Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4456

Since the end of the green world war, the main force of the tower world has consciously abandoned the remaining nodes on the pan star battlefield and returned to its home star domain.

This means that the tower world has completely lost its ambition to compete with wizard civilization in this pan star battlefield.

In addition to proving that the wizard alliance will completely occupy and inform this huge star domain in the near future, there is another more far-reaching and important significance, that is, the iron tower world Legion can no longer merge with the scarecrow legion of false word civilization.

The tower star domain and the false word star domain are two independent star domains not short apart after all.

This is the general trend of astral plane and civilization development. No two powerful world civilizations can be too close.

Including those large and medium-sized star regions occupied by Wizard civilization. Although these star regions are connected under the rule of powerful wizard civilization, there is still a long time and space distance between star regions with different names.

Although the tower civilization and the false word civilization cooperate closely, the two large world civilizations are not adjacent.

The two medium-sized star domains and three small star domains sandwiched in the middle are the past power buffer of the two large world civilizations. Similarly, these world civilizations also belong to the category of this pan star domain.

With the overall victory of wizard civilization in this pan star battlefield, three of the five star domains as power buffers have been completely occupied by Wizard civilization, and the other two are also in turmoil.

The powerful wizard civilization Legion will tell these two weak and small world civilizations how sad and desperate it is to choose the wrong camp with blood and fire.

Of course, according to the geographical location and civilization development history of those two small and medium-sized world civilizations, they actually had no choice in the past.

"Although I really want to go deep into the army directly and push it beyond the mother plane of false words civilization, reason tells me that it\'s better to start with the iron tower world that is closer and poses a greater threat to us." At the Xinggang command center, Locke said to a group of wizard world leaders in front of him.

At this time, all the powerful wizards in the wizard world who can appear in front of Locke have six levels of life.

Just in this Xinggang conference room, there are 32 wizard world-class creatures in front of Locke.

This does not include the powerful wizards and civilizations who cannot come to the conference because they are on the front line of the battlefield, as well as the powerful alliance foreign gods.

"Attacking the star domain of the iron tower is indeed the most rational and most in line with the current interests of our Wizard civilization."

"However, with the current strength of our Wizard civilization and the strength of our control over this pan star region, it is not impossible to give up the near and take the far and start to fight against the false word civilization first." In the conference room, Sara FA of the Mamet alliance did not fear the majesty of Locke\'s supreme knight, but said it on her own.

Beside sharafa, level 6 light magician Bev also appeared here and participated in the meeting as the acting leader of the Mamet alliance and the leader of the steel city.

Sharafa\'s proposal aroused the approval of some other wizards, world level 6 knights and magicians in the conference room.

They are all the strong ones with the oldest qualification in the wizard world, and basically stand at the peak of the wizard world in terms of rights. Because of their long life span, many of them know the trouble that false words civilization has caused to the wizard world.

Whether it is setting up a set to encircle and kill the supreme knight to dominate Locke, or taking away the world-class secret treasure destiny crystal ball of wizard civilization, it represents that the contradiction between the two sides is endless.

If we just pay more price to erase this large world that has seriously offended wizard civilization, the world leaders present don\'t mind.

Sharafa\'s proposal was not recognized by the supreme Knight Lord Locke.

It is not to say that Locke has been generous enough to put down the contradiction between the past and false words.

But the agreement with the light Protoss and the fierce dimensional war breaking out in the desperate world forced Locke to solve the trouble represented by the pan star domain and the tower world as soon as possible.

"We still attack the tower star domain first. In order to ensure the progress of the initial war, we can selectively bypass the small and medium-sized planes in the pan star domain that are still stubbornly resisting."

"Daenerys, the dragon mother, you will lead the Dragon warlock Legion as the vanguard to enter the tower star domain. The sword Saint Carlyle, the dark Summoner Lilith, the master of fire and my destruction Legion will join the invasion and conquest of the tower star domain as the main force of this civilized war." Locke said.

"Yes!" The voice of the dragon mother came from the conference room, but the Dragon Mother itself did not come. It represented her only as a mirror that could condense her appearance and dominate her will.

Not only the dragon mother, but also Locke, the dominant life body in Xinggang at this time.

Both kakarot and golden monkey Wukong are in the front line of the civilization battlefield at this time. It is their efforts that make the war of wizard civilization in this pan star battlefield so smooth.

Locke\'s order made many wizards in the conference room wonder whether this civilization war, which has lasted for tens of thousands of years, will enter the war mode of quick decision.

Even those scattered and weak world civilizations in the pan star region that are still stubbornly resisting are ignored, which is enough to show that Locke\'s real interest is only the main Legion that the tower world has been weak and has little power.

To solve the main force of the tower world with lightning speed and even kill the masters of the tower world, including the king of the tower world, Locke will lead the core military force to expedition the false word civilization.

As for the remaining battles in this vast civilized battlefield after the main enemy forces and dominant creatures regarded as the pillar of civilization are destroyed, it will naturally be handed over to hundreds of millions of middle and bottom combat legions of wizard civilization again.

After the meeting, Locke walked side by side with Sarah law.

As Locke\'s wife and high-level wizard civilization, sharafa knows more than most people.

"How many years will it take us to end this war with the tower world and the false word civilization?" Locke Leng asked the concerned sharafa.

Dai Mei tightened slightly. After a moment of meditation, Sarah FA replied, "should it last ten thousand years?"

Locke shook his head and said, "what you\'re talking about is how long it takes to completely end the war with these two large world civilizations and basically occupy the regular and complete planes of these two star regions."

"What I think is how long it will take to directly defeat their main force, so that they can no longer organize forces to resist the powerful wizard civilization."

"Three thousand years, I will defeat the main force of the tower world and the false word civilization in three thousand years, and kill the foreign masters who have great hatred and irreversible contradictions with the wizard civilization, including the king of the tower world and the ancestor of the word!" Locke said confidently and domineering.

Sharafa did not doubt Locke\'s strength, but in the face of Locke\'s words at this time, the level 6 light element division could not help worrying, "is there any danger in the desperate world battlefield you will go to later?"