Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4434

The 100000 meter long giant steel warship, which originated from civilization, gave Locke the first feeling that it was somewhat similar to the Russian lobas class titans of the galent Federation.

The energy muzzle spewing dazzling blue light. Each gun has a peak energy level of level 6, and the concentrated energy attack of its main gun is close to level 7.

However, the bloated body and huge warship body make this 100000 meter long giant steel warship feel helpless when facing the endless Lord who only opens the 100 meter real body.

With each punch, a circle of deep pits were smashed on the surface of the giant steel warship. Locke even saw through the outer metal plate of the giant warship that the soldiers of ordinary energy civilization inside were crushed into flesh and blood by the power of domination Particles.

The Lord of infinity was as tough as he had shown in the past, and Locke didn\'t see any sign of the other party\'s recent predecessor being badly hurt in the Lord of infinity.

As a top civilization, the bright Protoss itself has a more comprehensive means to restore the soul of the master. As an eight level master in the field of passive evolution, the anti Strike ability and recovery ability of the endless master are obviously stronger than the ordinary seven or eight level masters.

"Boom!" "Boom!"

Each blow is accompanied by one or several violent explosions on the surface of this giant steel warship with energy civilization.

In fact, there are tens of millions of ordinary warships and soldiers of source energy civilization around this giant steel warship, but the attacks of these low-level warships or ordinary soldiers on the endless Lord were resisted by his strong body and the surrounding Angel Legion.

This is the main battlefield of the most intense war in the desperate world dimensional war. Just when Locke thought that with the passage of time, the endless Lord would destroy the steel warship comparable to the level 7 combat power in front of him on the spot, three dominant forces came from the depths of the source civilization army.

One of the sources of the dominant breath is a creature in the middle of level 8. She is wearing a purple combat suit and a pale gold cloak behind her.

As for the other two dominating forces, they come from another dominator of the source energy civilization in the later stage of level 7 and another black metal fortress with a huge volume of 100000 meters away.

"Oh, it\'s you again."

"What about the God of source energy and the Lord of the stars? Call them out!" Endless masters fly from the surface of giant steel warships that have lit heavy fireworks and stand in the sky in the face of the three new dominant combat forces.

The crimson purple battle suit tightly wraps the body posture of Miaoman, the master of the middle of level 8 of the source energy civilization. However, according to her body shape and will fluctuation, she should also belong to a humanoid creature.

This level-8 master of source energy civilization and the endless Lord should also be old rivals. Her personal strength is indeed not as good as the endless Lord, but she can\'t hold enough helpers.

The huge lacquer black metal fortress projected a black energy curtain in the main battle area of the whole civilized battlefield as soon as it drove into the battlefield.

This black energy curtain has some similar fields. The source energy civilization Legion in the energy curtain, whether single strong or small warships, can obtain a layer of expensive black shield.

In addition, missiles and energy beams all over the sky were also launched from the fortress immediately after the black energy curtain.

More than 70% of the missiles and energy beams came straight to the endless Lord, and the other 30% covered the lower Angel Legion under the battlefield of the skeleton continent.

The covering strike of missiles and energy beams provided an opportunity for the retreat of the class VII warship around the endless Lord.

Although the Lord of infinity had discovered for the first time that there were fluctuations in the power of space nearby and tried to prevent the giant steel warship nearby from escaping, the attack from the two masters of source energy civilization failed the Lord of infinity\'s idea.

"You are really strong, but my Galaxy star Safina will take you as a stepping stone to lay a solid foundation for my promotion to level 8!" In the purple combat suit, a high and confident female voice came.

Then, a purple shadow flashed. It was clear that the level 8 medium-term master was still on the other side of the battlefield far away from the endless Lord, but the next second appeared on the side of the endless Lord.

Space dominates!

Although Locke\'s source of wind can break through the Visual limit of dominant creatures and appear in front of his opponent in an instant after giving full play to his speed, Locke did not feel the movement of any material energy at that moment.

On the whole battlefield, there is only a thin and undetectable space ripple.

It\'s not the first time that the Lord of infinity and the female master in the middle of level 8 have fought. Although the source law of the other party\'s space system is unexpected, the Lord of infinity seems to have foreseen the opponent\'s hand action and attack path. Each blow is just good to block the attack of Galaxy star Safina, or let her hand return in vain.

Most people may think that this means of the Lord of infinity is that he brings the great prophecy of the light Protoss to the extreme, but Locke finds that it is not so from the perspective of level 8 peak creatures.

This is the blessing provided by pure fighting will and fighting instinct to the endless Lord. Each blow of his fist seems to coincide with some rules and principles.

Locke had only seen this fighting style and fighting instinct in kakarot in the past. Even Locke, who embarked on the road of knighthood, may not be as exaggerated as the endless Lord in terms of combat smell and combat instinct.

"Troublesome woman, your attack doesn\'t make me feel any pain at all. You\'re good for nothing except making me upset!" The endless Lord snorted coldly and waved his broad and thick right hand forward.

The remnant of the Milky Way star Safina appeared under the palm of the endless Lord containing the power of light. With her appearance and the continuous illumination of the power of light, Locke found a pair of dark silver translucent energy blades in his hands.

It is also a world-class secret treasure of space attribute. Compared with the low-level space of zeratu, a strong star spirit civilization, which Locke gave to his daughter Lisa, it is a world-class secret treasure. In front of him, the energy blade in the hands of the eight level strong source energy civilization has obviously reached the level of a high-level world-class secret treasure.

In addition to the pair of energy blades, the purple combat suit worn by the strong man of level 8 of energy civilization should also be a world-class secret treasure above the intermediate level.

In the face of the punch from the endless Lord, although the Galaxy star Safina removed 60% of her strength from the source of the space system, the remaining 40% did not cause too much damage to the level 8 strong of the source energy civilization, but let her step back for a distance.