Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4427

From the perspective of personal strength, the strongest of the four level 7 masters present is undoubtedly the storm dragon. This guy can challenge the existence of level 8 creatures with the strength of the special rules of the desperate world.

Second only to the dragon of the storm is the master of the light of hope.

Although Locke did not fight with it, he can also roughly feel that the master of light element has a level 7 later state, and his strength can not be underestimated.

The strength of green skin Mantis dominating saru ranked third. The power level in the middle of level 7 is more regular in today\'s Locke\'s view.

However, considering the special ability of Shalu to devour the source, it will not be a simple role if it really wants to grow over time.

Because the master of colored butterfly just came here separately, its strength was ranked fourth.

However, with Locke\'s understanding of it and the tone and disdain it expressed to saru before, this guy\'s real strength is bound to be no worse, even stronger than the light of hope.

This is a special level 7 master with a secret. It\'s not easy to get familiar with and cooperate with the storm dragon.

The obstruction dominated by the light of hope made Shalu\'s action lag.

The cold light in the pupil just flashed away. The guy soon released his hand, smiled and said, "since the light of hope dominates me and wants me to let it live, I\'ll let it go."

After breaking away from Shalu, the creatures with only five levels of wind and earth elements quickly turned into a bright yellow whirlwind and suddenly flew behind the light of hope.

Obviously, the little guy knows who saved himself and who to seek shelter from.

To put it bluntly, there was no good man among the other dominant creatures present.

Clinging to the thigh of the light of hope can not only save its life, but also get it out of the damn place of the world of despair.

The action dominated by the light of hope also caused the color butterfly to sigh.

"I knew it wouldn\'t be a good thing to bring you to the desperate world. You count the creatures you saved. Can you save all the creatures in the desperate world?" The colored butterfly dominates the path of discontent toward the light of hope.

The personal friendship between the two masters should not be bad. In the face of the complaints of the master of the colored butterfly, the master of the light of hope bowed his head without any refutation.

The level 5 terroir and two series element creature was afraid that he would be abandoned by the master of the light of hope. Trembling, he leaned closely behind the master of the light of hope, and didn\'t notice the dissatisfaction of the storm dragon.

Locke is not interested in the final outcome of this two-level five element creature.

The particularity of the light of hope master and the saru master only makes Locke look a little. What really interests him is the storm dragon and the colored butterfly master, two seven level creatures.

However, without waiting for Locke to communicate more with the masters present, a violent explosion and battle not far away attracted the attention of these masters.

"It\'s those bright bird people and yuanneng civilization again. Haven\'t you told them not to cross the border before?" As soon as the dragon of the storm flapped its wings, the power of the fierce storm gathered around him. This level 7 peak element dominates the way.

At the same time, colored butterflies and others also hurried to show their strength.

Similar to Locke\'s current idea, the color butterfly master and others do not want to be involved in the war between the two top civilizations. Because they have a deeper understanding of the end of the dimension, the color butterfly master knows what the final result will be if they rashly join the dimensional war.

If you just lose the qualification to compete for the "door", the color butterfly master is more afraid to attract the force of the rules of the whole star world to erase it.

This is the deepest secret of the desperate world that even the desperate spider mother can\'t find. The fact that the master of the colored butterfly knows this is enough to prove its origin.

After completely hiding their own breath, the master of colored butterfly flew to the outbreak of war with Locke and others.

Although the storm dragon balhainke was arrogant, what he said was that he had made an agreement with the light Protoss and the source civilization not to cross the boundary.

But in fact, the face dominated by this elemental dragon is not as big as it shows.

It\'s not so much that the storm dragon agreed to be in the world with the light Protoss. In fact, this guy was punched out of the skeleton continent by the endless Lord of the light Protoss.

With the support of the whole bright Protoss, the endless Lord brought great pressure to the storm dragon. The previous World War between them not only brought great shadow and shock to many survivors and desperate people in the desperate world, including the storm dragon itself.

Of course, tens of thousands of years ago, the endless Lord suffered a heavy blow in the desperate world. A large part of the reason was the war with the storm dragon, which led to the huge consumption of the LORD God of light in the later stage of level 8. Only then was it successfully attacked by the God of source energy civilization.

The storm dragon did not realize that it was its intervention that led to the defeat of the bright Protoss in the initial confrontation with the source energy civilization.

However, in recent years, with the gradual recovery of the endless Lord and the faint signs of further progress, and the gradual performance of the super war details of the bright Protoss, the wind direction of this dimensional war in the desperate world has gradually changed.

Finally, which civilization will laugh to the end is still uncertain.

The colorful butterfly is waiting, and the desperate spider mother is waiting. What is the mystery of the dimensional war? Only after the war is over will we uncover a corner of its mysterious veil.


When Locke and his party arrived at the place where the war broke out, it was a fierce scuffle on a scale of millions.

One of them is the bright Protoss that Locke is familiar with. According to a rough view, there are more than 1.6 million bright angel legions.

Such a large number of angel legions are already expensive and can almost independently support a medium-sized star war.

However, in the context of today\'s dimensional war, this is a small-scale Angel legion, and their war with the yuanneng civilization Legion should also belong to the ranks of sudden encounters.

At this time, the fierce battle with the angel legion of the bright Protoss was a group of alien legions with a number of more than 3 million, both warships and aircraft armour, as well as single strong ones.

Source energy civilization is the top civilization in which one side holds the power of \'source energy\'.

From the perspective of civilization development system, source energy civilization seems to have a dual development model of science and technology system and cultivation system.

In addition to having warships and spacecraft similar to the galent Federation, the civilization also has a large number of strong men above level 4.

The source of power they use is "source energy," whether it is an individual strongman or a warship or airship.

At the moment, a twelve winged Archangel surrounded by millions of warships, if Locke is not mistaken, should be the charming Angel Raphael.