Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4461

In the face of Locke\'s cold ridicule and indifference, the king of the world of the iron tower once again showed uncontrollable anger, and even the speed of recovering the injury by dominating the omnipotent soul has become faster.

After all, this is an eight level master with impulsive characteristics. It is absolutely inferior to the sea of death, but it has never given up hope and forbearance.

And through this guy\'s attempt to achieve peaceful coexistence with the wizard civilization, and then divide and govern the pan star domain, and from the history that the wizard civilization has obtained hundreds of element planes of Zisha inflammatory soul world group.

This is also a greedy and indecisive level 8 creature.

The long-term peace and the strong strength of its own civilization make the king of the tower world and the whole tower civilization seem to forget the cruel evolution rules of the star world and the law of the jungle.

Compared with the wizard civilization growing in battle and progress, the decline and end of the world civilization of the iron tower were doomed hundreds of thousands of years ago.

After all, if the wizard civilization with extremely expansionary and aggressive conquest ability appears around this pan star region, it will not be able to sit back and watch this pan star region as many as thousands of planes, but can maintain peace and stability for a long time.

If the tower world does not eat them, one day a more powerful and cruel civilization will swallow them. In addition to the weak and small world civilizations in the pan star region, the tower civilization itself is also a "big meal".

Tower civilization has this end. As one of the leaders and main controllers of civilization, the king of the tower world must have an inseparable responsibility.

Of course, he may have some excuse - the frequent infringement of rights within civilization? Does the world naturally dislike war and aggression? The surrounding civilized camps have solidified, and the benefits of aggression are far lower than the benefits of peace and stability? Wait, wait

But these are all excuses.

And the king of the world tower, as the only existence in this civilization that has broken through to the eighth level, does not mean to shirk his responsibility.

It is precisely because I know that some of my own decisions and indecision in the past caused the sadness of the collapse of the tower civilization, so the king of the tower world chose to make up for something in this battle of domination.

At least, this can make the king of the tower world worthy of hundreds of millions of people facing the tower world.

The burning of the eternal soul regardless of consumption marks the peak of the state and strength of the king of the world.

And the iron curtain rules and virtual shadow surrounded and diffused layer by layer also indicates that in this broader dominant field, a prototype of seal array far larger than before is emerging!

The king of the world seems to have a clear understanding of his strength. He knows that his current state, even the attack of life for life, is difficult to pose any life threat to Locke, who is far more powerful than him.

So he chose the most suitable battle for himself - seal.

If Locke and kakarot can be sealed for more than 100000 years, the war of civilization is still very difficult for the tower civilization, but at least there is the possibility of civilization continuation.

And without these two dominant powers that bring the greatest crisis to the tower civilization, even if the tower civilization chooses to give up the parent plane and escape from the stars, the price paid and the civilization strength that can be retained will be more in line with the interests of the tower civilization.

In the starry sky, looking at the increasingly tight iron curtain barriers around him, which exudes the incomparably strong and unknown power of iron curtain rules, Locke\'s expression is gradually dignified.

To despise your opponent is to despise yourself.

Even with his current strength, he has been able to absolutely suppress the king of the world on the front battlefield, but everyone stays at level 8 biological level.

Locke, who witnessed the fall of the immortal region Tongtian cult leader, will not despise any opponent.

Even if the expression and language he just showed gave the king of the tower world great humiliation and resentment, in the final analysis, this performance is only Locke\'s use of means in the field of emotional rules to provoke each other or defeat each other\'s resistance.

The destroyer turned and quietly appeared on Locke. The two meter high wizard world human Knight became a huge demon God with a size of tens of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

The same black energy and the force of rules are spilling in all directions. Different from the force of iron curtain rules used by the king of the iron tower world, Locke uses the purest and most violent destructive force.

The raging fire of destruction slowly ignited around Locke\'s painted black bone armor, and a raging and violent destruction storm has begun to brewing.

This is far more powerful than the iron curtain field released by the king of the world of the iron tower. The extremely hard iron curtain rules are easily torn apart by the destruction rules.

It has more powerful strength than the king of the world. It makes no sense that Locke\'s strength in the field will be suppressed by the other party.

The field of iron curtain rules, which had been gradually closed, was gradually fragmented under the storm of destruction triggered by Locke.

Even if the king of the world tower continues to expand the power of the iron curtain with the eternal soul at any cost, Locke, as his opponent, also did not fall.

Even in the field of stimulating power and the power of rules, Lockerbie tower, the king of the world, releases more!

The battle background of waiting for work with ease and more powerful strength than the king of the world of the iron tower indicate that the king of the world of the iron tower attempts to seal Locke, which is so absurd.

However, as the king of the world who has long dedicated himself, even if it is the spirit of direct sacrifice, it is obvious that he is still prepared.

Locke\'s strength makes the king of the world feel suffocating.

Even if he hasn\'t had a hard fight with Locke at this time, he just collides in the field of rules and energy.

Knowing the explosive state of Locke at this time, it was a joke to seal Locke like capparot. After a long sigh, the king of the iron tower world took out a transparent crystal ball from his arms.

World class secret treasure - Destiny crystal ball!

This is the treasure taken from the wizard civilization by the false ancestor of the past.

Because the characteristics of this world-class secret treasure are very consistent with the power of the law taken by Yanzu, even if Yanzu had felt the power of wizard civilization at that time, he still chose to help level 7 brain eater kilaya to obtain this secret treasure.

Compared with that in the hands of wizard civilization, the fate crystal ball at this time has obviously changed a lot.

A strange white straw appears in the center of the fate crystal ball, which seems to have been integrated with the fate crystal ball.

This is the original life straw of Yanzu. The importance to Yanzu is equal to the importance to Locke of the destruction god in his chest.

This time, in order to solve the great enemy that the wizard civilization and the most powerful Knight dominate Locke, the king of the iron tower world has to use it as a disposable prop.