Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4443

When the master scuffle in the confined space breaks out, the ongoing dimensional war outside will inevitably be affected by it.

"What\'s the matter? Is the new alien master difficult?" In the hub conference room of the source energy city, a portly congressman waved his fist and smashed it into the picture on the display screen in front of him.

Because the life level is low, and the battle picture captured and projected by the source energy city is also vague and chaotic, the source energy civilization congressman does not know the details of the dominant battle in the confined space.

Just through the flashing rule halo and the energy turbulence that has not reduced by a penny so far, no matter how ignorant of the battle, the congressman probably knows that they have hit a hard nail this time.

"The alien master is really tricky. Maybe we should move up his risk rating."

"At least if the endless Lord of the bright Protoss is imprisoned to the source energy space by us, his resistance and killing difficulty will not be so difficult." In the conference room, a source energy soldier in military uniform replied.

"Of course, part of the reason is that there were big mistakes when we carried out the encirclement plan against the alien master."

"The dragon of the storm, which appeared at the end of the dimension before, was also absorbed by us. According to the observation, it has a more harmonious relationship with the alien master, and has become the target of our fight this time." Another female energy warrior then added.

(PS: the end of the dimension is the name of the source civilization for the desperate world.)

"Waste, all waste!"

"Tell the God of source energy and the Lord of stars that we have spent so much to organize this raid plan, and they must show me the results in 100 years."

"Otherwise, there will be unpredictable changes in the situation of the whole dimensional war. The bright Protoss, which has been suppressed by us for a long time, may find something and launch a targeted counterattack!" The big bellied Mr Yuen Neng scolded.

The reprimand and order of Congressman yuan Neng made the two level-6 yuan Neng soldiers in the conference room frown and look at each other.

Although with their power level, they can easily crush this fat man whose life level can only reach level 4, due to each other\'s status and prestige, the two level 6 source energy warriors can only be affected by this sullen spirit, and pass the congressman\'s words to two masters such as the source energy God in the confined space through the source energy city.

In fact, the fat man in front of us did not have as much say in the Source Energy Council as we thought.

He is just a clown who has been pushed to the stage, but he represents yuanneng members and huge interest groups who account for nearly two-thirds of the votes of yuanneng Parliament.

The real leaders of the Source Energy Council, even the old folks who can compete with the level 8 peak like the God of source energy, are hidden behind the scenes.

They are the real power holders of the source energy civilization, and because they do not have the position of president or prime minister like the Federation, the congressmen behind the scenes of the source energy civilization are the real uncrowned king and the local emperor of the whole civilization.

The God of source energy attempts to reform and innovate, and seeks more rights and status in the whole source energy civilization on behalf of the source energy warrior group. These old guys are the biggest resistance.

But it is a pity that the strength and status of the God of source energy can hardly shake these deep-rooted existence.

The families and chaebols represented by some of them can be described as a source energy civilization. When it is only a medium-sized world standard, they have occupied a great position and voice in this civilization.

The most remarkable point is that the gods of level 8 peak source energy have no permission to transfer and use the source energy city.

The key and security password to start the source energy city are still in the hands of those old friends.

It is precisely for this reason that the science and technology faction within the source energy civilization can suppress the source energy warrior faction.

Including the God of source energy himself, sometimes he has to be subject to these old guys.

Although the fat congressman\'s words were rude and ugly, what he said was the truth.

Not everyone is qualified to be pushed to the front of the stage. Let alone why he can win the trust of other members of Parliament, it is enough to show that he is not simple to achieve a seat in Parliament among the civilized creatures of billion trillion energy.

And the fat man was originally born in the military. In terms of his understanding and control of the war, he was even higher than the two level 6 source energy soldiers in the conference room.

The order of the fat congressman will soon welcome the feedback of the God of source energy and the Lord of stars in the confined space.

They have increased their pressure on Locke and the storm dragon in the confined space, but strangely, Locke\'s power seems endless.

So far, he has not suffered much loss in the soul of the master, but fought back and forth with the source energy God who has the source energy city as a backup support.

On the contrary, it is the powerful level 7 peak storm dragon. After losing the blessing of the special rules of the desperate world, it showed fatigue and weakness shortly after the scuffle broke out.

No one can defeat three with one, especially the super long-distance space-time imprisonment of the source energy city, which can be said to have just hit the life gate of the storm dragon.

Without the bonus of the special rules of the desperate world, the storm dragon is at best an ordinary level 7 peak master.

It\'s because it just spent a lot of energy to lose weight for Locke not long ago, so that it is now in a weak period.

However, the good news is that the three source civilization fortresses and cosmic giants have not focused too much on the storm dragon.

Locke is the target of source energy civilization.

When more and more master level energy rays bombard Locke\'s body surface, even Locke, as the master of level 8 peak destruction, is gradually struggling.


Bright Protoss battlefield.

Although the collision between the angel Legion and the source civilization Legion is still fierce on the skeleton continent in front of us, the endless Lord of the bright Protoss found an unusual trace.

This is innate combat intuition.

Whether it is those low-level source energy legions or the Milky Way stars in the sky facing themselves far away, the endless Lord has found that their fighting will and strength have declined since more than a decade ago.

There are limits to the strength and combat posture of a civilization. The deployment of the two most powerful eight level Yuan energy masters and three dominant source energy war weapons will inevitably mean that the foundation of source energy civilization in the whole dimensional battlefield will be reduced a lot.

At this time, if the supreme god of the bright Protoss takes the lead to launch a wave of counter charge to the hinterland of the source energy civilization, the loss and blow to the source energy civilization will undoubtedly be huge.

However, the great prophecy can not be convenient for the bright Protoss all the time, and in the countless years of the development and growth of the source energy civilization, they have also met some strange civilizations with the ability of prophecy and divination, and developed some targeted measures.

The fighting intuition of the endless Lord made him feel a little unusual, so he quickly fed back this situation to the Eternal Lord and others in the rear through the charming Angel Raphael.