Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4441

The existence of the source energy city means that the source energy civilization will appear at the frontier of the hungry wasteland through their most peak scientific and technological creation.

This powerful means beyond common sense, Rao Shiluo, as a level 8 peak creature, was difficult to understand and accept for a time.

Sure enough, there is absolutely no simple role to achieve the top civilization.

The city of source energy is too far away from Locke, so let\'s not go into it. Locke\'s main attention is actually focused on the two eight level source energy masters in front of him.

The special blessing provided by the source energy city makes the momentum and state of the two masters of source energy civilization at the peak.

In particular, according to the introduction of the endless Lord of the bright Protoss, the master of source energy civilization should have been hit hard by the Supreme God first, and then beaten by the endless Lord.

But at the moment, the state of the other party seems to Locke that there is no trace of injury.

The ability of the Lord of stars should include the power of stars, which is extremely rare in the star world. With the help of the brilliance of stars, he can burst out powerful power.

Before that, the master of source energy civilization also targeted the Lord of glory several times, because the Lord of glory has a secret treasure that makes the Lord of stars peep at - the star ring.

It also takes the star ring as bait. Thousands of years ago, the endless Lord beat each other hard.

But it is a pity that since then, the learned master of the stars did not appear in the battlefield, so that the bright Protoss has always judged that the other party is either not well injured, or has been hiding in the dark and waiting for the opportunity.

Compared with the masters of stars who have the power of stars, the power of level 8 peak source energy God is very pure.

The source of power and the power of rules he has are only the power of source energy.

He is the divine mainstay in the eyes of hundreds of millions of yuanneng soldiers of the whole yuanneng civilization. His incomparably strong strength makes him rise from a humble, weak and small time. Obviously, he does not have any deep background or family, but he can still control nearly one-third of the voice in the yuanneng Parliament.

He is a pioneer in promoting the reform and innovation of source energy civilization. The source energy warrior system can catch up from behind and become the second system of source energy civilization keeping pace with the scientific and technological development system!

Of course, it is precisely because of the act of the God of source energy and the incompatibility between some ideas and interest fields.

This eight level peak, who occupies a very high position in yuanneng civilization, has great strength and great voice, and has been despised by some leaders of yuanneng parliament as "the culprit who induces the division of yuanneng civilization", "a warrior with only brute force" and "a villain who usurped power by chance".

This time, the source energy civilization boldly marched into the desperate world and broke out a dimensional war with the light Protoss, of which at least 60% of the factors can be attributed to the source energy God.

From the perspective of civilization and broad sense, the God of source energy did this to avoid the division of source energy civilization, because only war can make this extremely powerful top civilization transfer internal contradictions.

In fact, the contradiction between the source energy warrior system and the traditional science and technology system has gone deep into all aspects of source energy civilization.

There is not only a struggle between the high levels, but also a confrontation between the bottom of the source civilization and the billion ordinary creatures that make up this top civilization.

All kinds of estrangements and contradictions between human beings with the power of source energy and ordinary people without the power of source energy are even about to subvert the foundation of this top civilization.

And because ordinary people with the blood of source energy warriors account for less than 1% of the total population of source energy civilization, those who are really vulnerable will be source energy warriors who will have extraordinary power after a little practice.

It must be difficult to understand the vast majority of civilizations practicing independently like the wizard world, because extraordinary power in these worlds means being superior to others and having the power to kill others.

However, in the source energy world where science and technology were the mainstream of development in the past, the emergence of this group of extraordinary forces represented an "unusual number". Ordinary people could not accept these "monsters" with terrorist forces, especially when they could easily threaten themselves.

Freedom and equality are the portrayal of the bottom society of scientific and technological civilization. Even the president of galent Federation is elected by ordinary people by one vote. It can be imagined how much impact this extraordinary power system will have on source energy civilization.

Therefore, in order to avoid division or the extinction of the light of the development and prosperity of the whole civilization, the God of source energy must launch this dimensional war.

From the perspective of individual and narrow sense, the reason why the God of source energy vigorously promoted the outbreak of the dimensional war this time is also a large part of the factor. It is his purpose to explore a higher realm and find a deeper mystery of the universe.

Everyone is selfish, and the God of source energy is no exception.

In particular, as an "experimental body" born in a secret laboratory, when he is used to indifference and cruelty, you can\'t expect the God of source energy to be really fearless to the highest level of sacrificing the ego and achieving the greater ego.

Therefore, the God of source energy will have the right to speak in the Source Energy Council as much as possible, so he will indirectly promote the contradiction between the source energy masters and the Source Energy Council, and the contradiction between the conservative forces of scientific and technological civilization and vested interest groups.

However, from the perspective of rationality and justice, the God of source energy, as an eight level peak master, did nothing wrong, and he also did enough for source energy civilization.

In most cases, the emergence of contradictions and disputes is not what he really did wrong, but determined by different interest angles and positions.

There is nothing smooth sailing in this world. Even Locke and the God of source energy have their own troubles. This may also be the supreme truth of the whole star world.

However, one thing is certain that, just as the bright Protoss did not grow and develop to the whole form, the dimensional hegemony of yuanneng civilization also seemed a little hasty and anxious.

This is a war of equal strength between the two top civilizations in the developing stage.

Neither of them has reached the terrible strength of the peak of the civilization of the dead country and the tide of wronged souls, but they have their own reasons for having to go to war.

At this moment, the God of source energy appeared in front of Locke not only to complete his great faith and pursuit, but also to win the victory of this dimensional war.

And once he appeared, the God of level 8 peak source energy didn\'t seem to have any intention of being polite or discussing with Locke.

"Source explosion!" The blue purple regular halo in his hand became more and more shining. With the God of source energy clenching his fist forward, a burst of terrible and amazing power of source energy explosion appeared in front of Locke.

At the same time, another star Lord in the later stage of level 8 has also shot, "stars die!"