Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4462

The appearance of destiny crystal ball undoubtedly attracted Locke\'s pair of painted black eyes in the center of the destruction storm.

In addition to the idea of recapturing this wizard civilization treasure, Locke also felt the throbbing of the ancient tree of the moon in the paradise lost.

Although in the hint of the ancient tree of the moon, this crisis is far less dangerous than the previous war of domination in the desperate world.

However, it can not be denied that with the king of the iron tower world taking out the hard crystal ball, he seems to really have the ability to restrict Locke.

The destruction of the twelve products of Black Lotus is like a beautiful lotus stand that emerges from the mud without being stained under the background of a great event of destruction.

As Locke\'s defense treasure, Black Lotus appeared and slowly rotated with the destruction of the twelve products. The iron curtain rules and virtual shadows that originally appeared around Locke and tried to seal Locke slipped in all directions at a faster speed.

An irresistible force of destruction has gathered and roared in the nearby starry sky.

If there are no rules around, the complete plane and the underlying biological legion, just the impact of the rules of the two level eight masters will be enough to cause a catastrophe in the plane and a disaster sweeping the entire civilized Legion.

The appearance of the twelve product destruction Black Lotus makes the king of the iron tower world can no longer wait.

When the master of level 8 threw the crystal ball of fate in his hand and guided this world-class secret treasure to explode in the middle of the collision between the two fields, Locke in the destruction storm also showed an incredible look!

Without waiting for Locke to recover from the crushing of the fate crystal ball, wave after wave of uncontrollable mysterious force radiated in all directions with the crushing place of the fate crystal ball as the center.

The power of mystery is one of the earliest powers explored by the wizard civilization caster group.

However, in ancient times, wizard civilization gradually developed from a single wizard field and derived a very diverse development system, such as elemental wizard, summoner, astrologer, blood warlock and so on. Therefore, the power of mystery has gradually become one of the research factions of many spellcasters.

Among the casters of modern wizard civilization, there are only two kinds of magicians who have deeply studied the mysterious power: the northern Witch and the astrologer.

The special mysterious power is definitely not the strange power that Locke, a knight who has embarked on the field of passive evolution, can analyze and decrypt.

However, standing at the biological level of the eighth level peak and from the perspective of the essence of Intuitive Rules, Locke felt some unknown and special confinement from the circle of strange rules rippling in the center of the Broken Destiny crystal ball.

The unknown represents the unknown, which is the evolution path of civilization.

In the past tens of thousands of years of civilization wars, it is true that only the northern witches and astrologers in the wizard world have an advantage over these scarecrows with strange abilities.

And as Locke\'s close friend, the Level Seven Magic Riel also played an inestimable role in the war of civilization.

The unknown meaning is just fleeting in this starry battlefield.

No matter what incredible ability the ancestor of false word civilization mastered, it must follow the most basic laws of evolution and balance in the star world.

Locke\'s eight level peak power level is enough to be immune to more than 90% of curse and mysterious power.

Even at the cost of consuming his own life straw, Yanzu only hurt Locke at most. It is impossible to have the ability to threaten Locke\'s life.

And what happened next also proved that the ability released by Yanzu at a great cost is not an intuitive damage strike skill.

An invisible translucent regular energy tightly imprisoned Locke\'s limbs.

It is hard to imagine that with Locke\'s great power and powerful life essence, there are still means to imprison him in the star world for a short time.

Just as the source energy civilization has the means to imprison Locke in super long-range space, the incomparably magnificent and bright star world simply doesn\'t know how much terror and inconceivability it contains.

The limbs are imprisoned, and even the destructive forces around the body are gradually stiff.

Just as Locke was about to summon the killer gun and try to break through these invisible translucent chains with absolute strength and brutal violence, the tower king of the world in front of the starry battlefield suddenly changed greatly.

The faster seal release ability than before is enough to amaze any caster in the wizard world who has studied the mystery department.

Layers of iron curtains appear in the center of the starry battlefield under the mobilization of the king of the world of the iron tower, and the cohesion speed of these iron curtains has even gradually broken the balance law of the star world.

At least in the middle power level of the eighth king of the world, the iron tower should not have such a fast seal release ability, but the fact is that it appears!

It turned out that the mysterious power blessing obtained by the false words and civilized ancestors at the cost of losing their own life straw and destiny crystal ball was not a blow to Locke himself, but just a powerful knight who imprisoned Locke and accelerated the sealing progress of the king of the world.

This pure auxiliary means should be implemented at such a huge cost by a powerful seven level master.

In addition to proving the determination of the world Lord and Yanzu of the tower, it also confirms their sense of despair and powerlessness in the face of Locke, the supreme knight.

If they had not been forced to despair, they would not have done so.

And it is to use this seal means in the starry sky, not in the tower plane where the king of the tower world can obtain greater blessing. It can also be seen that they are to reduce Locke\'s vigilance.

The dawn of success is at hand. Under the painted black armor of the king of the world of the iron tower, his eyes become brighter and brighter.

The force of the iron curtain rules surrounded Locke in an all-round way, including the twelve product destruction lotus platform under Locke\'s feet. Under the seal of the force of the iron curtain rules, the rotation speed became slower and slower, or even stopped.

Just in a twinkling of an eye, the number of eternal souls vented by the king of the iron tower world is astronomical. Even if he has a very deep foundation, more than 20% of the dominant souls evaporate, which is definitely not what any dominant life body is willing to bear.

But in the face of such a huge consumption, there is no pity and worry in the expression of the king of the world of the iron tower. Some are just excited.

He saw that Locke, whose body surface was burning with fierce destruction, tried to struggle from it, but he was extremely confident in the power of his iron curtain rules, because under the superposition of so many iron curtain rules, even if the other party was the master of level 8 peak, it was difficult to break free in a short time.

"Fast, fast, almost..." Countless virtual shadows of the iron curtain are constantly photographed from the king of the iron tower world. The whole energy and rules that dominate the battlefield are not restrained from being suppressed and become astringent.

At this time, behind the tower that the king of the world did not notice, kakarot, who had been firmly sealed by him, was in an extremely dark and closed black ball, and a touch of white light that could not be ignored broke through the constraints.

Like the light that breaks through all darkness.


I forgot to say yesterday that I asked for a monthly ticket on the first day of the month~