Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4437

After saying goodbye to the Lord of glory, Locke immediately embarked on his way home. He has learned about the two top civilizations participating in the dimensional war. Next, it is time to think carefully and determine his own path.

On his way home, Locke did not leave the desperate world for the first time. After hesitating and watching several Fierce wars, he flew in the direction of the hungry wasteland.


Compared with more than 100000 years ago, the desperate world as a whole is not much different.

The only difference is that in the center of the skeleton continent, there are two powerful top civilizations fighting fiercely.

Loneliness, coldness and stillness are still the main melody of the desperate world. In a place not touched by the war, it is gray at a glance.

Of course, the two top civilizations broke out dimensional hegemony in the desperate world, which has brought another impact and change is that the number of survivors and desperate people in the desperate world has decreased significantly.

In order to open the stable door to communicate with the desperate world and support the continuous transportation of the angel legion, the bright Protoss paid a huge price. Not only did more than a dozen Lord Gods work together to build the door of time and space, but also borrowed a bit of power from the heaven mountain of the bright divine world.

(PS: Heaven mountain is the navel of the plane of the God of light. It is also the place with the strongest power of light. The supreme god practices hard there on weekdays.)

Similarly, since the source energy civilization has transmitted and invested more combat legions into the desperate world, the price they spend on the construction of the gate of time and space should be no less than that of the bright Protoss.

In the early stage of the dimensional hegemony, especially when the bright Protoss and source energy civilization have not entered the desperate world on a large scale, many survivors and desperate people of the desperate world have found these two time and space gates that suddenly appear in the desperate world.

Compared with those rule dangerous places with the test of life and death, it is obvious that these two more stable and peaceful gates of time and space have higher security.

I don\'t know how many survivors and despairers attacked the gate of time and space built by the two top civilizations without fear at that time, and their outcome was also tragic.

It is obvious that the two top civilizations are more cruel to the desperate world survivors who are ferocious and of unknown origin than the dangerous places that only follow the rules of fixed rules and strange energy operation paths.

It is also at the beginning of the dimensional hegemony, I do not know how many desperate world survivors and desperate people rushed to the front of the two top civilized armies like moths to the fire.

It was the darkest and cruelest period, and it was also the prelude to the fierce and bloody struggle for hegemony.

According to the Lord of glory, during that period alone, tens of thousands of desperate world survivors were killed or killed by the bright Protoss.

In the face of hundreds of millions of angel legions and an equally large number of angels with more than four wings, these guys who do not have much cooperation and only have one brute force do not cause much trouble to the bright Protoss.

Needless to say, there are more than a dozen Lord gods of light to suppress heresy.

Just the eight level rising sun Lord, there were seventeen peak desperate people who had been killed successively during that period of time.

Seventeen top desperate people can kill level seven masters together, but in the face of the great power of level eight, the power of the desperate level seems a little weak.

Needless to say, compared with the great power of light held by the Lord gods of light, before returning to the star world and being fed back by the energy given by the rules of the star world, even those who are desperate at the peak are just a group of reckless men with empty power without too many energy elements.

The bright Protoss who came to the desperate world forcefully dealt a great blow to the creatures living on the skeleton continent of the desperate world.

The source energy civilization, which is stronger than the light Protoss in the early stage of the war, has more legions and occupies a larger territory in the desperate world. During this period, it will only strike and crush the survivors and desperate in the desperate world more than the light Protoss, not less than them.

The elimination of a large number of survivors and desperate people made a large area of the skeleton continent more empty and silent.

Although the world of despair is boundless, and there are still unknown numbers of survivors and desperate people lurking in it, with the outbreak of a two-dimensional war between the two top civilizations in the center of the skeleton continent, the only survivors and desperate people choose to hide as far as they can.

Life hard and not afraid of death have long become cannon fodder under the background of the two top civilizations\' dimensional war.

Those who survive and despair are quite powerful, but that is only for individuals.

Civilization war is definitely not a stage for one person, but a background plate to show the rise and fall and strength of the whole civilization.

Take the desperate at the peak as an example. Even if there is no master creature to fight against it, it is only an army of more than 100000 bright angels who form a battle array, and it will probably take a detour.

The power of the individual is so small in front of the whole civilization.

Unless the survivors of the desperate world and the desperate can join hands to become a third-party force other than the two top civilizations, they will not be able to reverse the overall situation of the dimensional war.

The possibility of such an event is very small.

The ferocious and rebellious survivors come from different civilizations, different star regions and different races. In the past, in the desperate environment of low material standards in the world, they wanted to eat their meat and swallow their bones.

How can we unite these guys who generally have more than four levels of life in this terrible background and environmental situation.

Therefore, facing the war front of two top civilizations, for these desperate world survivors like lone Rangers, it is also how far to hide.

Of course, there are also some intelligent survivors who try to make a deal with the two top civilizations and get the convenience of using their time and space gate to leave the desperate world.

So far, however, none of them has occurred.

The light Protoss do not trust these desperate world creatures whose individual strength is strong and has caused them a lot of trouble in the past.

Moreover, the Lord gods of light do not think that dozens or even hundreds of so-called survivors can play any role in the current multi-dimensional war on a scale of hundreds of millions.

If there are as many as hundreds of top despairers, maybe the bright Protoss is still interested.

But with the passage of time, there are almost 50 or so peak despairers killed by the light Protoss.

The desperate world is indeed vast and boundless, and the number of creatures inhabiting and living here is indeed large, but it is Chinese cabbage that is desperate at the peak.

Up to 50 or so peak despairers were wiped out by the light Protoss at the beginning of the dimensional war, which basically means that the existence of peak despairers has been killed in the current occupied area of the light Protoss.

If you want to find more powerful creatures at this level, you can only move deeper into the desperate world where the light Protoss and source energy civilization have not yet set foot.

But obviously, the light Protoss do not have the energy or interest to do such things.