Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4442

The powerful source energy explosion shock wave is generated in Locke\'s chest. As the individual peak master of the birth of scientific and technological civilization, the God of source energy will inevitably remain some unique factors of scientific and technological civilization in battle.

For example, when he chose to hit the center of Locke\'s chest, he was prompted by the central information database of source energy city.

The incomparably powerful destructive power spreads in all directions with the destructive God at Locke\'s chest as the core. The scientific and technological means of source energy civilization can easily detect where these destructive forces come from.

The powerful explosion shock wave made Locke in the middle of the battlefield go back a lot.

But in this special space that has been imprisoned, Locke can\'t retreat.

At the edge of this special space, a special grid barrier maintained by the power of blue and purple source energy blocked Locke\'s way to continue to retreat.

For the storm dragon and Locke who have been trapped in it, unless they try their best to bombard the surface of the barrier and try to break the spatial confinement here.

Otherwise, there is no way to escape before the source energy civilization does not take the initiative to remove the space imprisonment here.

This is also the reason why yuanneng civilization has no rivals in the nearby star regions in the past hundreds of thousands of years.

Even some large world civilizations have thorny eight level masters, but it is difficult to escape in the face of the double oppression of the source energy city and the source energy masters.

The God of source energy hit Locke with all his strength, which only made him retreat a lot, but Locke himself did not suffer much in this blow.

This comes from the fact that Locke\'s field of passive evolution has reached an extremely advanced level. If we let go of the use of rules and energy, and neither side uses world-class secrets or civilization treasures, Locke has the strength to break his wrist with the Supreme God at the moment.

Locke\'s physical toughness exceeded the expectations of the God of source energy. Before that, the data collected and investigated by their source energy civilization showed that Locke\'s strength was far less exaggerated than the Supreme God.

Even the threat in the battle may be slightly worse than the endless Lord in the later stage of level 8.

But facts have proved that source energy civilization is a little taken for granted.

This is also different from Locke\'s previous efforts, which caused some miscalculation to the source energy civilization.

The prompt from the central information database of source energy city indicates that Locke\'s threat coefficient and energy pressure are continuing to rise at this time.

Breaking through to the peak of level 8, Locke really hasn\'t had an indulgent fight for a long time.

The effect of the energy slimming given to him by the storm dragon is obvious. There is a faint black flame on the surface of the painted black bone armor, and the God killing gun suddenly appears in his hand. Facing the God of source energy in the distance, the wing of destruction behind Locke flapped its wings, turned into a sharp black light and rushed straight to the God of level 8 source energy.

"Boom!" A far more exaggerated element explosion and rule turbulence are generated in the confined space.

The blue purple energy grid shines frequently during this period, and the confinement space provided by the source energy city also has its bearing.

In the foreign wars of source energy civilization in the past, this invincible means of space confinement was not a time when it had not been broken.

The most recent one was reached by the supreme god of the light family.

And the Supreme God also set a record of breaking the space confinement of the city of open energy. I still remember that war lasted for 13 years.

It is understandable that the Supreme God has this means. After all, he has been immersed in the level 8 peak state for long enough.

Even Taoist Zu Hongjun of Xianyu couldn\'t keep him. A cold war weapon like a dead object, which could trap the Supreme God for 13 years, has exceeded the great expectation of the bright Protoss.

The supreme god of the bright Protoss has unparalleled combat power, and has the revelation of civilization. It\'s reasonable to reach this situation.

But the new alien knight in the desperate world, Lord Locke, the high-level and dominant creatures of source energy civilization, do not think he can do the same.

The extreme existence in the astral world is not so easy to be encountered by the source civilization.

Meeting a supreme God is already the first-class enemy of yuanneng civilization in this dimensional war. The main purpose of their surprise attack is to eliminate or eliminate the threat brought by Locke as soon as possible.

Even if you can\'t kill each other, at least hurt your opponent.

Yuanneng civilization is not a weak and lonely civilization. There has never been any compromise or concession in the traditional principles of this top civilization.

Perhaps some people think that the most rational way of yuanneng civilization is to make friends with Locke.

However, the source energy civilization has not lowered its arrogant head for hundreds of thousands of years. If the internal contradictions of the civilization are not too large, otherwise, with the strength of the source energy civilization and their forces near their star domain, even if they continue to expand vertically and horizontally in the void, there is basically no resistance.

This is also why when the high level of source energy civilization found Locke for the first time, it was not to avoid or make friends with the existence of the level 8 peak, but to think about how to directly kill the alien master who seems to have a close relationship with the bright Protoss.

If we have to use a detailed metaphor, the source energy civilization at this time is like a light Protoss without the constraints of the anti light Protoss alliance.

In the past, in the middle stage of the development of source energy civilization, this world civilization did have its own enemies.

However, with the continuous development and growth of source energy civilization, the former enemies, without exception, have become cannon ashes.

From this point of view, the vast majority of people used to think that the arrogant bright Protoss was actually more modest and calm than yuanneng civilization.

When the top civilization is in trouble, it is not so easy to compromise.

For them who have fought countless strong enemies, with the emergence of new strong enemies, there is only one option in front of them, that is to run over them directly.

But this time, when the God of source energy and the Lord of stars have burst out their strongest combat power, they found that the alien master in front of them seems to be more "hard" than they thought.

It is not known whether the war track of yuanneng civilization will break in the process of encircling and suppressing Locke.

But with the passage of time, the turbulence of energy degrees and rules in this confined space becomes larger and larger.

The black one is destruction, the blue one is source energy, and the silver one is morning star. Three levels of eight dominant forces are raging in it.

This level of battle has exceeded the cognition of middle and low-level creatures. Even if the sixth level peak creatures are accidentally involved, they will soon turn into a pool of broken meat or basic energy particles.

In the course of the game between the three level-8 masters, the battle between level-7 storm dragon balhaink and the three source energy civilization science and technology fortresses and the cosmic giant ship has also begun.

Storm breath and energy beam are intertwined, and violence and chaos have gradually become the theme of this confined space.