Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4426

"I\'m sure that the reason why this guy has been following us must be to peep into my noumenon and the coordinates of our star domain." The colored butterfly dominates magic lake and politely preaches spiritual power to several people around.

He used to describe saru as a "friend", but now he rudely abandons him. The tone and attitude dominated by colored butterflies change quickly enough.

"That guy has a bad mind. You\'d better communicate less with him." The master of the light of hope said to the master of the colored butterfly.

"Don\'t worry, I can\'t afford to lose. Besides, don\'t you still have to escort me." The colored butterfly master smiled.

I\'ve been paying attention to the storm dragon dominated by the light of hope. At this time, I suddenly interrupted, "if you need help, you can call me at any time!"

Locke, an outsider, can see the meaning of the storm dragon\'s pursuit of the Lord of the light of hope, but it\'s a pity that the Lord of the light of hope himself doesn\'t appreciate it.

Elemental creatures generally have no theory of gender. The special fire elements similar to the sanolas combustors are still a few after all.

Therefore, although the light of hope dominates the current humanoid women, its exact gender should be called neutral.

As for the storm Dragon How Locke looked at it, he felt that this proud and greedy element dragon was the master, as if it was more similar to the group of female dragons in the wizard world.

Soon, the dominant green Mantis saru flew back.

Along with it, there are two weak creatures firmly fixed on their claws.

One of them is a 100 meter high giant with muscles. It is really rare that it can maintain such a high figure in such a cold place as the desperate world, and its strength has reached the peak level of despair.

On the other side, it is a wind and earth element creature with five life levels.

After the previous storm and collision killed and affected many survivors on the hungry wasteland, only these two little guys finally escaped.

If the muscle rolled 100m giant resisted by virtue of its strong passive evolution ability, the Elemental creature with only five levels of life survived by virtue of its unique life essence.

"It\'s a rare delicacy. I didn\'t expect that there was a peak desperate man who met my appetite in the hungry wasteland."

"If you don\'t mind, I\'ll be blunt." Sarujie, the master of green mantis, said to Locke and others with a strange smile.

Locke was naturally not interested in a top desperate man who was seriously injured. The master of the colored butterfly also looked at the 100 meter tall giant and shook his head.

The light of hope dominates the eye, but when it wants to say something, it is stopped by the color butterfly.

The storm dragon has long been used to the survivors and desperate in the desperate world, and has not expressed any attitude towards the death or life of the desperate at the top.

Seeing that no one was stealing food with him, salu smiled a few times and inserted the silver tail tip behind him into the body of the 100 meter high giant.

It\'s really a unique way of eating. When saru swallowed this desperate man, he did not bite with his mouth, but sucked with his green tail.

Just for a moment, this strong despairing man with a body size of 100 meters quickly shriveled and lost weight at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"Ho... Ho..." The faint breath represents the pain that this desperate man is experiencing at this time.

The lacquered black eyes soon became dull. Correspondingly, the seven level master Shalu became energetic at this time.

Even Locke noticed that the power of some special rules that originally belonged to the desperate man at the top has now been transferred to Shalu.

This is actually a special master who has the ability to absorb and devour others and even the origin of the law. Looking at the green skin master saru in front of him, Locke can\'t help thinking of the mosquito demon who swallowed the six merit golden lotus of Xianyu civilization.

The two guys are very similar in law, ability and means.

Seven levels of green skin dominated Shalu\'s eating speed very fast. In a moment, a living peak despair left only a gray skin.

Just after devouring a desperate man, salu\'s brown eyes glittered with a cruel cold light.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, occupy the top of the food chain in the desperate world, and the desperate are just lambs without much power in the face of dominant creatures before they gather to a certain number.

Needless to say, the desperate man at the peak was seriously injured before. In the face of the sudden attack of level 7 master Shalu, he has little power to resist.

He threw away the dry skin in his hand and sucked up a 100 meter tall monster alive, but the body shape of level 7 master Shalu did not change much.

Locke can see that this guy\'s breath and strength have improved slightly compared with that just now.

No wonder this guy would say that he came to the desperate world to hunt and hunt.

Looking at the star world, only the desperate world can meet the basic requirements that can allow such a dominant creature to hunt high-quality prey wantonly.

After all, except here, which is known as the "end of the dimension", I\'m afraid there will be no mass production of desperate creatures in other worlds.

I just don\'t know if Shalu has more courage. Locke is curious about whether he has the courage to hunt the bright Protoss or another level 6 creature of the top civilization.

A desperate person at the peak was eaten alive in front of the public. Locke and other dominant creatures were nothing different. On the contrary, another level 5 element creature in Shalu\'s hand trembled slightly.

This level-5 Elemental creature should not have lived in the desperate world for a long time. Locke can still sense the strong elemental energy residue on it.

Presumably, this Elemental creature also lived from the previous storm collision by virtue of these energies and its own special constitution.

However, the luck of the two elements of the wind and earth has come to an end. Even the creatures at the peak of despair can\'t disobey their own destiny. How can it rewrite their own ending.

"Well, I\'m not interested in elemental biology, and it contains earth elemental particles I hate."

"Let it dissipate." There was a cold light called cruelty in the pupil of the killing. Then I saw its sharp claw twist, and it was going to directly pinch and explode this small level-5 creature.

At the last moment, the master of the light of hope couldn\'t see it, and stopped Shalu\'s action of killing this level 5 creature.

"Since it\'s an Elemental creature, let\'s keep it alive. I think it\'s more pleasing to the eye." A magnificent golden light was emitted from the master of the light of hope. The soft power of the light element steadily blocked Shalu\'s action to pinch and explode the level 5 creatures.