Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4421

Gongsun Wuji\'s level 6 later strength should have just broken through.

In him, Locke felt the same energy impetuous and uncontrollable situation as himself.

But if Locke is compared to an ocean, Gongsun Wuji is undoubtedly just a spring of water.

Seeing his adopted son again, Locke sighed and said, "you came to me to say goodbye?"

Facing Locke\'s question, Gongsun Wuji knelt on one knee and lowered his head deeper.

He did come to Locke, but during the tens of thousands of years of the growth of wizard civilization, he did have some feelings for this powerful world.

Especially those who provided him with many help on Gongsun Wuji\'s growth path, he didn\'t know how to repay this kindness.

If not for the thoughts of his mother and the resentment against his biological father, I\'m afraid Gongsun Wuji doesn\'t mind establishing a medium-sized world civilization incorporated into the wizard alliance system with the legacy of blue fist martial arts as the core.

And according to the attention and care he can enjoy from Locke within the wizard civilization, this is the real rational and happy ending for the remnant of blue fist martial arts.

But Gongsun Wuji is a martial artist after all, not a magician world caster famous for his reason.

The strength of the later stage of level 6 makes him think he has enough strength to find his parents.

No matter what the future road is, Gongsun Wuji chooses to face and bear it by himself.

Locke could feel the little guy\'s obsession in front of him at the moment.

Locke can only support his choice. After all, he is the adoptive father of Gongsun Wuji, not his own father.

Of course, before Gongsun Wuji leaves the wizard civilization, Locke, the adoptive father, will provide him with as much help as possible.

"Can you still feel your parents?" Asked Locke.

As the dominant offspring, blood relatives often have a certain perception of each other by virtue of the fetters in the field of blood and rules.

For Locke\'s inquiry, Gongsun Wuji nodded.

It seems that Gongsun xuance and the group of martial arts survivors led by him are still alive. As for where Wuji is going to find his parents, Locke shows him a clear way.

"Go to the level 6 peak star beast mocking wind of Ariba chamber of Commerce. He will provide you with a transmission channel to the alien domain."

"But I want to remind you that if you come into contact with people in the immortal domain in that star domain, I suggest you not to act rashly."

"You can\'t challenge the strength of Xianyu civilization now, and your main task is to find your parents, not to be the enemy of Xianyu civilization, you know?" Locke told Wuji.

"I see, adoptive father." Gongsun Wuji lowered his head and replied in a deep voice.

After waving his hand, a gray light came out of Locke\'s hand. This gray light is Locke\'s opinion on the rules and power of level six, which will help him get familiar with and master his power as soon as possible.

"Go to your adoptive mother Angelina and say goodbye to them. They are now in the Titan world."

"By the way, there are also a large number of resource wealth in Xinggang. That\'s a gift I prepared for you. I hope you don\'t let me down." Locke said earnestly.

He kowtowed heavily to Locke. Gongsun Wuji, with tears in his eyes, turned and left slowly.


Gongsun Wuji\'s departure made Locke, who had just harvested a granddaughter, feel a lot heavier.

However, before Locke got out of this special emotion, a message from the bright Protoss put Locke in a dilemma.

It was also the divine power message sent by the Lord of glory himself, and this time the message of the Lord of glory was also very concise.

The Lord of glory did ask Locke for help. In the divine power communication, the Lord of glory said that in order to get the help of Locke, the eight level master, the light Protoss were even willing to deliver some faith planes and other resources to the wizard civilization.

This is definitely an example that has never happened to the light Protoss in history. Of course, it also proves how anxious and bad their war situation in the desperate world is.

Locke did not give an accurate answer to the Lord of glory\'s request for help at the first time.

According to the desperate spider mother, they should not intervene in the war between the two top civilizations in the desperate world.

This is a dimensional battle involving the cornerstone of the rules of the whole star world. It can\'t even violate the level existence of desperate spider mother and Taoist ancestor Hongjun. Locke is even more difficult to rewrite it on his own.

And for the invitation of the desperate spider mother, Locke has not been able to give an accurate answer up to now.

Let alone anything else, at least as an "entrant", Locke must first understand what is going on in the ongoing dimensional war in the desperate world.

The top civilization at war with the light Protoss, since it can press the light Protoss, at least shows that the intensity of the dimensional war in the desperate world has exceeded any civilized war Locke has ever been in contact with before.

Locke doesn\'t know the specific strength of source energy civilization, and naturally he can\'t decide whether to help the bright Protoss.

And for the desperate spider mother\'s invitation to compete for the "door", Locke doesn\'t think he can be lucky enough to win a door, and the right channel is connected behind the door.

Compared with those uncertain and unstable factors, Locke hopes to find his own way, just as he has made such achievements after so many years of hard growth.

"I plan to go to the desperate world next. It may be related to my achievement of level 9 or the key to unlock the deepest secrets of the star world." Locke said to sarafa and others.

"Don\'t you participate in the next war against civilizations such as the iron tower world? And the new holy tower and knight palace that the wizard world is promoting and building in an all-round way also need your help..." Sarah said in surprise.

"Dead femton and Wukong will take my place in the war here. With their participation, the tower world can\'t turn out any waves."

"Since kakarot thinks that the king of the world tower is the stepping stone for him to break through level 8, I\'ll give him this opportunity."

"As for myself, I just went to the desperate world to see what the dimensional war was going on there. I\'m not sure I\'ll come back soon."

"This is not only extremely important to me, but also may be the opportunity for our Wizard civilization to enter the top level of civilization." Locke said to sharafa.


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