Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4424

Locke, who had just experienced a storm to lose weight, naturally found the roar and dissatisfaction of the storm dragon in the distance.

The residual force of the storm after the collision began to converge to the storm dragon, and several terrorist energy storms gradually rolled here at the end of the sky in the distance.

Locke wants to continue the storm to lose weight, but that doesn\'t mean Locke wants to tear his face here with the storm dragon.

The dragon of the storm is strong, but it is also divided into people.

If the other seven level masters, the storm dragon may rush up and crush the opponent without any words.

But now what appears here is the destruction master of level 8 peak power level, Locke. Even if the storm dragon tries its best, it may not be able to do anything to Locke, or even harm itself in the end.

Although the storm dragon enjoys many rules and energy bonuses in the desperate world, it will also die, so this guy consciously avoided the dimensional war breaking out in the center of the skeleton continent.

At the moment, with the escalation of its contradiction with Locke, if there is no outsider to persuade him to fight, a big war seems inevitable when Locke refuses to retreat.

It was also when the power levels of both sides had accumulated to the peak that the "Persuading" people finally appeared.

A butterfly master with colorful wings appears near Locke and storm dragon with the power of special rules.

This butterfly master is the colored butterfly master that Locke has dealt with several times before.

This guy is different from Locke. He just came here separately.

It seems that this guy has spent many years in the world of despair

When Locke was a level 6 creature, he was "fooling around" here. Now Locke has been promoted to the top master of level 8, but he is still here.

The colorful butterfly master not only met Locke, but also dealt with the storm dragon.

One of the factors that can unite and dominate the hunger wasteland of the desperate world all year round is that it has reached some cooperation with the storm dragon.

With certain rules, loopholes and help provided by the storm dragon, it can stably live in the desperate world.

In addition to the colored butterfly master, there are two other master creatures with it at the moment.

One of them is a pure light element master. On this light element master, Rao is an eight level master full of destructive temperament, such as Locke, who even feels bursts of warm heart and gentle atmosphere.

Unlike the colorful butterfly, the light element dominates the coming of noumenon.

The power of a light element is like a bubble. Under the influence of the special rules of the desperate world, it is extracted and stripped from the body surface dominated by the light element. For a time, the picture is dreamy and beautiful.

In addition to the light element master, another one appeared next to the color butterfly master, which was full of green skin. As a whole, it felt like the level 7 flesh and blood creature master of a mantis.

The strength of this Mantis master is not strong, which is far from that of the light element master.

And different from the feeling of light element domination, Locke feels warm and peaceful. According to the law feedback from the emotional field, Locke feels deeply vicious and vicious temperament from the mantis domination.

A dark green tail with vigorous front sparkled Locke\'s eyes. That tail should be the core of the power dominated by the mantis. The strangest thing is that its tail tip is rare silver.

Like the light element master, this dark green Mantis master is also a body coming.

However, compared with the powerful Locke and the storm dragon who can take advantage of the special storm power of the desperate world, the strength dominated by the dark green mantis and the light element is not as eye-catching as Locke and the storm dragon.

"Oh, this is not the supreme Knight of wizard civilization. How did you appear here and what contradiction did you have with storm dragon balhaink?"

"I think this must be a misunderstanding! Balhaink is a warm-hearted and honest element dragon master. Similarly, you don\'t give me the impression of a bad man, Knight Locke."

"If there is any contradiction between you two, I think I can mediate on your behalf." The colored butterfly, flapping its wings, appeared near Locke and the storm dragon.

Facing the carriage dominated by the colored butterfly, Locke didn\'t say much. Instead, the dragon of the storm in the sky blinked and asked the colored butterfly, "Morak, do you know him?"

"Just now he stopped and scattered the energy storm I guided. If you are friends, you must give me an explanation." The roar of the storm dragon resounded through the hungry wasteland sky.

After listening to the answer of the storm dragon, whether it was dominated by the colored butterfly or the green mantis, the body trembled obviously.

The strength of the storm dragon is most familiar to the two present.

Locke\'s strength can be imagined to prevent and disperse the energy storm personally guided by the storm dragon!

It is also that Locke has just slimmed down with energy, mastered his own power and the power of laws more skillfully, and there is no leakage of excess destruction energy due to the absorption of the power of the special rules of the desperate world.

Otherwise, if it appears in the normal star world, or the situation that it is difficult to control his own power before Locke, the eight peak power levels possessed by Locke should be found at the first time when the color butterfly master and the green Mantis master appear.

Locke\'s growth was beyond the expectation of the color butterfly.

So that for a time, the master of the colored butterfly didn\'t know how to persuade the quarrel.

The storm dragon still hovers inside and outside the blue and purple crack grid in the sky of the desperate world. Looking at its posture and the dragon breath from its nose all the time, it seems that it doesn\'t intend to let Locke go easily.

However, one of the more interesting things is that the storm dragon seems unwilling to give up, but the rules from the emotional field show that the storm dragon\'s attention is not on Locke, but on the light element next to the color butterfly.

They are also elemental masters. Obviously, the storm dragon is very interested in the light elemental master.

It doesn\'t want to let Locke go easily, rather it doesn\'t want to lose face in front of the master of the light element.

Locke didn\'t mean to be involved in the battle of domination for no reason. Although he could easily grasp the storm dragon with its power, Locke had no other way as long as the storm dragon hid in the blue and purple crack network at the end of the sky.

Even he has to be careful to deal with those terrible energy storms led and guided by the storm dragon.

With the persuaders, and with no intention of war on both sides, the dominant dispute will naturally disappear in the end.

Locke is very interested in the storm dragon, as well as the colorful butterfly masters who appear here.

The war of dimensions has broken out. What does it mean to appear here?