Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4446

"How possible!"

"We have completely imprisoned the nearby space. Where do those alien creatures and the strange gate of time and space come from?"

When the cannon fodder of more than two million slave creatures poured out of the paradise lost, the high-level of source energy civilization who had been paying attention to the battlefield situation and the commanders of those warship fortresses could not help but exclaim in disbelief.

For scientific and technological civilized creatures, they often have no faith, because their only faith is science.

Locke\'s action of breaking the space confinement of the source energy city and directly putting millions of legions into this confined space undoubtedly breaks the scientific common sense and makes it unacceptable to the leaders of the source energy civilization who have long been used to the source energy city!

Because the appearance of the red vortex indicates that the source energy city has no powerful space confinement means, which can be broken and targeted.

At least before the scientists of source energy civilization understood the mystery, Locke rose several levels in the threat and risk coefficient of source energy civilization.

Different from the disbelief of those high-level leaders of source energy civilization and warship commanders, the God of source energy, who has been at the level 8 peak of this battlefield, seems to see something.

As an eight level peak, the God of source energy, like Locke, stands on the ceiling of the combat power of the star world.

Many things that middle and low-level organisms cannot imagine and understand will gradually become normal in their eyes.

With extremely keen perception and in-depth understanding of regular energy, the God of source energy discovered some secrets of Locke\'s paradise lost.

"It is not that the spatial confinement of the source energy city has been broken, but that you are connected with a strange space."

"It\'s incredible. I think the reason why you have a steady stream of energy to supplement is also related to that special space." The God of source energy pointed to the bloody vortex in the center of the destruction storm.

This is the first normal dialogue between the God of source energy and Locke. Unfortunately, Locke, as one of the parties, did not reply to the God of source energy.

More than two million slave biological legions are one of the few stocks in Locke\'s paradise lost, because before that, he has transferred all elite slaves and tens of millions of destruction legions to the pan star battlefield front line against civilizations such as the tower world.

However, more than two million slave creatures are not a small number, especially in the face of the giant scientific and technological fortress whose source energy position has been broken and even the outer hard alloy steel plate has been torn.

And maybe it doesn\'t need as much as 2 million, because in the end, even if only 100000 slave creatures break in, it will inevitably bring earth shaking trouble and great damage to the dominant source energy fortress.

The flashing source energy shield seems to be telling the weakness of this dominant source energy fortress.

In the face of the continuous pressure from Locke\'s destruction storm, this source power fortress is very reluctant to deal with Locke\'s dominance, let alone draw strength against those slave biological legions.

The energy rays shooting all over the sky are the only resistance that this dominant source energy fortress can do in the face of invasion.

During this period, many slave creatures were directly sieved or even blood mist by energy rays, but many elite slaves took the opportunity to get close to the dominant source energy fortress.

The broken wound torn by Locke is the focus of the attack of millions of slave creatures.

The fighting power of these slave creatures is not bad, and there are even two level 5 Saiyan soldiers.

The sudden changes and the sudden attack of millions of slave creatures made it difficult for the other two scientific and technological creations far away from the dominant source fortress to support for a time.

After all, before that, their role was to cause coverage long-range attack to Locke in different directions and angles.

The valiant and fearless slave biological Corps under Locke accelerated the death knell of this dominant source energy fortress.

In particular, one of the level 5 Saiyan soldiers, on the premise that half of his body was shelled by the dominant fortress of the source civilization, still maintained the second change posture of the Super Saiyan and continued to dive forward.

This fierce style and crazy posture have been seen by yuanneng civilization in the bright Protoss before.

Compared with scientific and technological civilization, this independent cultivation civilization with a unique evolutionary system sometimes shows madness and belief that scientific and technological civilization can not understand.

It is also the emergence of these slave biological legions under Locke that makes yuanneng civilization finally realize that they are not facing a single master, but also the strong existence of their own civilization and ethnic groups.

However, the source energy civilization has always been powerful, and the emergence of only millions of legions has not made the high-level of source energy civilization and those source energy masters look too sideways.

Including their previous shock point, it is only how those slave biological legions appear, not the strength of those slave biological legions.

Two million slave creatures, just a wave of energy ray baptism, cleared at least 300000 of them, but then these slave creatures also successfully approached the dominant fortress of source energy civilization.

A battle and bloody battle between the creatures at the bottom were staged, and the dominant source power fortress, one of the besieged Locke, finally withdrew from the battle sequence in shaking.

The dominant fortress of source energy civilization is not so easy to break, and Locke did not expect that more than 1 million slave creatures could really destroy this dominant fortress.

What Locke really values is that as this dominant source energy fortress withdraws from the battle sequence, it will mean that the blockade and suppression of source energy civilization will lose balance.

Locke did not know that on the battlefield of the external desperate world, the bright Protoss had launched a general attack on the source energy civilization in advance.

He just considers the problem from his own point of view. Even in order to break through, he must fight hard.

Locke doesn\'t want to fall into the desperate world in a muddle headed way, and this time, the trauma and loss brought to him by the source civilization will be returned thousands of times in the future!

"Have you had enough rest!"

"It\'s time to work, unless you want to fall here with me!" When Locke\'s voice sounded again in the destruction storm, a loud dragon howl came out immediately.

After nearly ten years of rest, balhaink, the dragon of the storm, finally recovered his strength.

Locke won\'t always carry a mop. If balhaink, the dragon of the storm, doesn\'t show his due value, he doesn\'t mind abandoning his new "friend".

Storm dragon obviously knows that now is the best time for it and Locke to break through.

With a dominant fortress withdrawing from the battle sequence, the dominant combat power of the other four source civilizations has also lost a lot. If they can\'t break through this time, they will almost no longer have the opportunity to break the confinement of this space.

"Roar!" The angry dragon howl came from the mouth of the storm dragon. A powerful and amazing storm dragon breath was brewing in it.