Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4460

Kakarot, who is in a period of qualitative change, does not think too much like Locke at the other end of the battlefield.

The change of the power source of body and blood has not affected kakarot\'s fighting will and determination. He has completely entered a state of selflessness.

Neither the changing essence of life nor the bloody scars on the body surface can shake kakarot\'s mind.

Fighting, only fighting is the only meaning in kakarot\'s heart at this time!

The crimson energy stars, which are far more dazzling than before, once again hit the iron curtain barrier shaped by the king of the iron tower world, and this time there are more and more silver white energy factors shining.

"Boom!" An extremely violent energy explosion shock reappeared, and this time, with the explosion of kakarot\'s strength, the dark and solid iron curtain rule virtual shadow was knocked out of a big hole.

In the distance of the stars, the king of the world, wearing a special painted black armor, has an uncertain face.

If a level 8 creature breaks through his iron curtain rule field, he will not be like this, but the opponent is an individual who still stays at the peak life level of level 7.

However, the king of the iron tower world has gradually accepted the result of fighting with kakarot, the master of wizard civilization, for tens of thousands of years and more than a thousand times.

In addition to the feelings of oppression, fear, surprise, anger and so on, the king of the iron tower world also had a sigh and fear that he had not even noticed.

The king of the tower world laments why the tower world did not produce such a top seven level creature. Does the emergence of this powerful life in the wizard world mean that fate favors the wizard civilization too much.

What the king of the tower world fears is that with kakarot\'s war getting stronger and stronger, and the race talent showing incisively and vividly in the battle of domination, one day he will show his ability to defeat himself or even kill himself!

Like an indomitable red and silver comet, kakarot, who broke through the rule barrier of the iron curtain, did not stop at all and continued to rush towards the king of the eight level iron tower.

The characteristics of the eternal soul indicate that the king of the tower world undoubtedly has higher resilience and bearing capacity in the battle with kakarot, but Rao is the king of the tower world who also feels great pressure and expensive consumption of the dominant soul in the battle with such a madman who is not afraid of death.

The endless iron curtain rule barrier appeared in front of kakarot again. This time, it was more than one, but dozens or hundreds of.

The layers of iron curtain and regular barriers are like a huge iron shell wrapped in unknown layers, tightly enclosing the kakarot inside.

Numerous regular runes appear on the surface of these layers of iron curtain regular barriers. Locke, who has had a deep deal with three level-7 magicians in the wizard world, can see a trace of "sealing".

Of course, it is not the unique seal of the wizard world, but a new method invented and created by combining the unique rules of the tower world with the unique understanding of the power of the rules by the king of the tower world.

With the blessing of the rules in the dominant field, the seal of the king of the iron tower world on kakarot is more thorough.

And this time, the price paid to \'completely\' seal kakarot, the king of the world of the iron tower, Rao is an eight level master with an eternal soul, and it is also an unbearable pain.

At the edge of the iron curtain rule field, the king of the world who witnessed the iron tower sealed the explosive kakarot step by step, and Locke, as his master, was indifferent from beginning to end.

This is kakarot\'s own battle. From the beginning of the battle, whether it is kakarot\'s own will or Locke\'s imagination, he will not intervene in this battle in advance.

More and more iron curtain rules and virtual shadows gather in front of the king of the world of the iron tower. The red and silver stars that used to be dazzling in the global star sky are finally buried under the power of the dense black iron curtain.

Will the light be covered by darkness? The brave and unparalleled kakarot finally ushered in his first defeat on the road of life?

Feel the amazing explosive force and constant impact from the interior of the painted black iron curtain ball. As an observer of the dominant battle, Locke has a trace of expectation in his heart that kakarot can create miracles.

However, the price for the king of the tower world to vent such a huge amount of eternal soul can never be broken by kakarot in a short time. Even in the view of the eight level masters such as the king of the tower world and Locke, kakarot\'s potential is enough to be called "the darling of the star world".

Locke\'s expectation could not be answered in a short time, and Locke himself swept into the nearby stars again with the power of the iron curtain, making him gradually become a participant in the battle from a spectator.

After all, it is from the chess player in the war of civilization to the chess piece.

The one who directly pulled Locke out of the game was obviously the king of the eight level iron tower with volatile atmosphere and huge consumption on the battlefield in front of him.

"Oh? Are you going to fight me?"

"In your present state, even if you have the infinite extension of the eternal soul, it seems to me that it is no different from looking for death."

"After all, the so-called eight level creatures, who died in front of me, were not as simple as one or two."

Even the transformation of the destroyer has not been opened. Locke, who appeared in the human form of the wizard world, said calmly and with some sarcasm.

On the one hand, the level 8 mid-term master who has opened all forms has enough rules to reach tens of thousands of meters, and the iron curtain rule field he radiates contains a large void nearby.

The other side is to maintain the human form of the wizard world. The ordinary knight who is only about two meters tall doesn\'t even leak any energy around him under Locke\'s super control.

This is a battle between the sea and rice, but strangely, as the king of the world with the power and shape of the sea, there is more pressure than Locke in front of him.

In the face of Locke\'s cold voice ridicule, Pang Yining, the king of the eight level iron tower in the depths of the iron curtain rules.

The magic effect of the universal soul turns corruption into magic, making those scars on the body surface of the king of the world of the iron tower recover rapidly with the naked eye.

This is the power and unmatched ability of the master level creatures. As long as they have the master omnipotent soul, they can be at their peak all the time.

This ability is also beyond the imagination of those creatures below level 6.

Because in the eyes of those low-level creatures, this is the \'God\' that can\'t be killed!