Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4422

Locke left quietly, just as most of the middle and bottom creatures in the wizard world did not know, Locke returned to the wizard civilization with the respect of level 8 peak not long ago.

This time to the world of despair, Locke walked alone.

Because he hasn\'t made a plan to help the light Protoss or fight for the door of rules with the desperate spider mother, only a few people, including sharafa, know Locke\'s trip to the desperate world this time.

The infinite regular force and energy tide directly tear the space in front of Locke, and a dark purple regular channel appears in front of Locke.

This is a channel directly connected to the world of despair. Now Locke stands in the vision of level 8 peak creatures and does find the uniqueness of this regular channel, and what it connects is the cornerstone of the astral world.

In other words, the rules of the desperate world should be at the bottom of the astral world.

The strange rules and energy reveal make Locke look more at this special channel leading to the desperate world.

A little consumption of the dominant soul means that it is not easy to get through the desperate world.

However, compared with the channel opened by the phantom Riel, the channel maintained by Locke with his dominant power is obviously much more stable and stable.

This is also the first time Locke explored the desperate world alone.


Compared with more than 100000 years ago, the desperate world has not changed much.

Considering that there is a great difference between the time flow rate of the desperate world and the normal star world, Locke has spent more than 100000 years in the star world. I\'m afraid a longer time has passed in the desperate world.

At first glance, it is a gray desert. In addition to the tornado storm gathering in the distance, there is an endless cracked earth near.

Locke remembers that this was his first stop after arriving at the desperate world. It was called "hungry wasteland".

It was also here that year. Locke roughly figured out what kind of place the desperate world was, and began to find a way to leave with Lilith.

The war situation of the hungry wasteland in the desperate world is not large. At least Locke and Lilith came out of here that year.

More magnificent and vast than the hungry wasteland should be the skeleton continent.

It is a vast continent piled up by pure bones. Rao is the master of Locke, and may not be able to explore its end.

"With the extremely low concentration of energy elements, the whole world seems to be absorbing the energy in my body. Sure enough, it is still this familiar environment." Looking around, Locke sighed.

The perspective and perception of the dominant creatures at the top of level 8 make it easy for Locke to detect nearly one-third of the territory of the whole hungry wasteland.

But here, Locke did not find any trace of the light Protoss fighting against hostile civilizations.

Obviously, the hungry wasteland is not the home of the war between the two top civilizations. If nothing happens, the battle should take place on the skeleton continent.

"Boom!" Repressive and turbulent energy storms appear at the end of Locke\'s sight, and over time, these energy storms seem to be coming to Locke.

I don\'t know whether it is Locke\'s luck or his misfortune. The terrorist storm that occurred only once in the world of despair for hundreds to 2000 years happened when he came to the world of despair.

In the face of the terrible storm sweeping in the distance, Locke in the past weak and small period can only dive into the depths of the earth as far as possible and resist the attack of the terrible storm with the hard thickness of the ground in the desperate world.

But at this time, he already has eight levels of peak life level, and even he is a terrible destruction storm that no one can enter. Locke plans to meet the characteristics of the desperate world in another way.

"Come, my destructive power!" One hand stretched forward, and the painted black bone armor instantly covered Locke\'s whole body.

The incomparably turbulent and repressed destruction energy particles instantly sputter and roll up in all directions with Locke as the center.

As the source of this terrible destruction storm, it is the destruction god in Locke\'s chest.

The incomparable destruction energy particles absorbed in the silent bone convergence star domain are enough to support Locke\'s consumption in the desperate world.

And with the massive destruction factors roaring in the form of a storm and diverging under the special rules of the desperate world, Locke vaguely felt that he was more proficient in controlling the power of the eighth level peak.

The emergence of the storm of terrorist destruction is definitely a rare spectacle for the desperate world.

In particular, the two waves of unusually turbulent storms confront each other far above the hungry wasteland.

The only difference is that the storm Locke incarnates is a pure destruction storm, while the storm in the distance is a pure energy storm under the influence of the special rules of the desperate world.

The collision between destruction storm and energy storm will inevitably lead to a wide range of rule fluctuations and special phenomena in the hungry wasteland of the desperate world.

Given the particularity of the desperate world, I\'m afraid Locke\'s action will create several "rule dangerous places" artificially.

A few desperate world survivors who make a living in the hungry wasteland look at the two waves of magnificent storms and tides in the sky with extraordinary horror and fear.

The weak ones did not see that one of the destruction storms was actually caused by a level 8 peak destruction master.

The intensity of survivors on the hungry wasteland is generally weaker than that on the skeleton continent.

This may also be because there are not many rules and dangerous places that can provide them to leave the desperate world, or the creatures that accidentally enter here are lower than the skeleton continent, so that there are fewer survivors who grow to the peak of despair.

As the master of the eighth level peak, Locke naturally doesn\'t care much about the life and death of the weak survivors of the fourth and fifth levels.

The rapid passage of destroyed energy particles made Locke feel relaxed and happy.

In a figurative analogy, Locke\'s past behavior of sucking destructive factors in the lonely bone gathering star domain is like a strong man crazy increasing his weight by constantly eating.

Although the strong man did become stronger in the end, his strength can also be described as excessive obesity, so that Locke didn\'t dare to hold his granddaughter with his own hands, for fear that his excitement and the destructive power of the riot would hurt Haila.

But at this time, the suction from the special rules of the desperate world is actually helping Locke disperse and digest the excess "fat".

Therefore, Locke now incarnates the destruction storm and is ready to shake the coming energy storm. It is not that his strength suddenly improves and becomes arrogant, but that he has a reason to do so.

As the terrorist energy storm in the distance gets closer and closer, Rao, who is the body of level 8 peak, also feels bursts of pressure.

This is a special phenomenon born under the special rules and mechanisms of the whole desperate world. It can be resisted by manpower. Only level 8 peak creatures like Locke have this qualification.