Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4447

The roar of the storm dragon and the threat of terrorist energy changed the face of the Lord of stars in this confined space battlefield.

As the source energy civilization is only second to the God of source energy, the Lord of stars knows the limit of the space confinement barrier provided by the source energy city.

If it\'s just the power of the storm dragon, it\'s nothing, but if you add

Sure enough, as the Lord of the stars expected, in addition to the storm dragon breath in the mouth of the storm dragon becoming more restrained and vigorous, at the end of the destructive storm, a long gun painted black appeared again.

This is the strongest weapon displayed by the supreme Knight master of wizard civilization in this master level biological scuffle. Even the powerful existence of the God of source energy can be pierced through the chest by the God killing gun, which is enough to prove how many power peaks it can reach.

The combination of the two forces, coupled with the wear and tear of this confined space due to decades of fierce fighting, it is really possible for them to break through the wall and escape after several bombings.

"Stop them!" When the voice of the Lord of stars sounded, the two master fortresses and space warships in good condition erupted the main gun beam again.

The target of these main guns is to destroy Locke and the storm dragon in the center of the storm. The reason why they are so anxious to carry out coverage shooting is to hinder the energy accumulation process of Locke and the storm dragon.

The energy beams of scientific and technological civilization warships once again cover up the whole confined space, but this time they do little damage to Locke and storm dragon.

Because a lotus stand appeared in mid air.

The volume of the twelve product destruction Black Lotus has shrunk by nearly two-thirds compared with its peak period, including the countless lotus petals incarnated by pure destruction factors, which have also been annihilated as the most basic particles in this dense shooting of the dominant beam.

Locke suffered a lot from the heavy blow of the secret treasure, but now is not the time to consider these.

With the help of the residual energy factor after the collection and firing of the main guns of the two dominant fortresses of source energy civilization, Locke\'s long-standing God killing gun and the breath of the storm dragon launched boldly.

Turned into a coat of black limang, the killer gun went straight to the space barrier closest to Locke, and the breath of the storm dragon followed.

The energy particles generated during the scuffle of the dominant creatures themselves rioted to the extreme, which made Locke\'s killer gun and the storm dragon spit out breath. When they arrived one after another, a more violent explosion vibration suddenly occurred.

Centered on the killer gun, an obvious broken crack of the space barrier appeared in the blue purple halo.

Although the breath of the storm dragon did not achieve such an intuitive effect, it expanded the crack of the space barrier broken by the God killing gun as a follow-up force.

"Yes, that\'s it!" Balhainke, the dragon of the storm, roared excitedly. Although it still can\'t sense the unique rule power of the desperate world and the familiar storm energy, it can be predicted that as long as they come so many times, they will be able to break the confinement of this space.

The excitement of storm dragon balhainke did not last long, because the coming attack of the God of source energy and the Lord of stars left it and Locke no spare power to continue to destroy the space barrier.

This time, the strike from the God of source energy and the Lord of stars is more frequent and powerful than before.

Even these two source energy masters did not spend extra energy to pay attention to the crumbling source energy fortress.

A more fierce scuffle broke out again than before, and yuanneng civilization obviously did not want to let the tiger go back to the mountain.

It\'s just that the development of things is always not as people want.

When the God of source energy once again blasted Locke, resulting in a terrible energy impact in the whole confined space, a burst of "click" sound of space fragmentation suddenly appeared.

The sound of space breaking is like the sound of nature to balhaink, the dragon of the storm.

Because with the emergence of this voice, it finally feels the familiar smell of rules from the desperate world again. Even its almost collapsed element body blasted by the Lord of stars has a tendency to solidify gradually under the warm support of the power of storm rules.

But for the masters of stars, the two strongholds of source energy civilization and the high-level source energy civilization in the cosmic warship, the sound of space fragmentation is so harsh.

Because this means that their action plan will end in failure!

"If so, you dare to target our light Protoss friends." A peaceful and dignified voice sounded. At the broken space, a slightly strange Lord God of light appeared to Locke.

The light Lord God was subjected to an incomparably powerful power of light, which all showed his strength, and he really reached the same level as Locke and the God of source energy.

Even in the control of power and the understanding of the power of rules, the other party is stronger!

The supreme existence of the light Protoss - the Supreme God is here!

The incomparably strong light divine power directly purifies the riot element energy and abundant source energy in this confined space.

Including the destructive power of Locke, there was a large-scale dissociation and collapse under the influence of the energy of the Supreme God.

Of course, there is also a great reason for this situation because Locke suffered a lot at this time and his original power was seriously lost, but Rao Shi Locke himself had to admit that the Supreme God was indeed more powerful than him.

This is the strength gap caused by hundreds of thousands of accumulation at the end of the year, which can not be made up by Locke\'s simple absorption of the power of the destruction of civilization.

Different from the face of the Lord of stars at this time, the God of source energy still didn\'t change much when he saw the old opponent of the Supreme God. It seems that he had expected the arrival of the other party long ago.

The Supreme God is indeed stronger than the God of source energy and Locke, but this strength is also limited.

Otherwise, the Supreme God was imprisoned and sealed by the source energy city. In the face of the existence of the source energy God who surrounded and suppressed him, the Supreme God would not choose to break through in the end.

And as the master of the eight levels of peak, especially as the leader of a civilization, the God of source energy is not without the slightest assurance of victory over the Supreme God.

As long as he mastered the city of source energy, so as to open the extreme fighting posture of source energy civilization, he is sure to subdue it even in the face of the Supreme God.

Unfortunately, the source of civilization is not the God of energy, but one person has the final say. Everyone has their own worries and constraints, but it is difficult for outsiders to understand.

The emergence of the supreme god frustrated the plan of yuanneng civilization to encircle and suppress Locke. Because the Supreme God has appeared here, we know that on the main battlefield of the desperate world, the bright Protoss must also launch a stronger counterattack.