Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4450

The white robed old magician walking out of the space fortress is really not a person who is keen on fighting and killing.

Even because of his peace of mind, he did not have the arrogance and contempt of the vast majority of wizard civilization strongmen for foreign creatures.

A transparent crystal ball appeared in the hands of the level 5 magician. Watching the rising energy level in the crystal ball, the knowledgeable old scholar couldn\'t help frowning.

The strength of wizard civilization is not limited to the strong physique of knights and the plundering talent of magicians.

In addition to those strong wizard civilizations who constantly fight on the front battlefield, old scholars like the level 5 magician in the rear also contribute their own strength to the growth of wizard civilization.

For example, in front of this level 5 magician, part of his research field involves the construction and improvement project of the true spirit tower, which is the top priority in the wizard world.

The reason why he chose a four generation space fortress for transportation is not that the level-5 magician is low-key by nature, but that he invested almost all his savings in the exploration of magic and truth, so that he ignored personal enjoyment, wealth and status.

Including the "strange feeling" of exploring in the dark star region this time, the level 5 old magician is only to complete the task released by the wizard alliance and obtain a total amount of 1.5 million magic coins.

Different people have different ways of living. Knights and magicians above level 4 in the front line get magic money reward through war and killing.

Some of the world\'s strong wizards in the rear, including this level 5 old magician, earn resources for experimental research or personal cultivation through logistics or other means.

The fifth level old magician frowned, and the fourth level sanolas combustor nearby didn\'t see anything, but more than ten third level magicians who accompanied the old magician found something unusual.

These three-level magicians are the disciples or assistants of the old magicians. The reason why they did not appear in the front line of the civilized battlefield, but in the rear, is also because their ideas and character are similar to the old magicians.

They are a group of casters who do not have much desire to fight, but blindly pursue truth exploration and experimental research.

"Mentor, is there anything unusual?" A middle-aged magician with a black beard asked.

He is one of the two most proud disciples of the old magician. With semi divine strength, he is likely to become the second gifted disciple of the old magician to achieve level 4.

"According to the energy data prompted by the crystal ball, the expansion frequency and force of the element vortex in the starry sky in front of me can easily tear up any creature below level 4. Even if I am rashly involved in it, I am very likely to suffer heavy damage."

"But strangely, there seems to be some external force controlling the element vortex here not to exceed a certain limit value."

"It seems to be... Protecting the nearby stars and weak creatures." The old magician rubbed the crystal ball and said strangely.

The answer of the level-5 magician made the young semi divine magician change greatly.

Because of his personality, he is not as keen on fighting in the foreign world as his senior brother. On the contrary, he is more inclined to and depends on his mentor to help him complete some sophisticated magic research topics.

He can easily erase the power of creatures below level 4. In addition to his fear of danger, there is also a kind of exploration of the unknown in his heart.

Not only the semi divine magician, but also his teacher didn\'t mean to leave after sensing the possible threat of this element vortex.

Magicians are a group of wise men who are determined to explore the truth and solve the mysteries of the star world. Mere danger can not hinder magicians\' spirit of exploring the mystery of truth.

The shock and fear in his eyes are gradually replaced by calmness and fanaticism. The semi divine magician is about to suggest his mentor whether to carry out a preliminary study of nearby energy nodes, and then try to solve the secret of this increasingly huge vortex of terrorist elements.

"Boom!" A loud noise interrupted the thoughts of the old magician and the young semi God magician.

The seven sanolas royal court war platforms suddenly rose into the sky, including the fourth level combustor, who seemed to feel that some terrorist existence was waking up or coming, and even his originally stable flame body was shaking and was about to collapse.

The situation in front of them surprised the casters of the wizard world.

But strangely, they did not feel the fear and trembling of the fourth level combustor in the face of natural enemies.

Although the increasingly large and amazing power fluctuations in the center of the element vortex have reached a level that can easily erase them, these casters do not feel any threat in them.

"Isn\'t it?" The level 5 old magician\'s eyes flashed. He had been in contact with the tower of the true spirit to improve the mystery, but he had been in contact with a powerful existence in the wizard world.

The impact of terrible elements led to the seven sanolas royal court war platforms falling and dispersing to the depths of the stars, but it was another huge and soft force, which did not cause any actual damage to these weak wizard civilization vassals.

"Well, are you back at last? It looks like this is the dark star region."

"Hmm? There are also some little guys of wizard civilization who feel an energy fluctuation, so they come here to explore?" A dull and powerful wave of will swept through the nearby stars.

Not only those low-level burners and casters of the wizard world, but also the level five old magician felt heavy pressure at this time.

As an antique who has lived for 100000 years, although the old magician is still in the early stage of level 5, he has heard of the supreme existence of wizard civilization.

The huge atmosphere in front of him and his more repressive rule fluctuations than those in the city of the sky all reveal his identity!

"Lord Locke, the great supreme knight, I\'m Aland, the fifth level magician of the city of the sky. Welcome you back to the wizard civilization." The level five old magician crawled down and said with the most humble and respectful etiquette.

The force of a gentle wind blocked the action of the level 5 old magician trying to kneel down, which showed Locke\'s absolute control over his own power.

Before entering the desperate world, he could never do this. Instead, he would be more worried about whether his overflowing destructive power would easily tear up this weak guy.