Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4418

"From today on, you will be called YeMeng GAD, you know?" In the storm of destruction, Locke made a cold voice to the little white snake entrenched on the back of his hand.

The smell of infinite storm and violent destruction made the little white snake transferred to Locke not long ago tremble.

Obviously, compared with Locke, a powerful source of destruction, the desperate spider mother feels more like a good master to yemenggad.

The suppression from absolute power and naked fear make the White Snake no longer reject the new name given by Locke.

And for its short board in the spiritual field and its sometimes violent state, Locke also granted it the "heart clearing mantra" for healing.

Yemenggad, who got the heart clearing mantra, was obviously much more clever than when he first arrived in Locke\'s hands.

In addition to the inner rage caused by hearing the name of yemenggad, even Locke\'s deep fear of it can be alleviated to a certain extent.

And with the passage of time, the little snake gradually recognized the name of yemengad, as if this was its natural name.

As for the violence and chaos that had occurred before, it was just the remnant spirits.

Now, even the remaining spirits will be completely dissipated and recovered under the action of the heart clearing mantra and become the past tense.

"I didn\'t expect that you little thing could live, including the great trauma suffered by the spirit. According to the speculation of the desperate spider mother, it was also alleviated by molting."

"In the future, I\'ll be my granddaughter\'s mount. Well done, I can\'t do without your benefits." Locke promised yemengad in the middle of the storm.

At this time, yemenggad did not have the cunning and ruthlessness shown during the war in the sea kingdom.

In the face of Locke\'s majesty, he obediently lowered his snake head.

In Locke\'s view, this is a cowardly and humble little white snake.

It is also through the obedience and clever will of the other party felt in the field of emotional rules that Locke can rest assured and boldly give it to his granddaughter as a mount.

Leaving the silent starfish realm and passing through the Neptune realm at the border of the silent starfish realm, Locke pointed to the medium-sized Neptune realm not far away and asked, "do you remember that world?"

In the storm, jamengad, who was entrenched in a regiment, raised his snake\'s head and shook his head in confusion and ignorance in the face of the dark blue world not far away.

Yemenggad\'s expression was not like fraud. Locke nodded and said, "yes, that\'s not your world. Your world is the Titan world. Come with me!"

Then, the destruction storm tore up space and flew to the Titan world.


Titan world.

With the development of more than 100000 years and the resource preference given by the high level of the wizard world represented by Locke, this medium-sized world has long been the number one in the wizard alliance.

More than 300 Titan gods above level 4, nearly 10 titans of level 6, and tens of millions of Titan legions have made this medium-sized world under the rule of wizard civilization and most likely to break through to the vassal world of large-scale planes.

And in terms of plane resources and the strength of medium and low-level legions, the Titan world is about to approach and surpass the purple chayan soul world and the ten thousand flower psychic world.

Many people are guessing when the Titan world will enter the level of large level.

And for the existence of the one who led the Titan world to break through the existing shackles and reach a large plane, the vast majority of the powerful in the wizard world focused on Odin.

Once Odin breaks through the master and leads the Titan world to a large level, he will no longer be the God King, but the God of the gods.

The destruction storm appeared outside the Titan world and brought this stable and peaceful Titan world for more than 100000 years with great rule turbulence and energy distortion.

The vast and blue sky is completely replaced by dark and repressed destruction energy particles.

The most direct cause of this phenomenon is only because Locke wants to see his granddaughter.

If he can, he wants to hold it himself.

"What\'s the matter? You\'d better not stay near Titan world for too long." Under the plane barrier, looking at the depressed and turbulent dark dark destruction cloud outside the plane, Hera, who rushed from the holy mountain of Olympus, couldn\'t help complaining.

At this time, Hera was no longer the God of the Titan world, and her daughter-in-law Adele took over the title of God.

Although not the queen of God, Hera is still the guardian of the Titan world.

Therefore, when Locke arrived outside the Titan world with the destruction storm of level 8 peak power level, Rao shihera missed Locke for a long time, but spoke to Locke for the stability and peace of the Titan world.

Not let Locke leave directly, but let Locke not stay around the Titan world for too long.

As a guardian, Hera\'s back door is big enough.

Of course, it was also because Hera was Locke\'s woman and gave him a son that she dared to talk to Locke like this.

Otherwise, as the guardian of other worlds in the wizard alliance, Locke just wants to enter directly. Who dares to block it.

In fact, Locke\'s destruction storm should not have been so amazing. For example, Locke controlled better when he was in the temple of despair in the silent starfish domain.

The reason why Locke is so excited is that he has become a cloud of destruction that can bring great crisis to the whole Titan world.

This is the excitement brought by his first grandson. This bad luck in the Titan world is a pure disaster.

Locke didn\'t wait long. Hera\'s front foot just appeared below the barrier of the ruling plane, and a crowd of divine lights and elements appeared one after another.

The divine light dispersed, and it was the existence of Queen Adele and Venus, the God of love.

Among those elements are the wives of Locke, including Angelina, Keira and Christine.

Obviously, the birth of granddaughter Locke blew up these wives who had stayed in the wizard world all the year round.

In particular, Angelina, Kayla and other women live in seclusion laboratories all year round to explore the mysteries of magic and truth. Now even they appear in the Titan world, which is enough to prove how attractive this granddaughter is to them.

Locke even saw Ashar.

"Grandma, why are we here?"

"The black paint storm outside the plane is terrible, but why don\'t I feel any danger, but I have a sense of closeness." Among the warblers, a girl squeezed out from behind Angelina and others, ran to Hera and asked.

Locke\'s women have a long life span and have been difficult to make further progress over the years, so their appearance is more or less old.

The girl squeezed out from the crowd is full of sunshine and vitality, and comes from the deep throbbing in her blood, so that Locke knows that she is his granddaughter.

"What\'s your name?" Locke\'s voice trembled in the storm.

The voice was as bright as thunder and full of oppression, but the girl was not frightened.

First I looked at Hera, Angelina and other Grandma next to me, and then I bit my lips and said, "my name is Haila."


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans.