Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4435

After the fierce battle, the two level-8 masters, together with the level-8 power of the source civilization, also quietly flew to the center of the battlefield.

This is a late level 7 master in green combat clothes. Because he has made fewer shots so far, Locke can\'t accurately judge all his details. He just sees that the rules used by the other party contain botanical energy.

Under the influence of the power and rules dominated by the source energy in the later stage of level 7, a large number of ferocious plants rose from the ground on the battlefield near the whole skeleton continent.

Why is it ferocious? Most of these alien plants have a crazy and empty human face. Their appearance seems to be suffering. The scene of demons dancing in the whole battlefield really makes this theater more chaotic.

In the process of fighting with the eighth level source master Safina, the role of the seventh level later source master on the battlefield is just assistance and rule blessing.

It can be seen that under the influence of the special rules and field power of this seven level source energy, the action of the endless Lord is obviously limited, and the broader impact he brings is to cause great trouble to the lower Angel Legion on on the battlefield.

"Well... The strength of the level 8 source energy master can\'t be underestimated. He can come and go with endless main players, at least surpassing the king of the iron tower world."

"But the seven level source can dominate another lacquer black fortress comparable to the seven level combat power. I always feel that they are hiding and hiding. Are they guarding against who? Or are they preparing any special means?" Locke, who has been paying attention to this core battlefield, couldn\'t help feeling his chin and thinking in a low voice.

Three masters of source energy civilization fought to contain the endless Lord. The giant steel warship that had been ravaged by the endless Lord finally launched a space jump and left the dangerous area.

It was also the departure of this huge steel warship that gradually released the hands and feet of the two masters of source energy civilization and the painted black giant fortress.

As the war continued to be fierce, and the bright Protoss side never sent other gods or twelve winged angels to support the front line of the battlefield, Locke realized later that it might be him that these powerful sources of civilization were on guard against.

Although Locke\'s breath has converged to a very low level through self sealing, there are still many destructive forces that Locke can\'t control because he broke through the level 8 peak soon.

These destructive forces may not be captured by the general dominant creatures in the fierce and abnormal dimensional battlefield, but it is not difficult for the source civilization with the strength of the top civilization.

Locke then had to find the storm dragon for energy slimming at least twice to completely eliminate the excess destructive power. Before that, no matter where he went, he must be the object of attention.

Although Locke did not directly intervene in this dimensional war, his arrival has had a great impact on the bright Protoss and source energy civilization one after another.

Among them, the source energy civilization has undoubtedly marked Locke as a hostile master, which can be seen from the masters of the source energy civilization and the fortress\'s guard against him.

When he noticed that the glorious Lord of another war zone had gradually ended the war, Locke bowed his head and pondered for a moment, then turned and left.

Locke\'s departure finally relieved several other dominant creatures of yuanneng civilization in the main battle area.

Level 8 top creatures, no matter which top civilization you look at, are rare terrorist beings.

The light Protoss is so powerful that only the Supreme God has the eight level peak individual.

Although the strength of source energy civilization is strong, there are only eight levels of peaks, and the God of source energy is inferior to the Supreme God in terms of personal strength.

However, more than the Supreme God, the source energy civilization also has a huge source energy city integrating attack and defense construction.

This city of source energy gives full play to its weapon system and can also be regarded as a level 8 peak combat power.

However, different from the ordinary eight level masters, the source energy city is only a slow-moving giant city. It represents the peak creation of source energy civilization and technology. Like the Apocalypse owned by the Supreme God, the source energy city is more like a treasure of civilization in the meaning of source energy civilization.

Similarly, the city of source energy is also the only civilization treasure of source energy civilization. At this time, nearly three Chengdu warships and fortresses roaring across the battlefield are produced by the city of source energy.

"We must carry out long-range attack or encirclement and suppression against this alien master!"

"A supreme God is hard enough to deal with. If such a powerful alien master joins the battlefield, our chances of winning this dimensional hegemony will be lower!" In the rear of the source energy civilization, there is a metal city group standing in the skeleton continent. The high-level of a source energy civilization waved his fist and hit the display screen in front of him.

At this time, the picture in the display screen is the image of Locke turning away from the main battlefield.

The information collection ability of yuanneng civilization is really exaggerated. They even have a more accurate analysis and collection of Locke\'s general strength and appearance without Locke\'s perception.

And through the energy collision between Locke and the storm dragon in the hungry wasteland, the source energy civilization also modeled and retained the law source and specific energy values possessed by Locke.

In the picture, this is a male alien master more in line with the aesthetics of source energy civilization, but unfortunately, no one will pay too much attention to Locke\'s appearance. They are more concerned about how to eliminate Locke\'s threat.

Like most scientific and technological civilizations, those in power of source energy civilization generally have low life level.

Although there are eight levels of existence, such as the God of source energy, the Lord of stars, and the star of the Milky way, and they also have great power in the source energy civilization, within the source energy civilization, the Source Energy Council, which has an overwhelming number of votes and power, is still dominated by "ordinary people".

For example, the person who made a speech at this time, hoping to carry out a long-range attack or encirclement and suppression against Locke, is a source energy councillor with only five levels of life.

The reason why the power stratum of source energy civilization is so strange is also related to the development history of source energy civilization.

In the past hundreds of thousands of years, the source energy civilization has consciously curbed the excessive power of the source energy warrior group in the parliament.

Because fundamentally speaking, the source energy civilization is a pure scientific and technological civilization.

The development and growth of yuanneng warrior system stems from an accident, an opportunity for yuanneng civilization to reach level 9, and take this opportunity to be promoted to the top civilization.