Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4451

"How long has it been since daenerys, the dragon mother, launched an attack on the green world?" Locke\'s great fluctuation and strong will appear again.

In the face of the personal arrival of the supreme Knight of the wizard world, both the old magician and his disciples, as well as those sanolas burners surrounded by the nearby stars, showed obvious excitement and worship.

Daenerys, the dragon mother, launched an attack on the medium-sized green hazy world, almost when Locke had just left the star world for the world of despair.

Because the green hazy world is a medium-sized world firmly standing on the side of the iron tower world, and there is a class VII master of the iron tower world personally in charge, the wizard civilization regards it as the key object to be removed.

"200 years have passed since the great supreme Knight Lord Locke launched the green hazy war."

"This medium-sized plane was also occupied and captured nearly two-thirds of the area under the invasion of our Wizard civilization army." The level five old magician replied respectfully.

The reason why this old man who is addicted to experimental research in the rear knows so well is that he happens to have a level 4 proud disciple who is currently participating in the war in the green world.

"Two hundred years..." As the extremely majestic vortex of elements in front of him gradually closed and disappeared, a man in black appeared in the starry sky in front of him.

Locke\'s journey to the desperate world lasted at least four or five hundred years, but only two hundred years have passed in the normal material world, which proves that the time flow rate of the desperate world is very different from that of the normal world.

This also includes part of Locke\'s time spent crossing the crack of time and space.

Only two hundred years have passed, which is not too long for the material star world.

He glanced in the direction of sanolas royal court, where Locke felt the familiar breath of Princess Yuni.

No, it should not be called Princess Yuni at this time. To be exact, it should be queen Yuni.

The power level at the peak of level 5 indicates that Yuni may enter level 6 at any time, but there are faint signs of degradation to the lower level in the world where she is located, unless Yuni can be promoted to level 6 as soon as possible.

"Has Augustus the sixth level combustor fallen? I don\'t know whether he died naturally or fell on the front line of the civilized battlefield."

"But even if he is alive, his life expectancy is basically up, even if he has carried out gene repair at the ruins of the Atlantis civilization before." Looking in the direction of the sanolas court, Locke sighed.

The disappearance of more and more old friends represents Locke\'s extremely long life, which also makes his heart and personal feelings extremely cold and numb.

Not only the six level creatures as old as Augustus, but also the wives and women of Locke. In addition to Ashar, sarafa, the goddess of wisdom Athena and Theo, who have reached the six level level level, others still stay in the five level stage. At present, they are almost out of life, physical function degradation and so on.

This is the embodiment of the normal mechanism and development rules of the star world. Even Locke, as the master of the eighth level peak, is difficult to change.

After all, the women who have been with Locke since he was a weak child have a long life of more than 200000 years.

You can\'t expect an old lady in her twenties to have the physique, appearance and energy comparable to those young people, especially many of them are casters known for their weak physique.

Strong mental power and perception can make Locke feel the situation of sanolas across less than half of the dark star domain.

But other weak creatures don\'t have such powerful power, including the fifth level creature queen Eunice, who is a little familiar with Locke. She also learned the news of Locke\'s arrival here through the remote communication of the combustor with the fourth level of life here.

The queen of the fifth level combustor, euni, is coming here. Whether she wants to catch up with Locke or get close to her, Locke has no interest in talking to her.

Maybe he felt that Augustus had fallen, which caused Locke\'s sadness and missing for his family. After shaking his head, Locke said, "I\'ll go to the Titan world."

"Tell master sarafa, Knight Dussel and others of the wizard alliance to send all the front-line war reports on wizard civilization to the Titan world, or they can go directly to the Titan world to report to me." After that, without any hesitation, Locke directly turned into a streamer and flew to the Titan region.

Since the dark star domain itself is adjacent to the Titan domain, it won\'t take much time for Locke to fly directly.

Locke\'s whereabouts really make these middle and low-level wizard world creatures elusive. He is powerful.

The level 5 magician old man has begun to complete the tasks that Locke has just assigned, including his task of "exploring the vortex of strange elements nearby". As long as he returns to the wizard world, 1.5 million magic coins will immediately hit him.

Compared with the 1.5 million magic coins, the white robed old magician was even more excited to see the supreme Knight Lord Locke, including the huge element vortex data he collected and recorded before, which is also valuable experimental information. Maybe it can help him pry into the secrets of dominant creatures in the future.

When Locke left and the white robed old magician was ready to leave here and report to the wizard alliance, a huge space fortress arrived here with the noble Queen of the sanolas combustor family.

However, empress Yuni, who hurried to the level five peak here, did not see the noble face dominated by the supreme knight. According to the large life level and status gap between the two, she is still not likely to see Locke in the future.


Titan world.

The last time I hurried back, I just saw my baby granddaughter and other wives, so I had to leave because of the destructive power of my riot.

Now, when Locke returns with more refined and pure eight level peak power, he can at least ensure that his strong power will not hurt them unconsciously.

"Oh, Grandpa, you hurt me!" A burst of clear and coquettish anger appeared in the temple of Olympus holy mountain in the Titan world.

With the revival of the sacred mountains by the contemporary God King Odin and the relocation of the main god systems of the Titan world, the holy mountain of Olympus, which used to be the birthplace of the God system of Olympus, has gradually become lonely and deserted.

However, the status of the holy mountain of Olympus is still special in the Titan world.

Not to mention the name of the "holy mountain", it is just that ancient Titan gods, including Hera, the guardian, Ares, the God of war, Athena, the goddess of wisdom, Venus, and so on, still choose to place the temple here, which is enough to attract other Titan gods to despise.