Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4445

The God of source energy is a respectable opponent. In him, Locke found a trait similar to himself.

The pain in his chest did not shake the mind of the God of source energy. Like Locke, he had only one idea in his mind at this time, either kill the opponent in front of him or hit him hard!

Not even superfluous nonsense was said. The God of source energy once again aroused the power of source energy rules and detonated the powerful source energy burst ball near Locke.

Unlike Locke, who has 12 top world-class treasures such as the destruction of Black Lotus, Paradise Lost and God killing gun, the equipment of the God of source energy is very simple.

A blue and purple special combat suit is the only world-class secret treasure equipment on the God of source energy.

As for weapons, the God of source energy has none at all.

Unlike the endless Lord who is completely on the road of passive evolution and completely depends on his iron fist and strong physique, the reason why the God of source energy does not need the help of external weapons is only because his body is his strongest weapon.

The extremely exaggerated guidance and extension of source energy indicates that although the God of source energy has maintained a humanoid body, his essence is not much different from Locke\'s destruction storm.

This is a pure power of source energy without any impurities.

The pure power of source energy makes the God of source energy completely the supreme controller of the special power of \'source energy\'.

Even Locke found that as the battle continued, the God of source energy could influence and change the shape of the three giant dominant fortresses and cosmic warships with the power of his own rules.

It\'s just strange that the God of source energy seldom does so. It seems that there are other difficulties to hide.

Except that Locke and other top powers at the same level as the God of source energy can feel it slightly, others, including those source energy generals who dominate and command the dominant fortress, may not be able to find it.

The fierce battle and the astonishing impact of rules are carried out in an environment where both sides are quite silent.

For Locke, the masters of source energy civilization and scientific and technological warships in front of him are strong enemies he has not touched in recent tens of thousands of years.

Although the battlefield of jiluogulian civilization was fierce, the degree of intensity was only for creatures below level 7. As Locke, who had been promoted to the later level of level 8 at that time, didn\'t suffer such a big loss in the battle game with the sea of death.

The continuous supplement of vitality in paradise lost is Locke\'s second-largest support for rapidly recovering his injuries and maintaining high-intensity combat after the soul of the master.

However, with the passage of decades, even if Locke has the infinite ductility and permanent solidification characteristics of the eternal soul, he will inevitably lose some of the eternal soul in the process of fighting with one enemy against many.

Fortunately, Lockheed\'s accumulation is deep enough, and although he has been in constant war for more than 100000 years, his dominant soul has been maintained at a high level.

Even if there is no life power bonus provided by paradise lost, you can\'t kill him in a mere 100 years by relying on your own details and the God of source energy.

With Locke as the center, it continues to impact in all directions.

The God of source energy is at the same height as Locke, and its power of source energy rules has reached the peak in the field of source energy. Therefore, under the background of fighting with one enemy against many, Locke did not waste too much power on the God of source energy, but aimed at the Lord of stars and the three scientific and technological creations of source energy civilization.

Encirclement, suppression and destruction of other masters is not a good job. Both the original demon God cassoro and Satan, the Lord of hell, have inflicted unbearable damage on their opponents in their battle and final fall.

Including the sage of the Department of destruction in the history of Xianyu civilization - Mo Zu Luo, since he was able to reach the same height as Taoist Zu Hongjun, it is enough to prove that the sage of Xianyu in history is not a simple role.

Since yuanneng civilization wants to operate on Locke, they must be prepared to be stabbed by Locke\'s sharp blade.

The turbulent destruction storm lasting for decades has no sign of weakening. It\'s OK for the God of source energy and the Lord of stars. Their strong physique can withstand the impact of this level of power.

However, the three scientific and technological creations of source energy civilization, which are regarded as the key care targets, have had a bad luck during this period.

The powerful destructive force has caused a large area of chaps on the surface of these source energy civilization fortresses and space warships. Although these dominant source energy scientific and technological creations also support and release the highly characteristic source energy protection position, under the continuous erosion and wear for decades, even the most powerful position will have loopholes and be broken through.

Scientific and technological creations made by human beings are different from the strong ones who cultivate themselves to dominate the realm.

Even when the dominant creatures are exhausted, not to mention these cold dead creatures.

After decades of high-intensity fighting, the energy of these civilized scientific and technological fortresses and warships is gradually approaching a threshold.

The star world is balanced. Scientific and technological civilization has its development advantages and strength. Naturally, there are corresponding shortcomings and defects.

If it is a normal star battlefield or the main battlefield of dimensional hegemony, these fortresses and cosmic giants with dominant combat power are often surrounded by tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of low-level ships and source energy soldiers.

Countless fleets and warships are the absolute strength of scientific and technological civilization to push all the resistance around. In this process, in order to keep the energy of these dominant source energy fortresses and space warships sufficient, a large number of transport ships or source energy sub cities are often directly charged.

But this time, in order to encircle Locke secretly and quickly, yuanneng civilization is absolutely impossible to coerce a huge fleet to arrive here.

Compared with Locke, who has lost paradise and eternal soul as his back, these three dominant fortresses and cosmic warships of source energy civilization gradually show their weak side.

"Boom!" Another violent explosion and energy impact occurred on the surface of a dominant source energy fortress.

The burning of destruction and the turbulence of rules make this incomparably large dominant science and technology fortress solidly missing a corner.

In the center of the destruction storm, Locke in the destroyer\'s form can even see small and weak source energy soldiers and maintenance personnel like ants in his eyes. They appear in the damaged area of the warship and are trying their best to repair there.

To deal with scientific and technological civilization, once their hard steel appearance and invincible energy shield are torn off and revealed in the eyes of foreign masters and foreign gods, it is their most vulnerable and soft side.

"Go and tear them up!" With Locke\'s cold and heartless scold, a bloody vortex suddenly appeared in the center of the destruction storm.

Millions of ferocious and powerful slave creatures rushed out of them, including hundreds of thousands of Locke\'s most elite destruction Corps.