Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4467

Locke scolded kakarot. It\'s not once or twice.

As for his words of reprimand and admonition, no one can know how much they can play in the end.

However, it is a little relieved that kakarot has been transformed and promoted to level 8 master, and the omnipotent soul has been completely solidified.

In addition to the fact that about 5% of the master soul can be recovered through a long rest after being consumed in the combat state, the utilization rate and thickness of the overall master soul have more than doubled compared with the level 7 period.

With the end of the battle of domination, the progress of the nearby theater has also been greatly improved compared with the previous one.

In addition to the fact that kakarot and Locke, as the dominant combat power, crushed the creatures in the tower world below level 7, the defeat of the king of the tower world also had a great impact on the morale of the remaining legions of tower civilization.

A flight and pursuit began to be staged in the nearby starry sky, and the rules and complete planes involved gradually extended from the first dozens of direct engagement planes to hundreds and thousands of planes in the periphery of the tower star domain.

Not only is the main battlefield where the king of the tower world is located, but also the three tower world masters in other main battle areas show a decline or directly retreat.

The victory of wizard civilization is faster than expected, and Locke, who directly participated in the war of civilization, has a higher prestige in wizard civilization and among the bottom knights and magicians.

After all, confident and powerful wizard civilized creatures do not project too much attention to the super Saiya kakarot.

In addition, even if kakarot has unparalleled combat power, there are few enemies in the whole wizard civilization and wizard alliance. It is always the most powerful knight who dominates the combat power under Locke and is assigned by Locke.

This civilized self-confidence and pride brought by Locke can lead to the improvement of the overall strength and fighting enthusiasm of the wizard civilization Corps in the theater than the appearance of a single level 5 or 6 creature on the battlefield.


Two hundred years later.

The wizard civilization army has completely eliminated the main resistance forces in and around the tower star domain, and the fourth World War area has gone hand in hand, all of which have penetrated into the core and abdomen of the tower star domain.

Among them, the largest and sharpest attack spearhead is undoubtedly the battlefield where Locke and kakarot sit.

Locke has made few moves in recent years. In most cases, kakarot appeared on the battlefield and gave unstoppable terror to the indigenous creatures in the tower star domain.

However, in recent years, kakarot has not had much fun fighting. Unless the king of the world of the iron tower sticks to his old life and appears at the forefront of the civilized battlefield in a suicidal way again, there is no existence in the star domain of the iron tower that can arouse kakarot\'s interest again.

As for the other three seven masters of the tower world, they were also oppressed by the dragon mother danilis, the golden monkey Wukong, the fire master and others.

For them, they can\'t even avoid kakarot, let alone take the initiative to appear in front of him.

It is precisely because of the unparalleled combat power of kakarot that this main army of wizard civilization can far surpass the other three main forces and push the front battlefield to such a deep level.

Moreover, kakarot and Locke hidden in Xinggang are so powerful that they have basically eliminated and immunized against any conspiracy that may exist in the tower world.

This is the confidence brought by absolute strength. There won\'t be too many twists and turns in the battle of civilization in the tower star domain!

"The last time I saw you, it should be before I left for the immortal region."

"I didn\'t expect you would spend tens of thousands of years traveling, and return in a dominant manner in time when the wizard civilization war is the most critical period." In Xinggang, Locke looked at the sword Saint Carlyle, who was wearing a green shirt and looked like a middle-aged man.

The sword Saint Carlyle is undoubtedly a different kind born in the knight system of the wizard world. He did not follow the orthodox way of knight, and his contribution to the knight system, let alone Locke, is far less than that of the Belem emperor seiffel.

However, it must be admitted that although in the ears of the vast majority of knights, Karel before he became famous has always been unknown, and only spread his own reputation in the corner of the desert kingdom jahana.

However, when he returned to wizard civilization as a master, the Knights of the whole wizard world heard his taboo, which can be described as a blockbuster!

The reason why Carlyle didn\'t follow the orthodox Knight\'s way is that in addition to the symbolic power factor of fighting spirit used by the knight, Carlyle also integrated his original understanding of Kendo and the source of law that he has been in contact with exotic creatures for so many years.

Not only the small and medium-sized world civilizations in the past history, but also the sword cultivation system prevailing in the top civilization Xianyu. Karel, who has been closed to Shushan sword school for many years, also benefited a lot from it, and integrated some of the sword cultivation feelings of Xianyu into his own understanding.

This is Karel\'s only road, which can hardly be copied by other knights in the wizard world.

Not only Karel, but also Locke, including the dragon mother danilis, Lilith, Douglas and others, their way of domination is very pioneering and innovative.

The emergence of these masters of the wizard world can only be said to create a reference route for later people, and expand the original narrow rules and barriers of the wizard world.

As for future generations, if they want to achieve a higher level, they can only go their own way.

After all, even Locke can\'t create a fighting Qi skill that can be directly cultivated to dominate the realm. However, if a level 56 knight, he can have a try with his current understanding of the rules and the essence of energy.

In Xinggang, for the recognition and compliment of the supreme Knight Lord Locke, the sword Saint Carlyle just smiled faintly, and did not show any pride or joy.

This is a knight who has only been accompanied by a sword all his life. Like most top casters, he is a "freak" that is difficult to understand in the eyes of ordinary people.

But it is often these strange people who can create miracles, because there are too few stars who can understand their inner existence.

Carlyle\'s modesty stems from his ability to feel the power of Locke in front of him.

This is a sad thing. I still remember that more than 200000 years ago, people in front of me humbly asked themselves what was the key to promoting level 5 knights.

But at this moment, Locke in front of Karel has touched the ceiling of the knight and the combat power of the whole star world.

Rao is Carlyle\'s amazing talent, and there is still a big gap from Locke.

"Lord Locke, the strength of you and kakarot is the only thing I\'ve seen in my life."

"Even in the course of traveling for more than 10000 years, I have come into contact with several dominant creatures, but compared with you, it is not worth mentioning." The sword Saint Carlyle sighed.