Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4423

"Roar!" In addition to the normal sound of energy storm sweeping, there are also several faint dragon sounds coming from above the storm in the distance.

As early as when Locke first came to the desperate world, he heard the reputation of the storm dragon, but he didn\'t expect to hit it again this time.

Hold your breath and concentrate, and carefully feel the pressure of the air field from the opposite energy storm.

Indeed, in addition to the storm aura comparable to his size, Locke also found a special wave of dragon creatures.

The strength of the storm dragon is not strong. According to Locke at this time, it has only the power level from the late stage of level 7 to the peak of level 7.

But the particularity of the storm dragon is that it can rely on the terrorist energy storms born under the special rules and mechanisms of the desperate world.

With the help of the energy storm sweeping the whole desperate world, the storm dragon can definitely compete with level 8 creatures.

At this time, the dragon of the storm above the energy storm makes a dragon roar to Locke, which is actually yelling or urging Locke to leave in a disguised form.

In the view of the storm dragon, it passes through with energy storms. In fact, it is touring its territory and feeding itself with the help of the energy particles swept and sucked by the energy storms.

Locke\'s feeling is so strong that it can be comparable to the top-level combat power of the two top civilizations in the center of the desperate world.

With the idea of not breaking the special rules of the desperate world, the storm dragon does not want to have any intersection and battle with Locke, just as the energy storm dominated and affected by it rarely swept the skeleton continent in recent ten thousand years.

But what the storm dragon didn\'t expect was that Locke was not afraid of the energy storms it coerced. At the same time, in the face of the baptism of energy storms, Locke had an impulse to try.

After all, the two terrorist storms with different attributes are getting closer and closer and meet gradually.

And from the will conveyed by the storm dragon above the storm, these energy storms sweeping the whole desperate world are not completely controlled by it.

At least when it is so close to Locke, it is difficult for the storm dragon to turn the direction of the storm.

In other words, the mechanism of these special energy storms sweeping the desperate world at the beginning of their birth is to eliminate the higher energy level of the desperate world and maintain the ultra-low element concentration here.

The appearance of Locke, the master of destruction, has broken the element balance of the desperate world.

On the premise that Locke does not take the initiative to withdraw his destruction energy, the transit energy storm is bound to sweep in his direction.

This is influenced by the general trend of rules, which can not be reversed by the dragon of storm.


No matter what the situation is, in short, these two extremely turbulent and exaggerated storms collided together after all.

With Locke as the center, an extremely exaggerated explosion and element impact swept in all directions.

In terms of the intensity of the explosion and the sweeping of energy elements, it is more than ten times greater than the force carried by the transit of ordinary energy storms.

Many survivors hiding in the depths of the earth have been annihilated in this terrible energy impact, which is definitely an unwarranted disaster of the whole hungry wasteland.

In the process of collision and impact of this storm, all those who survived were the peak despairers who hid deep enough and had extraordinary passive evolution ability.

To Locke\'s surprise, in the cold and bitter places such as the hungry wasteland, he felt that there were finally two survivors nearby.

One of them has the power level. Naturally, it is the peak of despair. No doubt, but it should also be hard hit at the moment.

The strength of the other is not very outstanding. Finally, he can survive because of his special physique, or because he has a certain element of luck.

The shocking explosion in the hungry wasteland not only frightened the survivors on the whole hungry wasteland, but also attracted the attention of the warring civilizations in the center of the skeleton continent.

Such a collision of eight levels of peak power, even the ongoing dimensional war in the center of the skeleton continent, is likely to lead to a change in the final battle situation.

Both Guangming Protoss and yuanneng civilization sent certain forces to explore the hungry wasteland.

But faster than them are a few masters of different civilizations who themselves hide in the hungry wasteland. They are also curious about what happened here.


The storm finally dispersed, and the impact of incomparably amazing power continued to sweep deeper into the hungry wasteland.

But with the passage of time and the increase of paths, the power impact transmitted to the deeper depths of the hungry wasteland will eventually become weaker and weaker.

In the center of the storm, Locke, who maintained the transformation form of the destroyer, looked at his hands with great excitement and felt the abundant energy transmitted from the inside of his body.

With the help of the special energy storm in the desperate world, I\'m afraid there are not many people in the whole star world who can think of this stubble.

With only one collision, Locke\'s proficiency in controlling his own power has increased by 30%. I\'m afraid that if he doesn\'t do it a few more times, Locke can completely stand firm in the level 8 peak state.

Not to mention the excitement and excitement on Locke\'s side, the storm dragon, which also appears in the sky of the desperate world at the moment, looks at Locke below with discontent and hidden hostility.

The storm dragon is definitely a unique product of the desperate world. It was born in the desperate world and grew up because of the special rules of the desperate world.

For the storm dragon, the desperate world is its home.

At this time, the storm dragon is located near the blue and purple special grid in the sky of the desperate world.

Locke, such an eight level peak master, can hardly stay near those special grids with properties similar to space cracks for a long time, but the storm dragon can not only ignore those crack networks, but also shuttle freely among them.

This alone means that the storm dragon can basically remain invincible in the desperate world.

This is like the desperate world is its mother plane, where it can enjoy all aspects of rule blessing.

And through the various characteristics and rules of the storm dragon at this time, Locke can also determine that this is not a flesh and blood dragon, but a rare element dragon.

The elemental dragon, which is mainly composed of storm, fire, thunder and the power of space, is powerful and special even if it is not in the desperate world and looking at the star world.

The roar and roar of the storm dragon shows its mood difference at this time.

Although Locke has eight levels of peak power level, if you really annoy him, the storm dragon is not afraid to break out a war with him.

Dragons generally have the characteristics of irritability and arrogance. Even if the storm dragon has been alone in the desperate world for hundreds of thousands of years, it also has the characteristics of other dragon species in the star world.