Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4465


A layer of special seal force is untied from the depths of Locke\'s destruction storm.

Obviously, these sealing forces were not imposed on him by the king of the eight level iron tower, but by Locke himself in the past.

Self sealing, open!

The last time Locke used self sealing, it happened when he was just promoted to level 8.

In order to take a close look at his granddaughter and avoid hurting her, Locke added so many shackles to himself with the power of rules.

Later, with the help of the dragon of the storm and the special rules of the desperate world, Locke finally cleared away the redundant and miscellaneous forces and sat down at the top level of level 8.

Now returning to the wizard civilization, I thought it could completely erase the resistance of the tower world and false words civilization.

But now, these annoying guys are obviously unwilling to accept the fate of destruction so easily.

The power bonus gained by Locke, who untied the self seal, is actually not as high as expected.

Because Locke\'s strength has reached his limit, and it has not been too long since he left the desperate world, and there is not too long and profound accumulation of time, the short-term increase that self sealing can bring Locke is really limited.

But no matter how limited, self sealing really provides Locke with a part of his power bonus.

And the original contribution from the golden apple tree and countless lives in paradise lost makes Locke seem to break through the boundaries of the individual strong and become an unfathomable monster with no end and potential limit like a world.

During the desperate world, the fear and consternation of the two level eight masters of yuanneng civilization towards Locke reappeared in the face of the king of the world of the iron tower.

This is a special means beyond the imagination limit of ordinary dominant creatures. The consternation and unprepared of the king of the eight tower in the face of Locke\'s card means at the moment is also a large part of the factor that he has not had such a fierce battle with Locke before.

Never forced his hand on Locke!

With the short-term growth provided by self sealing and the continuous supplement of life and destruction, it is like a giant finally breaking through the cage.

After kakarot rushed out of the iron curtain seal of the king of the eight tower, the destruction storm embodied by Locke finally broke free from its shackles.

The endless destructive power on the battlefield comes from the collision and killing of tens of millions of elite legions.

And among them, those provided to Locke are the nearly ten million destruction legions who have long been cultivated by him and regarded as confidants of the private army.

Burning with fierce destruction, this nearly ten million destruction Legion is the most prominent and powerful among the wizard civilization legions.

Although the millions of tower world legions are also elite selected and retained from countless battlefield killings, they still look a little worse in the face of Locke\'s destruction Legion after in-depth destruction and transformation.

After only a few days of confrontation, nearly two million elite iron tower world legions were torn to pieces.

And with the passage of time, the number of deaths and injuries of these tower world legions will be more.

After all, the civilized Legion is in a weak position. In the face of the more powerful wizard Alliance Army, the only way they can choose to fight is to hide in solid fortifications or fight according to the plane rules in the original plane.

However, because of their beliefs and beliefs, they rushed out of the fortifications and chose to fight in the starry sky without background and environmental blessing. They can only end with death.

The end of the iron tower world Legion in the starry sky seems to tell that the twilight of the king of the eight level iron tower is coming.

Countless lacquered black chains have been broken away by the destruction giants embodied by Locke, as for the layers of iron curtain virtual shadow. It also becomes more and more thin and transparent under the continuous impact of Locke\'s destruction storm.

The wizard civilization Legion at the middle and low levels can neither see nor understand the battle at this level. Facing the destruction giant incarnated by Locke and the huge iron curtain barrier opposite him, it is just like facing the God\'s stone in myths and legends, which is unbelievable and difficult to understand.

"All back, this is not a battlefield you little guys can reach."

"Go and lead the wizard civilization army to conquer the 54 recorded planes nearby. I want to see your achievements in a hundred years!" Locke turned and ordered those knights and magicians above level 4 who appeared in the wizard civilization army on this battlefield.

The 54 tower world planes are important strategic nodes for the tower civilization corps to rely on and prevent the invasion of wizard civilization.

There are 33 micro planes, 20 low-level planes and one medium-sized plane.

The personal command and spiritual voice from the supreme Knight Lord Locke undoubtedly made tens of millions of wizard civilization troops on the starry battlefield boiling.

Especially the dozens of knights and magicians above level 4 who had never been in contact with Locke\'s majesty and greatness before, coerced Locke\'s will to drive the space fortress and led his legion to the target.

Sarah Dharma, who is now in Starport, is glad that Locke finally broke through the seal and hurried to use her power and the wisdom of high-level casters.

Tens of millions of wizard civilization legions on the battlefield shall be distributed to all levels of the battlefield as quickly and scientifically as possible.

Tens of millions of wizard civilization legions retreated in all directions like a tide under Locke\'s dominant will. Looking back, Locke did not care about the lonely two or three million tower world Legion bathed in blood on the battlefield, but focused on the king of the tower world again.

At this time, the breath of the king of the world in the tower fell sharply again compared with before.

In addition to the huge losses suffered by the master of the Almighty soul, the regulative force caused by the failure of seal Locke is also invading and torturing the body of the king of the world.

Not only the king of the world of the iron tower, but also the seventh level biological ancestor of the false word civilization, also shared some of the pain of the failure of the seal of the king of the world of the iron tower.

Coupled with its lost life straw, it is impolite to say that the two dominant biological enemies in front of the wizard civilization suffered heavy losses in the star battle and no longer have too many threats.

At this time, the king of the eight tower is struggling to cope with the increasingly strong super Saiya kakarot.

In the left chest, there is an unusually obvious regular broken wound, overflowing from time to time, revealing rich black original energy.

These black original energy is different from Locke\'s destructive power. According to its relatively peaceful energy characteristics, it is not difficult to see that it is the original power from the king of the iron tower world.