Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4449

The storm dragon refused, but Locke was dumbfounded.

However, at least because he fought side by side in that confined space for a long time and helped Locke refine the power of destruction in his body, Locke did not force this seven level peak element to dominate too much.

Locke will still fulfill the benefits promised to balhainke, the dragon of the storm.

Not only from the perspective of credibility, but Locke really hopes to win over the storm dragon and establish his advantage in the battlefield of the desperate world.

Looking at the top of many energy storms at the end of the sky, I felt the increasingly fierce and anxious civilization war in the center of the skeleton continent.

With a sigh, a special space-time crack was torn open by Locke\'s dominant power, and then Locke stepped into it.


The experience of hundreds of years in the desperate world is nothing at all for Locke\'s long life span and the essence of life. It can even be said to be a fleeting short memory.

But it is these hundreds of years that will have a significant impact on Locke\'s refining the power of level 8 peak, determining his future path, and the future development of the whole wizard civilization.

Wizard civilization, dark star territory.

The appearance of a colorful space-time crack with strange light drives the forces of elements in a large area of nearby stars to gather here.

The change of the target sky coordinates soon attracted the attention of the nearby sanolas combustors.

A level-4 combustor led a royal war platform with the characteristics of sanolas combustor civilization to reach the nearby star domain, and watched the increasingly huge and amazing vortex of terrorist elements in front of him in the eyes of fear and fear.

"Immediately inform the home star king\'s court and ask the nearest wizard alliance Legion for help!" The level 4 combustor immediately exercised his power and responded in the most rational way.

As for the king\'s court war platform with a diameter of nearly 5000 meters, it also stopped at the edge of the terrorist element vortex, and did its best to get rid of the gravitational attraction of the element vortex in the depths of the starry sky.

After more than 100000 years of development, the sanolas combustors have completely separated from the past and become one of the new member civilizations of the wizard alliance.

Both individual will and civilization development model tend to put the interests of the wizard alliance and the wizard world first.

This was not voluntary by the sanolas, but imposed on them by the powerful wizard civilization.

Of course, this is also one of the costs of providing them with shelter and a relatively safe living environment as a powerful wizard civilization.

The current level 4 combustor was born 17000 years ago. From the perspective of the life span of level 4 creatures, it definitely belongs to the "newcomer" at this stage.

It is precisely because of its short life and shallow knowledge that it did not see the details of the sudden and increasingly amazing energy vortex in front of it, and even the space-time crack in the center of the vortex as the source of the element vortex could not be found.

This is the difference between the essence and details of life. Level 4 creatures are superior gods in the eyes of hundreds of millions of low-level creatures in the star world, but they are just bigger ants in the vision of dominant creatures.

Over the past few months, more and more sanolas combustors appeared near the element vortex, and the scale of the element vortex was nearly 20 times larger than that at the beginning.

There are seven royal court war platforms scattered throughout this huge vortex. These royal court war platforms are not all the details of sanolas combustor.

If not for more than 70% of the elite forces of the sanolas, they all follow the powerful wizard civilization and conquer weak and other alien civilizations on the front line of the distant pan star battlefield, the Royal war platform here can easily break through more than 30.

These Royal war platforms retain the inside information and performance of the sanolas civilization in the past large-scale world. However, since the sanolas are not what they used to be, the strength and scale of the war platform are still much worse than the peak period in the past.

Only in terms of effectiveness and cost performance, these royal court war platforms are inferior to the second-generation space fortress that has long been eliminated by Wizard civilization.

Unfortunately, for wizards, civilized knights and magicians, they have long abandoned the unused second-generation Space Fortress, but for the sanolas, it is a top war weapon that they can\'t afford and buy at a cost.

For no other reason, the pricing given by the wizard civilization of the second generation space fortress is still too expensive!

Even if the sanolas combustors have become more and more powerful and have a voice in the wizard alliance in recent years, and even it is said that their empress has some unspeakable gossip with the supreme Knight of wizard civilization, the current situation of the sanolas combustors is not enough to support their extravagance and waste.

At present, sanolas have only three space fortresses, of which two second-generation space fortresses have long been opened to the front line of the war, and only one valuable third-generation Space Fortress sits on the parent star, demonstrating the dignity of sanolas royal family.

And this three generation space fortress is also the proof of the scandal between the queen of sanolas and the supreme Knight of wizard civilization?

The vortex of terrorist elements that lasted for months finally attracted the attention of the wizard civilization as the real master of this star domain and even more than a dozen nearby star domains.

A four generation Space Fortress came here. It is not difficult to see who is the real master of this star domain by observing the respect and gathering performance of those royal court war platforms to this four generation space fortress.

A level 5 magician flew out of the space fortress. This is an old man in a white mage robe.

Ten thousand years ago, after the Seventh Generation Space Fortress announced mass production and promoted in the whole wizard world, as a level 5 magician, he only had the Fourth Generation Space Fortress as a car, which is enough to prove that he didn\'t mix well.

This is also a true portrayal of different spell casters and knights in the context of frequent wars.

Those who are really rich in the wizard world are all powerful people who shed their blood on the front line of the civilized battlefield, invade and conquer different civilizations, and make huge war profits for the wizard civilization.

Sufficient interests drive the wizard civilization to launch a fierce attack on the weak indigenous people in the pan star region and even the tower world from top to bottom.

In contrast, some magicians who do not want to be involved in war, or prefer to conduct truth exploration and magic research in the laboratory, become more and more embarrassed in the context of civilization war.

On the contrary, in the view of the casters in the wizard world, the barbaric and rude Knights performed wantonly during the civilization war and created one miracle and myth after another.

After all, for knights, fighting is the ladder they break through the barrier of life and try to climb to a higher level.

This is determined by different evolutionary systems, just as most knowledgeable spell casters in the wizard world are addicted to experimental research.