Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4420

Titan domain, space fortress.

Locke, who is trying to maintain human form as much as possible, is listening to the war situation in that Pan star region.

As Locke learned before, there is no much difference and resistance in the promotion process of wizard civilization on that Pan star domain.

The gap of absolute strength indicates that the defeat of the tower world and the false word civilization has become a foregone conclusion.

And as the wind of war has always been firmly controlled by Wizard civilization in recent years, many small and medium-sized world civilizations that originally joined the world camp of the iron tower have also begun to quietly contact the wizard alliance.

In addition to the ongoing civilized wars, there is another thing that attracted Locke\'s great attention, that is, his number one horse, kakarot, finally touched the barrier of breaking through level 8.

However, if kakarot wants to break through level 8, he can\'t do it simply by practicing in the gravity module, but he needs endless war training.

The pan star wars over the past 20000 years have allowed kakarot\'s combat talent to be developed without limit.

And without the restraint of Locke, kakarot\'s fighting style is more violent and fierce than before.

Why is the king of the iron tower world, who clearly has level 8 medium-term strength, always subject to the wizard alliance in this pan star war.

Not to mention the gap and game between the middle and low-level legions, just in the field of high-level combat power, a kakarot dragged the king of the iron tower world alive.

And with the passage of time, even the king of the iron tower world can\'t help feeling shocked, because the gap between kakarot and him has been decreasing with the naked eye in these 20000 years.

During this period, the king of the world did not think that he would directly kill this powerful level 7 master at a huge cost.

But unfortunately, kakarot is not fighting alone.

Before leaving the wizard civilization, Locke repeatedly asked the master of the wizard civilization to look at kakarot.

Dragon Mother danilis, phantom Riel, fire master and other creatures obviously listened to Locke\'s words.

In addition, later, the sword Saint Carlyle appeared on the battlefield, the seventh level wizard Douglas comprehensively promoted the establishment of the new holy tower and knight palace in the wizard world, and the wizard civilization was improved from the inside to the outside, which was naturally fed back to the front battlefield.

Of course, the reason why super Saiya kakarot can survive endless battles is that he has the support of level 7 master jinyumu flower.

Almost all the nectar is supplied to the most consumed kakarot. It is definitely not his own credit that he can drag the king of the iron tower world on his own.

"According to kakarot\'s meaning, he seems to prefer to personally solve the king of the world of the iron tower, and use the skeleton of the king of the world of the iron tower as a stepping stone for himself to enter the eighth level." In the Space Fortress, sharafa said to Locke.

"This guy is still so reckless, but we can\'t give him less support." Locke shook his head and said.

A black light appeared on Locke\'s body. In order to contact his women and granddaughters as soon as possible, Locke must control and restrain his powerful destructive power.

At this time, being in this space fortress is a process of Locke\'s self honing.

He doesn\'t want to show people in the form of destruction storm for a long time in the future. From the current results, Locke\'s control is relatively successful.

"By the way, your adopted son Wuji said he wanted to see you, and he has returned from the front battlefield." Sharafa said to Locke.

"Well, let him come." Locke nodded.

"Gongsun Wuji has performed really well in the past 20000 years, and he also pulled up a dragon and snake army with his own personality charm and some martial arts relic creatures."

"He wants to see you this time. He should want to break away from the wizard alliance and find his parents." Sharafa added.

"I see." Locke nodded.


Compared with tens of thousands of years ago, Gongsun Wuji, who appeared in Locke\'s eyes at this time, has completely faded its childishness and appears mature and stable.

The yellowish face obviously has the shadow of Gongsun xuance, but compared with Locke\'s righteous brother Gongsun xuance, Wuji has been engaged in military wars for many years in recent tens of thousands of years, so his temperament is more inclined to iron blood and Su Sha.

The life level in the later stage of level 6 indicates the super potential and strength of Gongsun Wuji.

In fact, according to Locke\'s original agreement with Gongsun Wuji, as early as 13000 years ago, when he was promoted to level 6, he could break away from the wizard alliance and find his parents.

Gongsun Wuji didn\'t say goodbye to Locke until today. On the one hand, the war in this pan star region has not ended, on the other hand, he wants to see Locke again.

"Adoptive father!" After seeing Locke in the Space Fortress, Gongsun Wuji knelt down on one knee to greet Locke with a fist in the unique way of martial arts civilization.

In fact, observing Gongsun Wuji\'s posture, we can see that he is more attached to the martial arts civilization than the wizard civilization that provides his own growth and living environment.

And the respect and love from the bottom of his heart also indicates that he also has deep feelings for Locke, the adoptive father.

To tell the truth, since Gongsun xuance entrusted his son to Locke, Locke was not very competent as an adoptive father.

This is also a helpless thing. The frequent civilization wars in the past tens of thousands of years have made Locke lack his skills, and he doesn\'t have much energy to pay attention to Gongsun Wuji\'s growth.

Although Locke has no energy, before going to the federal battlefield of galent, Locke entrusted him to Sarah law and other women.

With a group of wise men to help him share the pressure, Locke will save a lot of worries when he fights abroad.

And it has to be said that under the education and care of Sarah FA, Angelina and other women, Gongsun Wuji from the blue fist martial arts civilization and his people have really lived well in the wizard civilization.

Sharafa even set aside several planes to accommodate and provide space for those who left behind the blue fist martial arts.

Care and resource subsidies from all sides have enabled Gongsun Wuji to grow and recuperate the remnant of blue fist martial arts to the greatest extent.

Therefore, from this point of view, Gongsun Wuji has full respect and love for his adoptive father.

Because without Locke, there would be absolutely no today of his Gongsun Wuji and the remnant of blue fist martial arts.

If Locke had not rescued their mother and son from the prison in Xianyu, it would be impossible to achieve Gongsun Wuji\'s strength in the later stage of level 6 today.