Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4440

The blue purple energy beam imprisons the nearby space, which is also equivalent to isolating an independent boundary for Locke and balhaink.

This is a cage with spatial attributes as the rule cornerstone, and at the end of the blue and purple energy beam, what emerges is a giant steel city with no end in sight.

This is a truly magnificent city. Compared with it, Locke\'s Xinggang is like a younger brother who has not grown up.

The cold black metal buildings constitute the main body of this huge city.

On the surface of the dark boundless buildings, I don\'t know whether it is the refraction of light or the flow of energy, Locke can still see a layer of blue and purple brilliance shining.

In terms of scale and pressure, this huge steel city at the end of time and space can only be comparable to the divine city in the ruins of Atlantis civilization in Locke\'s previous cognition.

But the holy city presented in the ruins of the Atlantis civilization is just a steel ruins.

But the huge steel city at the end of time and space is a living and running weapon of war.

"This level of space confinement means, and it still locks me at such a long distance. It seems to be the cutting-edge force of source energy civilization." Feeling that the nearby space was difficult to break through in a short time, Locke\'s heart sank.

The power of the eight level peak coerced by the transformation of the destroyer distorts the nearby space, but the space barrier composed of that layer of blue and purple energy beam has not changed.

The dragon of the storm should be the most innocent existence. The other party is obviously aimed at Locke. The reason why it is shrouded in is entirely because it is too close to Locke.

"Foolish and despicable alien domain master, do you think it\'s OK to help the light Protoss? Our source civilization will not let go of any enemy against us!" A grand and loud cry came, followed by two human masters and three fortress warships dominated by scientific and technological civilization.

The two masters of source energy civilization are not good. One of them, like Locke, has an eight level peak energy level, and the other also has an eight level later level.

If Locke is right, the two level 8 masters are the level 8 peak energy God and the late level 8 star Lord who are also listed in the bright Protoss.

The endless Lord of the bright Protoss is constantly challenging these two masters of source energy civilization on the battlefield. Unexpectedly, they don\'t meet the endless Lord, but suddenly appear here to kill Locke.

As for the three dominant war weapons of scientific and technological civilization, it seems that the power level is only hovering at level 7, and there is no sense of oppression of level 8 war weapons.

Two of the three scientific and technological civilization war weapons appear in the form of steel fortress, and only one is in the form of cosmic giant ship.

The threat of scientific and technological civilization war weapons to dominant creatures is generally not high after they are separated from the huge fleet and the bottom combat Corps.

Therefore, in the face of the sudden interception of source energy civilization, Locke\'s attention is mainly on the two level 8 source energy masters. Locke doesn\'t care much about the three source energy civilization war weapons.

This is the most severe challenge and threat Locke has faced since he entered the eight level peak.

The two eight level sources can dominate those who come not well, and what\'s more, they cause Locke\'s side. The purpose is that since the giant steel city at the end of time and space can confine the nearby space, it is difficult for him to break free. It\'s not sure what other deeper forces are.

And according to the estimation of power level, the giant steel city at the end of time and space that can confine the nearby space should also reach the power level comparable to level 8 peak creatures!

Always keep an eye on the giant steel city that imprisons the nearby space at the end of time and space. In the face of the shouting and hostility dominated by two level-8 sources, Locke first said to the storm dragon next to him, "help me entangle the three scientific and technological civilization war weapons, which is not difficult for you."

"When you get through this crisis, whether it\'s the energy spar or the mother dragon you want, it\'s not a problem!"

Locke\'s promise did not impress balhainke, the dragon of the storm, but after several attempts to break through without success, this guy also found that it was the best choice to stick together with Locke at present.

A trace of complaint and depression appeared in the huge dragon head. The storm dragon master finally succumbed to the obscene power of reality.

The broad wings of the storm dragon opened, and the storm dragon with level 7 peak power level finally gradually showed its strong strength that it could fight with the endless Lord for a short time.

There are endless destruction storms on one side and energy storms of the same scale on the other.

The ultra long-distance space-time imprisonment from the giant source energy city of source energy civilization has completely lost contact with the desperate world, which also leads to the fact that the seven level peak element dragon master no longer has the home advantage.

Whether it can withstand the three dominant war weapons of scientific and technological civilization in front of it is still unknown, but Locke, who is obviously one enemy to two, has greater pressure than it.

At this time, the two masters of source energy civilization appeared in front of Locke, surrounded by special regular light arcs of blue and silver.

The two masters of source energy civilization borrowed the same power of the source energy city.

The city of source energy is the real core of source energy civilization.

Here are the most powerful strength of yuanneng civilization, the most advanced science and technology, the most prosperous economy and dense military factories.

Including the headquarters of the Source Energy Council, which occupies the largest power of the source energy civilization, is also set up here. Even some mysteries about the nine level field that the source energy civilization has crossed to the top civilization and understood are hidden in it.

For the source energy civilization, they do have two lv8 peak combat power.

One is the eight level peak God of source energy in front of Locke, and the other is the city of source energy, a scientific and technological creation with comprehensive ability and extremely exaggerated influence.

Since the outbreak of the two-dimensional war to today, due to the great relationship between the source energy city, its main body has not really driven into the desperate world.

The vast steel buildings detected by the bright Protoss in the rear of the source energy civilization are only the infrastructure built and arranged by the source energy civilization after it settled in the desperate world.

Including those "source energy cities" that hover and fly in the sky of the desperate world and give the bright Protoss great firepower to suppress. In a more rigorous tone, those are only "source energy sub cities".

Yuanneng sub city is a reduced version of the city of yuanneng. The emergence of these giant floating cities highlights the ambition of the past yuanneng civilization to recreate the city of yuanneng.

Unfortunately, if the level 8 peak combat power is really so easy to recover, then the balance of the star world will undoubtedly be broken.

There is a special relationship between the source energy sub city and the source energy city that outsiders cannot understand. They are the relationship between the son and the mother.

The source energy civilization is more powerful than people think. It is precisely because of this strength that they can always fight against the bright Protoss until today.