Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4419

As a hybrid of wizard world creatures and Titan world creatures, Haila has the blood of knight, Titan and dragon.

Although it was born only more than 3000 years ago, this little guy who has grown into a slim and graceful figure has already shown his great cultivation talent and blood potential.

Now she has the later life level of level 4. She is recognized as the little princess in the Titan world.

Even in addition to the thousands of favors of the Titan world, this little guy also has high authority and great attention in the western islands of the wizard world and the dragon family.

A head of bright silver hair is very eye-catching. It may be because of the similar blood. On Haila, Locke saw the shadow of her daughter Bev and Lisa.

In short, Haila has both Bev\'s beauty and Lisa\'s liveliness.

Her birth was of great significance not only to the Titan Protoss, but also to the wizard world.

"Good, good." In the storm of destruction, Locke\'s voice was a little hoarse, but more excited.

The power of rolling destruction sputtered in all directions, causing the discomfort of Titan\'s world plane will and the rules of the whole world.

Although the whole Titan world is suffering from an impeccable disaster at this time, Haila, who appears directly below Locke, has not been affected.

Locke was so willing to hurt his granddaughter that he struggled with the consumption of the dominant soul at this time, and would not spread the excess destruction energy to Haila.

As a level 4 creature, and just born, the cognition of the whole astral world is still in the initial stage of ignorance.

Hella didn\'t realize that the terrible and repressive destruction storm in front of her was her grandfather.

However, Haila was curious about Locke because of her closeness in the depths of her blood.

But when the painful groans of the Titan world\'s will came to her ears, Haila couldn\'t help but toot her mouth.

Although there are quite a few wizarding world lineages in her blood, Haila is more dependent and identified with the Titan world because she was born and grew up in the Titan world.

The painful groans from the plane will make Haila unbearable.

So with the encouragement of grandma Hera, the little girl walked forward a few steps and said, "can you not hurt the Titan world? This is the world I live in. I don\'t want it to be destroyed."

Hella\'s ignorant request caused Locke to laugh.

As his granddaughter\'s first request to himself, how can Locke bear to refuse her.

The plane will of the Titan world was so crowded and abused because Locke was too powerful and emotional.

Not to mention that his son Odin is leading the gods to fight in the pan star battlefield. Even for his granddaughter and his women in the Titan world, Locke will never break the chain of rules in the Titan world.

"OK, I can leave Titan world, but you have to call me Grandpa first." In the storm of destruction, the voice from Locke was as powerful as prison.

The little girl first looked back at her grandmother Hera, and then at her mother Adele. Seeing that there was nothing different between the two close relatives, she said, "Grandpa!"

As an existence that has been born for more than 3000 years, Haila naturally knows what the word grandpa means.

In the past, Locke had an affair with Hera, the God of the Titan world, and gave birth to the divine king Odin, which is a secret of the whole wizard world, including the Titan Protoss. Only those old gods know it.

The appearance of grannies such as Angelina, Kayla and Christine has made the intelligent Haila suspicious in the past.

Now Locke, the genuine grandfather, appears in front of him. Haila doesn\'t know what her life experience is.

From the bottom of her heart, Haila is relatively easy to accept the appearance of her grandfather.

Because since her birth, grandma Angelina and Kayla, who came from the wizard world, have given her great care and love.

And although the little girl is young, she has a good mind.

For more than 3000 years, Haila has not only spent her time in happiness and carefree, but also knows that the star world is a world of the jungle from the perspective of her father Odin\'s continuous war in different worlds and the frequent recruitment and war of the entire Titan Protoss.

As a fourth level creature, Hella has almost understood the nature of rules and energy.

However, a level-4 creature like her with a golden key could not see through the destruction storm embodied by Locke, and the level of terror power possessed by the destruction storm exceeded Hella\'s understanding in recent years.

This is an unimaginable and great existence beyond the cognition of ordinary gods!

Even the whole Titan world groans and suffers because of his appearance. Is there a stronger existence in the whole star world than him?

Haila expressed her satisfaction with such a strong presence as her grandfather.

A crisp "Grandpa" almost caused Locke\'s destructive power to riot, and then swallowed up the whole Titan world.

Fortunately, this did not happen, and Locke himself was going crazy with joy.

Gather the destructive power accumulated around him as close as possible, and a white snake flew out of the destructive storm and flew straight in front of Haila.

The level of terror power possessed by the white snake is enough to reach the highest level in the Titan world.

At the peak of the passive evolution intensity of the desperate level, Rao is the God King Odin at this time, which may not be able to beat.

But such an extremely powerful creature, when appearing in front of Hella under Locke\'s will, was docile like a lamb.

The amazing figure of the earthly Python YeMeng is not shown in the Titan world at the moment. After flying out of the storm of infinite destruction, this guy still maintained the size of his palm and finally flew to Haila\'s hand.

"This is a gift I gave you. Treat it well. It will become your most powerful helper and mount in the future." In the storm of destruction, Locke\'s voice roared.

When Hella\'s reply of joy and gratitude appeared in Locke\'s ear, the storm of terror and destruction accumulated outside the Titan world finally disappeared slowly from the Titan world in the frightened eyes of hundreds of millions of low-level Titans and local garrison gods.

The dark and oppressive sky became warm and blue again.

The sudden changes in the situation and the color change of heaven and earth make many low-level creatures feel as if what just happened is an illusion.

Only those middle and high-level creatures who are familiar with the rules and the power of energy clearly understand that what has just appeared is not an illusion.

Many broken rules and damaged nodes in the whole Titan world mean that Hera, the guardian, is busy next