Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4463

This is the closest to the success of the king of the world of the iron tower. Sealing Locke marks that the supreme existence on this civilized battlefield will be difficult to participate in the war.

Although according to Locke\'s power level and magnificent life level, even if the king of the world sealed the tower successfully, the sealing time was definitely not as long as they originally expected for 100000 years.

Maybe only twenty or thirty thousand years, but that\'s enough!

The seal across the life level is definitely not so easy to do, which also involves the amount paid by the king of the world of the iron tower, far exceeding the number of Locke\'s omnipotent soul.


Just as the Grand Star world is always accompanied by such unknowns and accidents, Locke\'s strength is beyond the original expectations of the king of the iron tower world and others. Similarly, as Locke\'s number one horse, kakarot is also beyond the cognition of ordinary dominant creatures again.

Dazzling silver white energy will eventually replace the red burst energy factor.

When the biaohe breath of super Saiya kakarot broke through the seals of layers of iron curtain barriers and conveyed to the starry battlefield, the king of the world of the iron tower, who was in the key seal state, looked unbelievable.

The iron curtain rule barrier in his hand is still not simply released. For the king of the world of the iron tower, although his seal release process is not as fragile as when the casters in the wizard world sing spells, it is undoubtedly costly to interrupt the seal steps at this level.

What\'s more, the crystal ball of fate has been broken, the original life straw of Yanzu has been consumed, and the huge omnipotent soul of the king of the world of the iron tower has also poured out like a tide.

If we lose this opportunity, there will be no second chance for the world and the civilization of false words!

The king of the iron tower world is unwilling, unwilling and unable to stop the seal in his hand, but kakarot, who is about to break through the cage behind him, will not continue to wait.

The pain of being almost sealed by his opponent made kakarot extremely angry at this time.

Although for the vast majority of Saiyan soldiers, the kakarot who reached the state of domination is absolutely a "good temper" rarely seen among all saians, it is also personal.

For Locke, kakarot is his reliable and obedient subordinate, but for those alien creatures and masters, kakarot\'s barbaric violence and amazing strength are their terrible nightmare.

"Break it for me!" The violent drink with indomitable will came from the depths of iron curtain barriers, and the dazzling silver light finally completely broke through the darkness.

"Boom!" The solid iron curtain regular barrier is broken layer by layer in the naked eye, just like some unmatched force tearing it directly.

Scattered power fluctuations set off waves in this dominant battlefield.

Including Locke in the semi sealed state, he also felt the strong and unyielding will from kakarot at this time.

"Did you finally break through?" The power level of level 8 creatures appears behind the king of the world, and with the silver light shining more and more, the smell of kakarot is also rising.

I can\'t help looking at the location of kakarot. Different from the four degree transformation of super Saiya in the past, kakarot, who turned on the five degree super transformation, has long red hair, which has now turned silver white.

Once violent and flamboyant, now because of the appearance of that long silver hair, it has added a bit of calmness and nobility.

However, with kakarot in a state of extreme anger, this long silver hair makes him appear wanton and domineering.

Under the long silver hair, there is a perfect body that shows its strength to the extreme.

The silvery white energy factors spread in all directions, like silver lightning.

With the transformation of super Saiya further, has the power factor of kakarot changed?

From the initial golden energy particles, to the later red, and then to today\'s silver white, this power transformation caused by the transformation of the essence of life, I believe it will usher in the eyes of the top spell casters in the wizard world, especially the woman Lilith.

Locke doesn\'t know whether there is a six degree transformation of super Saiya in kakarot in the future under the star world balance rules, which is enough to rival the power of level 9 creatures.

But only in the gas field and strength field displayed by kakarot at this time, he can feel that kakarot has the strength not to lose to the middle or even later stage of level 8.

Having the ability to fight across three small levels is an amazing talent that kakarot has always shown.

Even his fellow saiyas who also have the talent to fight against the strong and defeat the strong with the weak, the vast majority of them, even if they start the super transformation posture, can only fight at a small level.

Only including the Saiya king begeta and the other potential Saiya warrior Brolli under Locke can reach the level of fighting at two small levels.

There is no need to elaborate on the strong potential of the Saiya family. If the wizard civilization had not discovered them in advance and directly cut off the rise of the Saiya civilization, I\'m afraid a more powerful top civilization would be born in the star world in the future.

And it is enough to make any civilization feel desperate!

Kakarot, who broke through the seal of the iron wall rule barrier, did not stop for a moment, whether it was the anger accumulated in his heart at this time or to rescue Locke who was being sealed.

The silver white energy particles condensed in the right fist are like a meteor cutting through the starry sky, directly attacking the back of the king of the world.

"No!" The tower world king\'s unwilling roar sounded at this time, but there was an obvious "click" sound at the same time as the loser\'s roar.

The iron curtain rule barrier, which is proud of the king of the world of the iron tower, was broken again by kakarot. At the same time, there was a painted black iron coat worn by the king of the world of the iron tower.

This is a treasure enough to reach the level of medium-level world-class secret treasure. It has been with the king of the world of the iron tower for many years. The black iron clothes are full of the unique power of the rules of the king of the world of the iron tower.

But at the moment, facing the hate blow of an eight level master, and the extreme strength of kakarot in the field of passive evolution, even if it is a world-class secret treasure, there is only one way to break!

The broken iron clothes did not stop the impact process of kakarot. Because the king of the world of the iron tower opened a huge body of rules tens of thousands of meters at this time, kakarot was still like a bright morning star, constantly crashing in the black iron curtain rules.

If you observe from the perspective of appearance, a picture in the starry sky at this time is the king of the iron tower world like a giant, which is being penetrated by a silver morning star whose power is concentrated and suppressed to the limit!