Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4439

Sure enough, there are not so many positions in the world. If there are, you must not give enough.

Balhaink, the dragon of the storm, finally fell into Locke\'s wealth shell.

And to Locke\'s surprise, the storm dragon pays more attention to the colorful shining energy crystals than the top spiritual materials such as golden apples, flat peaches and blood orchids.

"According to the special rules of the desperate world, after only a short period of time, these energy crystals will degenerate into ordinary crystals. I\'m surprised you like these things." In the middle of the storm group, Locke looked at the storm dragon road that put himself in an amazing number of element crystals.

There is a relatively stable space in the center of the storm group with amazing energy, and balhaink, the dragon of the storm, hid all the treasures it extorted from Locke here.

Like a newly rich local rich man, balhaink, the dragon of the storm, put his huge dragon body in a pile of energy crystals.

Thanks to Locke\'s enough, this mountain like accumulation of energy spar can support the body of the storm dragon to roll in it.

"Don\'t you think these shiny things are beautiful?"

"Well, although I used to get a lot of the best crystals in the star world from Morakot, both the size and quality are several chips worse than those you took out."

"As for the problem of energy overflow, as long as I want, I can recharge these blank crystals in minutes." The dragon of the storm shook the huge dragon head road.

It was beyond Locke\'s expectation that balhainke, the dragon of the storm, could satisfy his appetite so easily.

So he thought that in the past, Morakot, the master of colored butterflies, had done a lot of transactions with the storm dragon, and it was with the help of the storm dragon that he gained a foothold in the desperate world. Locke couldn\'t help but wonder whether Morakot, the master of colored butterflies, used these energy spars to kill each other?

If so, then the storm dragon balhaink is too It\'s cheap.

The storm dragon didn\'t realize that he was despised by Locke. After rolling in the mountain like accumulation of energy crystals, the elemental Dragon Master shamelessly said to Locke, "you just said you would introduce me some star dragons? What kinds of dragons are there? Are there any hope light masters?"

Locke is immune to the cheekiness of the storm dragon.

The slightly stiff face pulled the corners of his mouth. Locke asked a question he had always wanted to ask but never asked, "should you be a female element dragon? Why do you like the light of hope as a female body?"

In the face of Locke\'s inquiry, the storm dragon is a huge leader, showing a vivid contempt, and replied, "there is no gender difference in elemental creatures, you don\'t even know this."

"Male creatures are disgusting. I just want a female dragon, you know, a female dragon!" Roared the storm dragon.

"Of course, I wouldn\'t mind if you introduced me to beautiful female elements." After the storm dragon roared, he said shyly and embarrassed.

The performance of the storm dragon caused Locke a cold.

He didn\'t know whether the elemental dragon in front of him was a rare Lily dragon.

However, considering that the storm dragon is right, the vast majority of elemental creatures do not have gender, so its gender orientation seems to be no problem, but Locke is difficult to understand and accept from the human perspective of the wizard world.


After getting the benefits of Locke and the promise to introduce at least ten star female dragons or female element creatures to Locke, storm dragon balhaink began his own working trip.

It has to be said that balhaink, the dragon of the storm, is indeed greedy, but his basic moral quality and personal credit are worthy of affirmation.

A total of 15 giant element tornado storms hovered around Locke\'s body under the control of balhaink\'s power.

The scale of these giant tornado storms is far from that of Locke\'s last collision with balhaink, but their number is here.

And the scale is reduced only because the storm dragon balhaink is easier to control.

If it\'s the kind of terrorist element storm that sweeps everything, Locke doesn\'t come to balhaink to lose weight, but to find fault.

In the center of more than ten energy storms, Locke in human form gradually opened the transformation form of destroyer.

A destructive storm far larger and more turbulent than the surrounding energy storm is slowly taking shape with Locke as the center.

The grand scene of many storms sweeping and circling together is definitely a rare scene at the border of hunger and wasteland for hundreds of thousands of years.

And the process of these small storms circling and colliding around the big storm also made Locke feel a burst of comfort.

In addition to the source of destructive power becoming more and more pure during this period, Locke also took the opportunity to absorb and purify a lot of the source of his wind.

Compared with the colored butterfly dominating Morakot, there is no doubt that Locke, the supreme Knight dominating the wizard civilization, is the best partner of the storm dragon balhaink.

Although the proud character of storm dragon balhainke is unwilling to admit it, the fact is that in the process of helping Locke purify the power of destruction, storm dragon balhainke himself also benefited a lot from Locke\'s level 8 peak wind power.

This storm collision and fusion purification process is a process of mutual promotion and promotion.

So that in the second half of the work of storm dragon balhainke, the gradually tired element Dragon Master complained, "if only you were a female master, I would be more satisfied with this job."

"And what\'s the matter with the affinity of the damn wind?" Barhaink, the dragon of the storm, read in detail.

In the middle of the destruction storm, Locke couldn\'t help but have several black lines on his head. He strongly resisted the impulse not to crush the elemental dragon.

The banter of storm dragon balhainke and Locke did not last long. A special force of space and energy suddenly came across layers of space and infinite distance, including both parties\' perception of this magnificent force of energy.

"Do you have an enemy?" Balhaink, the dragon of the storm, couldn\'t help exclaiming.

The incomparably magnificent blue and purple energy beam directly imprisoned the nearby space, including storm dragon balhainke, who felt great depression and danger at his home.

More than a dozen energy storms swirling and tumbling then collapsed, and balhainke, who re condensed the element dragon body, tried to break through this space barrier, but it was a pity that he failed in the end.

In the central zone, the elemental storms guided by the storm dragon balhainke broke up one after another, but the destruction storm condensed by Locke\'s body is still raging.

And compared with the already disordered storm dragon, Locke in the form of the destroyer is calmer and more depressed.

A pair of lacquer black eyes are full of cold meaning.