Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4436

Locke, who is returning to the battlefield of the Lord of glory, does not know that a plot against him has been launched.

Locke is unlucky enough to say that he is not completely determined to join this dimensional war, but sometimes the power of fate and the cycle of cause and effect are so wonderful.

When he stepped into the world of despair, the gear of the dimensional war changed a little because of his arrival.

It is no wonder that the Supreme God and the Eternal Lord of the bright Protoss are all because he is the key to the bright Protoss to reverse the decline of the dimensional war.


Every golden morning star in the sky represents a powerful Angel chasing the enemy chieftain.

Although looking at the dimensional war pattern of the whole skeleton continent, the bright Protoss is at a disadvantage and passively beaten in most battlefields, at least in the battlefield of the Lord of glory, the anti charge horn of the angel Legion has been blown.

The numerous golden meteor shower has brought a different experience and beautiful scenery in the cold and desperate world.

At this time, just beat back a source energy master and hit a brilliant master of a dominant source energy fortress, and flew to Locke.

"I didn\'t expect you to really come, Knight Locke. I really should thank you just now." The Lord of glory smiled and greeted Locke who appeared in the battlefield sky.

In fact, the Lord of glory can hit the source power fortress, and four successes can be attributed to Locke.

Because if Locke did not appear, the source civilization Legion in this theater would not easily retreat.

There is no need to say which is easier to fight, tug of war or pursuit war.

Moreover, the brilliant Lord can inflict heavy damage on the dominant source energy fortress, which is also due to the fact that individual masters do have more initiative and flexibility in the face of the huge scientific and technological civilization war machine.

If the master fortress is not covered by a dense fire network or hundreds of millions of middle and bottom ships, it is more like an iron box with only brute force in the eyes of the master creatures.

Thanks to the rich war experience of the bright Protoss in fighting with the galent Federation, they did not suffer much loss in the early stage of the war in the face of the powerful source energy civilization.

And with the passage of time, the disadvantages of the bright Protoss and the source energy civilization in the middle and low-level battlefield are slowly shrinking.

A large number of belief planes are constantly providing high-quality souls for the bright Protoss. At this time, the angel reincarnation pool in the bright divine world is also constantly shaping the invincible Angel legion of the bright Protoss.

The two-dimensional war is a huge war of all-round competition for the strength and potential of civilization.

The disadvantage in the early stage is nothing. Only when we laugh until the last existence is the real winner.

In the face of the Lord of glory\'s thanks, Locke, who had a ghost in his heart, also pulled a smile from the corners of his mouth and said, "I should thank you."

"More than 20000 years ago, I\'m afraid we would have lost more if you hadn\'t left your hand on the wizard civilization Legion in the battle field of wigwendor."

The Lord of glory did not know that Locke lied to Montana about the eye of the blood curse. If he had known so, I\'m afraid the Lord of light would not have left his hand on the wizard civilization Legion in the battle field of wigwendor.

But a peck and a drink have a definite number.

If the Lord of glory had made a bold move against the wizard civilization legion, now he decided that Locke would not help the light Protoss.

It can only be said that the way of fate is really magical.

Former opponents can also become partners fighting side by side under the influence of interests.

The lies of the past can also become the cornerstone of bilateral cooperation in certain specific periods.

Maybe because of the blood curse eye Montana, Locke was not confident enough in communicating with the Lord of glory.

Speaking of, the blood curse eye Montana\'s performance over the years is also fairly standard.

Although she didn\'t contribute much to the war of wizard civilization against the pan star domain, she also played some role at least and didn\'t let Locke protect her in vain.

It is precisely because there are so many dominant powers in the wizard civilization or the wizard alliance that the wizard civilization can still make great progress in the face of the alliance of two large world civilizations without Locke himself in the pan star battlefield.

It is unrealistic for Locke to hand over Montana directly at this time.

There is a saying that there is no credit, there is also pain. Locke rarely treats people in his camp badly.

Since Montana called him Dad, he, the destroyer, should not sell his daughter.

The communication with the Lord of glory was the most spoken by Locke after he arrived in the desperate world.

And in the process of dialogue with the Lord of glory, Locke does not need to worry as much as he does with the Lord of eternity.

This is a conversation and chat between ordinary friends without any interests. It is also in the process of communication with the Lord of glory. Locke knows that this dimensional war has not been 20000 years, but 30000 years.

The passage of time in the desperate world is very different from that in the normal star world. After 30000 years, the war will gradually advance from the initial stage to the most intense middle stage.

Whether Locke wants to join it or not must be carefully considered, because this is a dimensional hegemony without retreat. It can be predicted that the fall of dominant creatures and dominant combat power will be quite frequent in the near future.

"What about the twelve winged blood angel shalil? Why didn\'t I see him in the nearby battlefield?" Locke said curiously.

"Three thousand years ago, he returned to the divine world of light for recuperation due to injury. The army angel solint went back with him."

"I feel deeply tired these years without Solent\'s help to share the command pressure, but taking Solent\'s serious injury as an opportunity, he may be able to touch the level 7 class." Exclaimed the Lord of glory.

The military angel sorente can be promoted to level 7, which is definitely a happy event for the bright Protoss.

Because of Solent\'s special function, once he enters level 7, the angel Legion commanded and dispatched by him will not only be the army under the Lord of glory, but also the angel legion of the whole bright Protoss.

And if sorente is promoted to level 7, it will also involve another secret means of the bright Protoss.

The only pity is that the Fallen Angel Lucifer has no plan to return to the light Protoss, and Solent\'s promotion is not necessarily so smooth.

Chatting with the Lord of glory is still short after all, especially for the life span and time view of dominant creatures.

The Lord of glory cannot always greet Locke here. With the continuous changes of the front-line war and the help signal from the war zone where the Lord of dusk next door is located, the Lord of glory must re-enter this dimensional war.

Also before saying goodbye to Locke, the Lord of glory pulled his white gold dress and asked in a weak voice, "Knight Locke, will you help us?"

This is the first time Locke has seen the Lord of light show this little woman posture. Facing the Lord of light\'s inquiry and her clear eyes, Locke pondered for a long time and replied, "I think so. This is also my way of destruction and promotion."


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