Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4457

As a high-level wizard civilization, sarafa has lifted and learned some secrets about the desperate world.

Some of this information was told by Locke, and some was provided by Lilith, a level 7 dark summoner.

Don\'t forget that sarafa is still the current leader of the Mamet alliance. Even if Lilith has been promoted to level 7 and is preparing to build her own true spirit tower in the wizard world, she still has to obey sarafa\'s assignment in her sphere of influence.

From the perspective of level 6 creatures, sharafa does know the desperate world, but it will never be too much, at least not as deep as Locke.

For example, she only knows that Locke will go to the desperate world and participate in a fierce war against another top civilization.

As for what the final outcome of the war means and what consequences it will bring to the star world and both sides involved in the war, sharafa can\'t spy on it at present.

Knowing this information in advance is of no benefit to Sarah law, and with her power, it can\'t change anything at all.

Locke\'s face could not help but slow down the concern expressed by sharafa. Wen Sheng said, "danger and opportunity coexist. Moreover, there should not be too many threats to my existence in the whole star world at present."

"This is my own war."

"Whether we can break through level 9 and unlock the deepest secret of the star world may be in this war."

"And now think about it, there is really no need to pull the wizard civilization into the chariot. After all, it is a war with one of the top civilizations in the desperate world. There is no need to bet on the whole wizard civilization." Locke comforted sarafa.

Also until today, Locke finally made up his mind not to involve the wizard civilization in the huge battle of the desperate world.

Let Locke make such a decision is not the result of his discussion with other wizard world leaders, but after paying close attention to and observing the pan star domain and the upcoming tower star domain war.

The wizard civilization in modern times is indeed more powerful, and the Knights and magicians born in the new generation of civilization are indeed more adapted to the rhythm of war and the survival and evolution law of the fittest in the star world.

However, from the perspective of dominant creatures and as a leader of civilization, Locke suddenly felt that one side of the world, a civilization, should not be completely dominated by war.

The pan star war, the upcoming tower star war, the false word star war, and the possible world group war of steel castle in the future, and even the subsequent contradictions and frictions with other powerful world civilizations around, can almost run through the long history as Locke can see.

Growing up in continuous evolution is the most suitable development model for wizard civilization at present.

So under this premise, why should Locke involve the wizard civilization that has not yet fully grown into the grand height that ordinary low-level creatures such as the dimensional war can\'t imagine in advance.

It is definitely not a good thing for the wizard world to join the war game between the two top civilizations with the inside information of one large-scale world civilization.

Even now, the strength of the wizard world is enough to attract the attention of either of the two top civilizations.

But for Locke, who has been in contact with the civilization of the dead country and learned from the mother of despair that the civilization of the dead country reached its real peak in that year, he knows how weak the wizard civilization is at present.

It can even be said that compared with those old top civilizations that have been unknown for millions of years, the wizard civilization is still fragile like a child.

Even with the strength of the bright Protoss, in the historical peak period reached by the civilization of the dead country that year, it is only the first and middle of the development cycle of the normal top civilization.

The boundless star world makes people don\'t know where the most powerful and terrible top civilizations are scattered in the star world.

The star world is too grand. Even Locke, who is a level 8 peak creature, sees only the veil of one corner of the star world at this time.

In addition to the world of despair, it is still unknown whether there are other special spaces in the star world involving real mystery and core mystery. Locke is only vaguely guessing.

It was from the position of the ceiling of the star world that Locke could look down on the dark and boundless space around him as a \'giant\'.

Although he felt that there was no way to go above, and only breaking through the shackles could make him reach a new height, the boundless surrounding still made Locke feel dignified and afraid.

Locke also guessed more than once whether there were other "giants" like him in the star world, standing in the boundless black fog and a strange star cluster undetected by other top civilizations, and sheltering the groups behind him.

Compared with those "giants" who have not yet found the key and opportunity to break through, Locke\'s advantage is that with the power of destruction and the characteristics of his path, he has found a seemingly feasible nine level road.

Just the so-called sacrifice of Locke\'s nine level road to the top is another powerful top civilization.

How many people in the whole star world can take the opportunity of destroying a top civilization like Locke to ascend to the top nine?

Even the existence of a second such horrendous life is unknown.

Standing in the vision of level 6 creatures, sharafa could not imagine and consider the picture seen from Locke\'s height.

But as a rational and knowledgeable caster, sarafa can guess something from some words revealed by Locke.

The wizard civilization will not participate in the war in the desperate world. Sharafa agrees with her from a rational point of view, but from a perceptual point of view, she is somewhat worried about Locke\'s life safety and the secret of the nine level road she can\'t imagine.

"Don\'t worry, I will leave the wizard civilization and fulfill the agreement with the light Protoss when the war between the tower star domain and the false word star domain is over."

"As for the future road, since the wizard civilization wants to ascend to the top civilization, it must need a pioneer to take that step."

"Master Douglas is old. Although his research on the dominant soul and the true spirit tower in recent years has made him far more advanced in the field of level 7 biology than dragon mother and Lilith, and he is even likely to become a new generation of level 8 magicians in the wizard world."

"But this time span is too long, and with master Douglas\'s remaining dominant soul, once another extremely fierce civilization war unexpectedly breaks out, even master Douglas has to appear and participate in the war, it will inevitably lead to the premature death of the wizard civilization\'s journey to the top civilization."

"The development of knight system in wizard civilization, although the emergence of Karel and me in recent years, is extremely vigorous, and basically reaches the level of magicians of the same level."

"But from a historical point of view, in the knight system, there has not been a landmark figure who has changed the world pattern and the essence of civilization like master Douglas, or even promoted the wizard civilization to a small and medium-sized level in ancient times."

"I want to be this person except for the resurrection of those wives deep in my memory." Locke looked brightly at the boundless starry road outside Xinggang.