Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4464

"Oh? Won\'t you stop sealing?" Opposite the king of the iron tower world, Locke, who also has unparalleled strong physique and huge destruction storm as the body of rules, looks at the king of the iron tower world who is stubborn and unwilling to admit defeat.

The penetration of kakarot is enough to cause great trauma to any level 8 creature, which is a heavy injury enough to threaten its life.

And under kakarot\'s innate fighting instinct, the final direction of the silver morning star is somewhere on the left chest of the king of the world of the iron tower.

That is the source of the power of the king of the world of the iron tower, and the importance is equal to the destructive spirit of Locke\'s chest.

If only in this war, under the premise of facing the threat of partial seal, the two great enemies of wizard civilization, the king of the world and Yanzu, will suffer huge damage and heavy damage, which is also worth it in Locke\'s view.

In the face of Locke\'s ironic rhetorical question, the king of the world of the iron tower didn\'t stop half his actions, and he didn\'t even spare his spare mind to answer Locke.

This is a race against time. This is the struggle of the king of the iron tower world to create miracles for the iron tower civilization and false word civilization.

If Locke can\'t be directly sealed here, it\'s only a matter of time to die early and late. The king of the world of the iron tower is more willing to fight.

The attitude of sacrificing life and death and the determination to put life aside make the king of the world of the iron tower emit a layer of dark black special energy particles on his body at this time.

Although the emergence of these energy particles can not completely stop the continuous advance from the super Saiya kakarot behind, it can be seen that the forward speed of kakarot is obviously sluggish.

The complicated special iron curtain is regularized into illusory and strange special black runes, which appear around Locke.

These special black runes soon became lacquered black chains, and together with the previous iron curtain shadows, they formed a huge seal array to suppress Locke.

This is the feat of the king of the tower world trying to forcibly seal Locke for tens of thousands of years with most of his life. In a sense, it can also be regarded as another degree of "dying together".

When the king of the world of the iron tower resisted the impact caused by the super Saiya kakarot behind his back and tried to continue to seal Locke, a considerable number of high-level forces finally paid attention to the surrounding star battlefield impacted by the ripple of three eight level masters.

Whether it is dominating the battlefield or the melee areas of medium and low-level legions, it can be seen that the powerful wizard civilization and wizard alliance occupy the absolute advantage.

Therefore, when the enemy\'s level-8 master was found to be the supreme Knight master Locke who tried to seal the wizard world, even for these knights and magicians who only stayed in level-4 and level-5 in the wizard world, great faith and strength burst out at this time in an attempt to stop the king of level-8 iron tower.

"Stop the world Master of the iron tower and rescue the supreme Knight Lord Locke!" With a loud horn and soul concussion, tens of millions of wizard civilization legions originally on the edge of the battlefield rushed towards the dominant battlefield.

For the dominant life, these tens of millions of legions are like a group of insignificant insects. Even the dozens of creatures above level 4 mixed in them are just bigger mole ants.

However, it is undeniable that when low-level organisms converge to a certain number, they can also have a certain impact on high-level organisms.

Just as on the battlefield of the desperate world, no source can dominate civilization and dare to break through millions or even tens of millions of angel armies alone.

The continuous rush of the wizard civilization Corps has not brought much bonus to Locke and kakarot. On the contrary, kakarot, who is in a state of combat, extremely powerful and repressed, is easy to hurt these little guys in the wizard world.

However, from the perspective of personal emotion and rationality, even if Locke has hundreds of thousands of years of time and memory, there is an emotion called moving brewing in his heart.

The king of the tower world is willing to dedicate himself to the tower civilization. As the supreme Knight of wizard civilization, Locke is not the same.

Even in terms of mind, determination and ruthlessness, the supreme Knight of wizard civilization dominates the king of the world of Lockerbie tower.

The change of tens of millions of wizard civilization army has also attracted the attention of the tower world corps, which is in an absolutely weak position on this battlefield.

As the core main battlefield of the whole large-scale star field battlefield, although it is similar to the dominant battlefield here, there are still three places in the tower star field at the moment.

But the tower world Corps here also retains nearly 20 million.

These tower world legions trapped in the plane or in the starry sky, in the face of a number of wizard civilization legions several times larger than themselves, in addition to fighting with all their strength, they also gathered nearly five million elite tower world legions under the almost incredible background of war.

The five million elite iron tower world Legion broke through the layers of the wizard civilization army, gathered from all directions of the main battlefield, and collided with the tens of millions of wizard civilization legions who rushed to the dominant battlefield.

This is the cruelest and bloodiest war of civilization for middle and low-level creatures. Countless bottom creatures have turned into a bloody rain, leaving their own broken bodies in the starry sky or in the corner of an unknown meteorite block.

The mass fall of low-level creatures should be nothing to the dominant creatures who are used to life and death.

But at this moment, whether Locke is in the sealed state or the king of the eight level iron tower, his heart is full of complex emotions.

"The nearest master level strongman is Lord Carell, but despite the blessing of Lord Carell\'s wind source, it will take him half a month to reach this battlefield."

"Not to mention that Lord Carrell himself has his own combat mission and the world Legion to contain him." In Starport, a level 5 Knight reports to Sarah farway.

"No matter what power the tower world uses to contain Carlyle, immediately inform the sword Saint Carlyle and make sure he arrives at the main battlefield as soon as possible." Said sharafa in a deep voice.

Although Karel has been promoted to level 7, because her seniority is slightly lower than that of sarafa, and she can\'t represent the desert kingdom of jahana, but she is a member of the kingdom of jahana like Lilith, so sarafa can assign her war tasks in this tone on the battlefield.

"Yes!" Level five Knights will soon perform the mission of sarafa.

But before this order was issued, another change took place on the dominant battlefield in the starry sky in front of him.

As the most powerful Knight master of wizard civilization, Locke also feels the strong existence of level 8 peak barrier. Obviously, Locke is more than this power he shows.