Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4425

"I came to the world of despair mainly to sharpen and purify the destructive energy factor in my body by virtue of the unique rules and mechanisms of the world of despair."

"It was just an accident to break through and disperse the energy storm you guided."

"If you have caused any loss, I think this little thing is enough to make up for it." Facing the roar of the storm dragon, Locke in the form of the destroyer smiled, and then a pale white eye of the storm appeared in his hand.

Although destruction energy is Locke\'s main attack means today, in fact, in addition to the power of destruction, the source of wind is also another source power of Locke\'s growth from weak to small.

Standing at the energy level of the top eight creatures, Locke has almost touched the ceiling of the power of the wind in the whole star world.

This storm dragon is strong, but its original power is still not out of the pattern of wind attribute rule power.

Locke just condensed a wind eye with the power of the original wind, and sure enough, he attracted the great attention of the storm dragon.

And a move is an extremely pure and majestic product of the origin of the wind. The strength of Locke has once again attracted the attention of the master of colored butterflies and the master of Mantis.

The master of light element is the most calm existence among the masters present.

Originally, both parties did not have the idea of entanglement and death battle. Locke took the initiative to step back and give face to the storm dragon. After a moment, the master of the element dragon born in the desperate world nodded and directly reached out to take away Locke\'s eyes.

Sure enough, the dragon\'s greedy nature is not exempt from the storm dragon.

If the wind eye is said to be of great value, it is not big enough. It has earned a lot of face. The storm dragon really has no reason to continue to fight with Locke.

Seeing that a battle of domination was eliminated in the invisible, the reincarnated colored butterfly master sent out a burst of laughter.

Locke and the storm dragon are familiar with it. These two powerful beings can resolve the fight, and it will not be embarrassed as an intermediary.

Another green Mantis master sighed with some regret, but this guy hid well. No matter what he thought in his heart, at least on the surface, he was much more enthusiastic than the calm and even indifferent light element master.

"It\'s best not to fight. Come on, let me introduce you to each other." The colored butterfly flapped its wings and flew to Locke.

The reason why he is so close to Locke is that the master of the colored butterfly wants to explore Locke\'s details.

Although it is only a separate body to come to the desperate world, the color butterfly master has a lot of strange means and special rules.

Indeed, without two brushes, how could this guy send a separate to sit in the desperate world all year round.

Coupled with Locke\'s past contacts with this guy, this power level seems to be dominated by a butterfly with only a seven level level, which is bound to be a simple role.

After a series of introductions of Morakot, the master of colored butterflies, Locke knew that the master of light element beside him was indeed the master of hope that Locke had heard of.

The master of the light of hope is a good friend with Quanzu. Similarly, through the introduction of Quanzu, the spring of destruction and other creatures, Locke also knows that this is a special master who is independent and flaunts love and peace.

In terms of style and personal quality, the Holy See, which is dominated by the light of hope and grace, should be a passer-by.

Unfortunately, the Lord of the light of hope has not had any contact with the holy see before, otherwise they may regard each other as confidants.

As for another green Mantis master, introduced by the master of colored butterfly, it is a master friend it contacts and knows in the world of despair, named saru.

The origin of saru is unknown, and its relationship with "friends" dominated by colored butterflies remains to be discussed.

When the colored butterfly master introduced saru to Locke, Locke could feel that the colored butterfly master also had no good feelings for the green Mantis master.

"Why are you here?" Locke said curiously that he had explained the reason why he appeared in the desperate world. Now it\'s time for the colorful butterfly to dominate and others to elaborate.

"Naturally, I continue to make my own deal in the desperate world. You almost completed the deal with me hundreds of thousands of years ago, Knight Locke."

"Now it seems that I was too short-sighted at that time. Compared with your space-based world-class secret treasure, it is obvious that you are the most valuable existence." The colored butterfly smiled.

The answer dominated by the colored butterfly made Locke nod.

Trading in the desperate world for hundreds of thousands of years, the behavior dominated by colored butterflies is understandable. Taobao can also be seen as its ulterior purpose.

From the perspective of dominant creatures, Locke prefers the latter, although this guy has no intention to tell Locke the truth.

Compared with the hiding and tucking of the colored butterfly, the reason why the light of hope appears here is very frank.

According to the answer of the master of the light element, he felt the incomparably abundant power of the light element in the desperate world, which was the reason to explore the end of the dimension hand in hand with the separation of the master of the colored butterfly.

Not to mention the personal character and quality dominated by the light of hope, just standing on the essence of light element biology, it must have a certain preference for the light Protoss.

Of course, the existence of goodwill does not mean that the light of hope will stand with the light Protoss.

Through the introduction of the colored butterfly master and the various deeds of the light of hope master about the light Protoss, it is obvious that the light element master has gradually alienated the light Protoss.

The reason why we still stay in the world of despair is that the light of hope dominates us, and we are more curious about which side will win this dimensional war in the end.

Like the light of hope, level 7 creatures waiting for the results of the dimensional war are not a few in the desperate world.

However, most of them are hidden in the dark and are not willing to easily touch the edge of the two top civilizations.

The reason for its appearance in the desperate world is even simpler. In its own words, it comes here to look for high-quality \'food\'.

"Goo Goo Goo, two little guys survived the storm collision just ended. It seems that I have a blessing in the mouth again." With a strange smile, the mantis master saru turned into a green remnant and flew to a place in the hungry wasteland below.

Shalu\'s temporary departure made the master of the colored butterfly put away his previous faint smile and showed his disdain for the master of the green Mantis to Locke.

Similarly, the light of hope dominated the condensed human face, and Dai Mei wrinkled it gently.

It is worth mentioning that although the light of hope is a light element creature, the form it condenses is a full humanoid beauty.