Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4444

The charming Angel Raphael with twelve bright wings turned into a golden streamer and flew to the rear of the bright Protoss.

In the face of the constant pursuit of a level 7 source energy master behind him, the endless Lord intercepted the other party.

In the process of facing the Galactic star Safina, there is still room for other masters, as can be seen from the strength of the endless Lord.

Of course, in this process, the reason why the endless Lord can resist the Galaxy star Safina and another lacquered black dominant source energy fortress is also largely due to the continuous power of faith provided by the lower Angel Legion on on the battlefield and the assistance of other gods in the theater next door.

It is more united and cohesive than the source energy civilization, which is another advantage of the bright Protoss in the process of fighting the source energy civilization.

Before that, why didn\'t the source energy civilization release the ultra long-range space-time imprisonment attack against the endless Lord, but carry out a surprise attack and encirclement on Locke, the alien master.

A large part of the factor is that the light Protoss is a whole, and Locke is just a single alien master.

The cost and combat power of raiding Locke will be far lower than that of encircling and suppressing the endless Lord.

For example, at this time, Locke has been trapped in that confined space and has been fighting for a long time, but so far no other foreign aid forces have come to the rescue.

If it were the Lord of infinity, the Supreme God and the Eternal Lord in the rear must have been killed long ago, and pushed the dimensional hegemony directly to the most intense medium-term stage.

Part of the reason for the surprise attack on Locke is that yuanneng civilization will not be disturbed by other external forces in order to understand all uncontrollable factors in the process of dimensional war in advance and ensure that there will be a decisive battle with the bright Protoss in the future.

After taking his solid chest to directly resist the concentrated energy attack given by the distant source energy fortress, and another punch shook a pair of shadow blades of the Milky Way star Safina, the endless Lord said, "your woman\'s knife is getting softer and softer. Why don\'t you go down first and change the Lord of stars or the God of source energy?"

The words of the endless Lord made the face of the Milky Way star Safina gloomy under the purple combat suit.

Speaking of it, the endless Lord is also a kind of person who doesn\'t understand pity and cherish jade.

Under the bombardment of his uncompromising master fist every time, the purple combat suit of Galaxy star Safina was obviously damaged in many places.

The endless Lord is a cruel man who can break the famous and supreme sword of hell. Naturally, it\'s nothing to say in the face of this world-class secret treasure level battle suit made by scientific and technological civilization.

The dullness of the chest and the red value reminded by the battle suit glasses mean that the Milky Way star Safina is indeed not the opponent of the endless Lord.

Although the source energy civilization has two eight level peak combat power of the source energy God and the source energy city, the bright Protoss is not bad.

The Supreme God\'s strength is unparalleled. He is only the endless Lord in front of him, and he is also very likely to reach the peak of level 8.

Why does the source energy civilization refuse to let the God of source energy fight the endless Lord?

Because according to the analysis data calculated by the source energy city, the final result of that battle shows that the source energy civilization is not only difficult to kill the endless Lord, but may let the endless Lord break through the barriers in life and death and climb to the top of level 8.

The bright Protoss seems to have seen this through great prophecy, so since the war, the endless Lord has led the angel army to the front, and the Supreme God is the last card to stay behind.

If the endless Lord can understand the profound meaning of power and reach the top of level 8, the probability of the bright Protoss winning this dimensional war will be 20% more.

And as an eight level master who has embarked on the path of pure proof, the power of the endless Lord has been proved by countless battles.

It\'s not pleasant to say. At that time, the endless Lord will climb to the top of level 8. I\'m afraid the Supreme God who has been immersed in this realm for a long time may not be able to hold him.

The strength of the bright Protoss in the surrounding star domain is not entirely due to the creator God and the Supreme God. It can only be said that they have laid a solid foundation for the bright Protoss.

The strength of the bright Protoss comes from the efforts of every Lord God and the construction of hundreds of millions of angel legions and countless believers.

This is the advantage and strength of the whole civilization. Compared with the wizard civilization, although it has developed very rapidly in recent years, it seems a little partial from the perspective of rationality.

At present, nearly 40% or even 50% of the powerful wizard civilization is brought by Locke.

Once Locke is gone one day in the future, the wizard civilization is bound to usher in a period of strength vacuum.

There is no way. The disappearance of the creator God from the star world brought such a great impact and influence to the bright Protoss.

Every civilization can not rely too much on one or even several existence. Only when the whole civilization becomes strong can this civilization really gain a foothold in the star world.

However, we can breathe a sigh of relief that the development potential and heritage of wizard civilization are not poor. In recent years, even if Locke is not in the wizard world all the year round, the war front and development of wizard civilization have not been greatly affected.

More and more new strong men and potential seeds appear one after another. The emergence of the true spirit tower and the dominating palace has also laid the cornerstone for the future prosperity of wizard civilization.

In particular, the emergence of the wizard alliance system makes the wizard civilization not only show barbaric violence, but also show tenderness and wisdom in the external expansion.

Like Locke, the wizard civilization is also growing, and one day it will reach the level of the light Protoss or even surpass the light Protoss.


The future prospect of wizard civilization does not need to be repeated. It will be many million years later.

What we need to care about now is that Locke, trapped in the barrier of time and space, was beaten very hard.

The continuous supply of life energy from Paradise Lost enables Locke to fight one against five.

Yes, it is one against five. This happened because the storm dragon, whose strength was seriously damaged seven years ago, was forced to hide in the destructive storm embodied by Locke.

The three dominant fortresses and cosmic giant ships of source energy civilization are not vegetarian. Since they dare to encircle and suppress Locke, the power level represented by these three cold war weapons is definitely not an ordinary level 7.

Almost every war fortress has a firepower output comparable to level 7 peak.

The source energy cosmic giant ship is even more exaggerated, which is still not increased by hundreds of millions of ships. If it is under the background of normal star world war, this cosmic giant ship forms a complete formation and can even face class 8 creatures.

Twelve pieces of black lotus petals that destroy black lotus dance all over the sky under the baptism of turbulent and intense source energy beam.

These petals with pure destructive power soon integrated into the destruction storm around Locke and became another barrier for Locke to resist peripheral attacks.

At this time, opposite Locke, there was an obvious penetrating injury on the chest of the God of level 8 peak source energy, which was a gift from Locke.

The power of source energy rules is repairing the trauma of the God of source energy. Similar to Locke\'s expression, the God of source energy is also cold. His eyes are cold, and it seems that the injury on his chest does not contain any pain.


Next, I will try my best to spend some time at 5:00. If you have tickets in hand, please don\'t hesitate to give them to Xiaodou.

Of course, it would be better if there was a reward. Thank you very much!