Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4459

Locke felt a different experience with his nervous spirit and tight body.

Its six levels, middle life level and energetic body can barely relax the domination of powerful Knights like Locke.

On the other hand, it shows Locke\'s subtle control over his own power of domination and the power of rules.

"Well, I felt the strange rules of bamboo the last time."

"Although the degree of purity is not so obvious compared with last time, there is more bamboo power from the feedback. Is this the particularity of your group?" After a little venting, Locke let go of the already shaky flowers in front of him and said casually.

If it was before level 6, Locke might be very happy to have such a lover.

The release of desire is second, mainly because he can be in bed with each other In order to wash one\'s own body and further sharpen the effect of passive evolution.

However, for Locke, who has now reached the peak, any external force and the so-called double Hugh, it\'s of no use to him.

If he hadn\'t found the breath of flowers in the Legion of alien creatures around Xinggang, Locke might have forgotten his lover who had a shot with him.

Locke\'s inquiry made his face gradually pale and dazzling in stiffness and embarrassment, and nodded.

Sleeping with a dominant creature with incomparably strong physique is undoubtedly a nightmare for a woman in the middle of level 6 like her.

Fortunately, Locke knows how to cherish fragrance and jade, and just now Locke once again warmed her body with the power of domination. After fighting these days, the harvest and benefits of bailihua are definitely more than her physical strength and pain.

Just when Locke wanted to ask something more, he felt the special rule fluctuation from the depths of the starry sky in front of him. Locke\'s body flashed and disappeared directly in place.

Locke\'s departure made the hundred mile flowers collapse to the ground without any strength.

Feeling the majestic force that even she could not resist, she was warming up every cell of her body, and a smile gradually appeared on her face.

Deep in the starry sky.

This is an area far deeper than the battlefield where Wanren iron wall world is located. Although Locke has nothing to do to give himself a few days off and indulge, it doesn\'t mean he doesn\'t pay attention to the front-line war.

At this time, the most dazzling star in the starry sky is a dazzling crimson star.

In the eyes of middle and lower creatures, it is a star, but in Locke\'s eyes, it is a kakarot who is reaching a period of qualitative change.

Crimson and repressed energy particles, even the master of level 8 peak like Locke, can\'t help feeling a certain pressure and light threat.

It\'s incredible. I\'m afraid no one would think that this is just the performance of a level 7 peak master after opening his strongest state.

In addition to representing the strongest power of kakarot, the dark red energy factor is also mixed with kakarot\'s own fighting blood.

Nearly 30000 years of continuous fighting with the king of the eight tower made Locke remember the tough and handsome kakarot, who was covered with scars at this time.

This is the path of kakarot himself. Even though Locke has restrained and warned him more than once before, kakarot\'s fighting blood and fighting will are obviously not so easy to break.

Facts have also proved that as the most powerful peak individual of the fighting nation, kakarot has achieved remarkable achievements with his incredible talent and strength.

Unlike Locke\'s rapid promotion by absorbing the power of destruction, kakarot\'s strength is improved step by step.

The strength improvement process of his model will also mean that after reaching a new level, kakarot will not be unable to control his excess power like Locke.

Once a breakthrough, it is the peak. Kakarot\'s strong performance and fierce combat power are also Locke\'s biggest helper who will go to the battlefield of the desperate world soon.

"If you defeat it, you will completely enter the level 8 field and unlock the mystery of the five degree transformation of super Saiya."

"If I can\'t, I\'ll step in the battle." Locke\'s voice echoed in the starry sky.

His appearance not only brought great pressure to the king of the eight tower in the center of the starry battlefield, but also made the dark red stars represented by kakarot more dazzling.

Unlike kakarot, who was bathed in blood and scars at this time, although the king of the eight level iron tower did not have many obvious wounds and blood crossflow, it can be seen that the iron wall curtain, as the product of its original rules, was engraved with scratches and fist marks.

The emergence of Locke makes the king of the eight tower bear deeper pressure.

Sure enough, as it guessed, did the supreme Knight master of wizard civilization not fear to fight with it, but just regard it as a stepping stone to sharpen his subordinates?

As the eight level master in the star world, the king of the iron tower world has never felt such humiliation.

It is the king of the tower world. There are several top stars in the whole star world. The dignity of the king of the tower world is inviolable!

The incomparably majestic and powerful iron curtain rules suddenly appear in this large area of the world.

It not only wraps up the morning star kakarot, but also covers the "arrogant" Locke.

Locke is not the first contact with the special field power of dominant creatures. Different from the endless death power possessed by the sea of death, the core of the field power of the king of the world is the comprehensive imprisonment and power blockade of his opponent.

For ordinary seven level masters, the ability of the king of the world of the iron tower can be called extremely restrained. For example, whether Lilith or the dragon mother, as long as they are shrouded in the power of the rules of the king of the world of the iron tower, their source of magic will be greatly suppressed.

At that time, the Dragon Mother estimated that she could only fight by relying on her strong body and blood, and Lilith needed the help of her powerful summoners.

However, it is a pity that the super Saiya man kakarot can be called just restraint for the power of the king of the tower world in this field!

Because kakarot never relies on external forces, all he relies on is his own strength and every cell.

"Roar!" In the roar of a beast, kakarot\'s momentum increased a bit, and the dazzling dark red energy light shone more and more.

In Locke\'s view of the eighth peak, what he saw was another picture.

In addition to those crimson energy particles that burst to the extreme, Locke also saw a layer of light silver light flickering on the surface of kakarot.

"Is this the secret of super Saiya\'s five degree transformation?"

"Although I am not a magician and have no intention of exploring the truth and the profound meaning of rules, the power of this level and the qualitative change degree of the power of origin..." Looking at kakarot on the battlefield in front of him in the starry sky, Locke murmured in a low voice.