Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4470

Died in their own laboratory, which should be the perfect ending acceptable to most casters in the wizard world at the end of their life.

Not falling on a foreign journey, but falling on the road of truth exploration. Even if his soul has dissipated, his will will will last forever!

In addition to Panama, among the strong western islands known to Locke, his level 5 Knight Thain and level 5 Knight Gonzalez have also fallen successively in the civilized war.

But another winsant knight with Asian descent broke through the shackles and achieved level 6 again. Unfortunately, the Earth Dragon mount that accompanied his life fell, as if he had died to protect winsent.

Locke, who has a long life span and has reached the realm dominated by the supreme knight, can\'t help feeling thousands of things.

And because the strong mentioned above basically existed at the same time as Locke, they are now attributed to the "ancient strong" in the eyes of the new generation of knights and magicians.

The times have been moving forward, and the wizard world is no exception.

Like Obsidian general Dussel gradually exhausted and weak, wizard civilization can not always be lifted by those old friends.

Unless the dragon mother and Lilith are transformed and promoted to dominate, and enjoy almost unlimited life and youth with the special mechanism of the universal soul, the wizard world can continue to shine and heat.

At present, the main force of other wizard world is basically held by the new generation of strong people.

Level six creatures, including Bev, Rogge and sanethus, also seem to be "old". With the development of the times and the passage of time, they always need to make way for younger and more potential little guys.


"How\'s the fate crystal ball fragment collection? Is it possible to repair it?" After sending away his confidant Knight klop, Locke asked about sharafa who appeared in front of him.

Today, the all-round promotion of wizard civilization in the tower star domain continues, and because of the convenience brought by the battle of domination not long ago, the promotion speed in the past 150 years is faster than expected.

It is reported that the advanced elite troops sent by the wizard world have been close to the fourth line of defense arranged by the tower civilization in the parent star domain, which is the last line of defense before the parent plane of the tower civilization.

At present, the main corps of wizard civilization and wizard alliance mainly fight and attack at the second line of defense, and direct the attack momentum to the third line of defense.

"The fragment integrity of the destiny crystal ball has collected 98.77%, and the remaining 1.23% should be completely annihilated like the straw that dominates the origin."

"Daenerys, the dragon mother on the front battlefield, is not good at repairing astrological world-class treasures. Lilith is now on the battlefield of false words civilization, so she is considering returning it to the wizard world."

"With master Douglas\'s level 7 astrologer\'s achievements, it is still very sure to repair the crystal ball of destiny." Said sharafa.

"Destiny crystal ball is one of the secrets of wizard civilization in China. Its previous generations of users have made indelible contributions to wizard civilization."

"We are duty bound to repair the destiny crystal ball. As for its next user, if master Douglas doesn\'t have a suitable candidate, I will recommend one." Locke said.

"Oh? Is it the little guy who built the astrological holy tower in the western islands? I heard that he has also entered level 6. But astrology is not suitable for large-scale civilization war, so as a precious potential seed of wizard civilization, he remains in the wizard world." Said sharafa.

Locke nodded at sarafa\'s question.


The war of civilization is definitely not a separate battle between one or two strong men, but a war of life and death between two civilizations and different races.

Tianxinhai world, this is a medium-sized plane full of water elements.

As the most important node battlefield between the second and third fronts in the civilization front arranged by the tower civilization.

On the premise of the collapse of the second front, the strategic position of tianxinhai world becomes more and more important.

The longer the world stays in the hands of the tower world, the better it will be for the tower world at the disadvantage of civilization war.

On the contrary, if this medium-sized plane is quickly broken through, it means that the third defense line deliberately arranged by the tower civilization will come to naught like the second defense line and be easily torn and buried.

"It is said that thirty years ago, a group of knights and magicians with a life level of more than level 3 successively passed through the second tower defense line and the third tower defense line with strict defense."

"And caused great damage and trouble in our fourth tower defense line. Is this true?"

A second-class tower guard who had just been recruited and transferred from Dahou could not help asking him about an elder who had been stationed in tianxinhai world for more than 100 years.

Under the painted black iron clothes, the package is a three-level tower commander with vicissitudes of life and stable personality.

In the face of this subordinate who is a whole life class lower than himself, the commander of the three-level iron tower raised his eyebrows and scolded, "where did you hear the evil theory of the crooked door? If you spread these rumors that are not conducive to the morale of the army, I will send you to the iron tower prison!"

The reprimand of the commander of the three-level iron tower made the iron tower guard who had just been transferred from the rear to the front tremble.

After all, one is immersed in the three-level realm for many years. In addition to the baptism of civilization war, he is about to enter the level of demigod.

The other is a newcomer who reluctantly promoted to level II with special resources and props. Because of the shortage of combat power on the front line, the tower civilization no longer has the energy to test him. Instead, it is directly dispatched to the front line of the war to make up for the gap.

It can also be seen from here that with the continuous progress of the war of civilization, the gap between the wizard world and the tower world will become larger and larger.

The wizard civilization is more brave than ever, while the tower civilization is tired of coping with the endless wave of attacks in the wizard world.

There are not a few "newcomers" like this second-class tower guard in the third and fourth tower lines of defense.

It is even conceivable that even the secondary tower guards look like this, and how weak those newly born and breakthrough tower soldiers will be.

Perhaps we don\'t need the most elite knights and magicians of wizard civilization. Relying only on the foreign biological legions and slave biological cannon fodder of the wizard alliance is enough to solve the bottom battlefield in the next war of civilization.

The guard of the secondary iron tower ate a layer of ash at his immediate superior, immediately lowered his head and stopped making other words.

But at the moment, the commander of the three-level tower was very strange that he did not continue to scold and order the tower guard. When the tower guard raised his head and looked curiously at his boss, the officer and senior who had a thick and reliable breath was mixed with uncontrollable hesitation and a touch of fear.

I couldn\'t help looking in the direction of the tower commander. There was the end of the sky. The original blue tianxinhai world level barrier suddenly appeared a dark and repressive thick cloud.

Countless Zerg creatures roared in it. Even the second-class tower guard saw the towering figures of several wizard world space fortresses looming behind the Zerg army.

"No... No." The guard of the secondary tower murmured.

However, not waiting for him to adapt to all this, the roar of "enemy attack" from the commander of the three-level iron tower beside him and the stimulation of iron curtain rules and barriers scattered all over the world of tianxinhai mean the arrival of war.