly a thousand regular complete planes as their possessions, the thunder fist warlords have less than 700.

Perhaps it is for this reason that the thunder fist war emperor will choose to give the sword Saint Carlyle a chance.

Moreover, the Challenger civilization is a special civilization that advocates the strong. When Carlyle finally completed 362 consecutive victories, his alien biological identity is no longer important. The local creatures of the Challenger civilization are not stingy to give him prestige and respect.

Even if Carlyle is willing, there may be a female war king who reaches level 6 life level and is willing to give birth to his blood.

This has nothing to do with love. It\'s just the tradition of advocating the strong, hoping to give birth to better blood and Challenger civilization.

"It\'s a strange civilization, and its development model is also very suitable for the Knights of our wizard world."

"Although we are far away, our Wizard civilization can\'t reach too many intersections with this Challenger civilization for the time being, some of their development models and the challenge arena mechanism can be tried and popularized within our Wizard civilization." Locke touched his chin and said.

This is the result of looking at things from different perspectives.

With the special model of the Challenger civilization, the sword Saint Karel obtained the opportunity to spy on the dominant creatures. What he felt was only the powerful soldiers of the Challenger civilization emerging in endlessly and the rich experience in the challenge arena war in the past.

However, he never considered what to do for the wizard civilization and the knights in the wizard world from the perspective of the majority of Knight groups and knight system in the wizard world.

It\'s not Karel\'s selfishness, but he didn\'t think about it at all!

Therefore, Karel is only a master knight with strong individual combat power, and can also be called a qualified mentor for very few knights.

But like Locke, he could not become the master of the supreme knight and the guide of a civilization and a system.

"In addition to the Challenger civilization, there is another large world civilization. Please talk about it. After the tower world and the false word civilization, our Wizard civilization may have to deal with these world civilizations."

"I don\'t know if I saw that day. By the way, have you heard of other top civilizations?" Locke sighed.

"The star world is so vast that what I have experienced is only a drop in the ocean, and I have never heard of any other top civilization during this trip." Carlyle shook his head.

"As for another large world civilization, it is a large plane called xinghuan world."

"This world is very interesting. It has the characteristics of inclusiveness and foreign exchange. It is connected with many surrounding worlds and even several other large planes deep in the starry sky."

"The strongest of this large plane is a dominant life body named the king of xinghuan..."