Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4458

From the original evolutionary instinct of low-level creatures to higher creatures, to the almost delusional desire to revive Xiaxi, grace and other wives and daughters, and now to consider the problem from the perspective of civilization.

Locke\'s Knight journey is also his process from weak to strong, from narrow to broad.

The magnificent history of wizard civilization is bound to be left with a heavy color by Locke, and the boundless and bright star world is bound to be affected by Locke\'s emergence.


One hundred and seventy-two years later.

Tower star region, Wanren iron wall.

As the main hub connecting the tower star domain and the vast pan star domain, there is no doubt about the importance of Wanren iron wall.

This is a rich world that has grown to a medium-sized level under the deliberate cultivation of the tower world, including Ren people, as the world\'s leading biological group, whose blood is also inextricably linked with the native creatures of the tower world.

"Boom!" The main gun beams of hundreds of space fortresses bombarded the already broken level barrier on the iron wall.

Except that a few shots were hard blocked by the plane barrier of the medium plane, a larger number of violent energy beams passed through the plane barrier and directly shot into the interior of the medium plane.

The huge mountains are penetrated by a gun, and the vast plain is directly depressed into a basin. As the unique iron wall rule of this medium-sized plane, it is also sieved under the power of the magic guided cannon of wizard civilization.

As one of the top alchemy technologies of wizard civilization, almost every main gun power in these space fortresses in the starry sky has reached a situation that is enough to threaten level 4 later creatures.

In particular, the more than a dozen silver fortresses depicting the unique logo of the Dragon warlock family, whose performance has reached the basic level of the Seventh Generation Space Fortress, and which have also been improved and improved by the Dragon warlock family for the second time, have the ability to threaten level 5 creatures because of the characteristics of dragon inflammation in their main guns.

A volley of hundreds of wizard civilization space fortresses is an unimaginable disaster for either medium-sized plane.

What\'s more, as the seventh generation space fortress with sufficient magic reserves and more advanced performance and durability than the first generation space fortress when Locke was weak.

The strength of wizard civilization is not only the strength of Locke, but also the strength brought by every knight and magician above level 4, as well as the strength brought by the whole wizard civilization and all-round development.

These hundreds of space fortresses, which are dense and amazing in the starry sky, are an embodiment of the strength of wizard civilization.

Looking at the entire civilization battlefield, there are thousands of similar space fortresses in the wizard civilization alone, not counting the old space fortresses that have been eliminated and sold to foreign gods at high prices.

The indiscriminate fire baptism of hundreds of space fortresses on the iron wall continues, and the violent beam of magic elements is enough to tear any resistance on this medium-sized plane.

Even at this time, there was not much resistance on the iron wall, but the cruel and powerful wizard civilization still didn\'t mean to stop the baptism of gunfire.

The root cause of all this is only because the Wanren iron wall is the world with the most intense resistance outside the star domain of the iron tower.

It was those stupid Ren people who united with more than ten nearby planes to block the vanguard army of wizard civilization for nearly 60 years that ushered in the crazy revenge of the vanguard army led by the Dragon warlock family in the wizard world.

This medium-sized plane is no longer necessary. It even intends to make an example of the others and give hundreds of millions of creatures in the tower star domain real fear. The wizard civilization would rather give up the possible benefits in this medium-sized plane.

"Roar!" The strong roar of the Dragon came from the depths of the starry sky outside the iron wall world.

Standing in the vision of senior creatures above level 4, what they see is a regular virtual shadow of a giant black iron curtain over 10000 meters, which is being bombarded by a larger purple gold dragon.

As the purple and gold dragon weapon, it is a crimson furnace held in its dragon claws. The golden magma flowing on it and the power of fierce fire attribute rules all prove that the furnace that easily reaches thousands of meters is not an ordinary product.

But compared with the crimson furnace, the purple golden dragon carrying it is obviously more powerful and shocking.

Rockstar harbor, not far from the iron wall, is dominated by the most powerful Knight of wizard civilization and is enjoying the characteristics of this pan star region.

At this time, in front of Locke, what is bearing his impact is a woman with a humanoid appearance and wearing a light cyan dress, a green bamboo edge on her waist and the power of vaguely rippling laws, which proves that the woman who is being trampled and played by the supreme knight is not weak.

Crimson cheeks and trembling body all showed her heart activity at this time.

In addition to the sensory and breath impact brought to her by Locke himself, what caused her more mental turmoil was the destruction of the iron wall world in front of her.

Bai Lihua, one of Locke\'s few lovers, has medium-term strength of level 6.

In more than 20000 years, from the early stage of level 6 to the middle stage of level 6, it is the promotion speed of her local gods in such a weak, small and medium-sized position.

Even among the vast majority of level 6 creatures, bailihua still belongs to the group that is promoted faster, because it has not only the wealth of a whole medium-sized plane, but also a gift from Locke, the master of the most powerful knight.

Wanren iron wall world is one of the farthest planes when traveling around the nearby star regions during the hundred mile dazzling level 4 period, and it is also the most powerful medium-sized plane she has come into contact with in the past.

Compared with the overall strength of Wanren iron wall, the weak Baili dazzling world seems like a child who has not grown up.

However, it was such a medium-sized plane that was thought to be incomparable and powerful in the past. At this time, it was reduced to ruins and silence in the concentrated fire of hundreds of space fortresses.

Although Bai Lixuan had a clear understanding of the overall strength of wizard civilization in the past 20000 years, she was shocked and frightened to witness the easy destruction of a medium-sized plane far more powerful than Bai Lixuan world.

She is terrified of the powerful wizard civilization.

Bai Lihua didn\'t know the picture in front of her. It was nothing to the strong man behind her.

Whether it is the galent federal battlefield or the source energy civilization battlefield of the desperate world, the terrorist warship group and coverage attack possessed by the scientific and technological civilization are more magnificent and shocking than the main gun salvo of hundreds of space fortresses in front of us.

This kind of shock is only the result of her narrow vision. If she can stand at a higher level one day

But then again, it is also the narrow vision and life cognition that makes bailihua unaware that compared with the amazing turbulence in front of the stars and in the depths of the stars, in fact, the one behind her is the real terror.