Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4415

The Lord of glory once found himself, which really surprised Lockheed.

But it also confirms what trichi pan baesa said to himself before. What must have happened to the light Protoss at present.

Otherwise, with the strength and pride of the Lord of glory, it is not a major event. Generally, he will not take the initiative to contact Locke.

In addition, another thing mentioned by the ghost Knight also attracted Locke\'s attention and even shock.

"Lord Locke, when master Sara sent me to the galent Federation 2000 years ago, he told me to tell you something at the first time after your closure." Said the ghost knight.

"Oh? What, is it about the civilized war?" Asked Locke.

"No, it\'s just a very common thing. I didn\'t even understand the special connotation. Maybe master Sara\'s law has another implication." Replied the ghost knight.

"Come on, what is it?" Asked Locke.

"Odin, the contemporary God of Titan Protoss, gave birth to a daughter 3000 years ago. Master sarafa asked me to tell you this." Replied the ghost knight.

Odin is Locke\'s son. Only a few high-level people in the whole wizard world know it.

Although the ghost Knight also has level 6 strength, it is obvious that he has not entered the top circle of the wizard world.

Sure enough, after listening to the ghost Knight\'s answer, the destruction storm suffered by Locke was more violent and uncontrolled.

Countless meteorites were annihilated into powder in this process, including Locke himself. After being silent for a long time, he only spit out a few words "go and return to wizard civilization as soon as possible!"

Plunging deeper into the starry sky at a much faster speed than before.

The level 6 ghost knight who doesn\'t know the details doesn\'t even know what happened.


The underworld realm.

When Locke\'s destruction storm arrived at this time, in addition to some high-level strong men of wizard civilization waiting for a long time, another unexpected woman appeared here.

She can be called Locke\'s old friend, and because she is standing behind her now, Rao is Locke has to be patient and ask her why she came here.

"Why are you here?" Locke asked andalil, the venomous queen in human form in the starry sky.

Andaril has been a maid of despair spider mother since she became her maid tens of thousands of years ago.

And according to the despair spider mother\'s later feedback to Locke, it can be seen that she is quite satisfied with her maid.

This also leads to the fact that, on a certain level, the venomous queen andalil can represent the will of the desperate spider mother.

"Desperate spider mother is in the silent starfish domain at this time. She knows that you are about to return to wizard civilization, so she sent me to invite you to the silent starfish domain for a chat." Andalil, the venomous queen, replied respectfully.

If at ordinary times, the desperate spider mother made a special trip to call herself, Locke would go there at the first time.

But at this time, Locke would rather meet his granddaughter than meet the desperate spider mother.

This is Locke\'s first grandchild, and it is also a proof of the continuation of his blood in the astral world.

"Can\'t you wait for a while? I have to go first..." Said Locke, frowning.

Before Locke finished, the venomous queen andalil crawled down and spoke to Locke\'s will in the center of the storm with spiritual power. "What the desperate spider mother mentioned is very important. She revealed to me that it will involve the supreme mystery of the star world and the secret of \'detachment\', and you need to go immediately."

Andalil\'s answer made Locke\'s incarnation of destruction storm energy particles more turbulent.

After a long time, the storm that Locke incarnated gradually calmed down.

After a little affectionate looking at the direction of the Titan world, Locke sighed and said, "let\'s go to the silent starfish region first."

Before going to the silent starfish domain with andalil, Locke did not forget to split his destruction Legion and the 200000 wizard civilization Legion.

Locke did not intervene too much in the appointment of the 200000 wizard world legion, and the high level of wizard civilization will deal with it.

All the destruction legions who came out of Locke\'s destruction storm were sent to the pan star battlefield by him.

Including the dominant destruction ape Wukong, the winged angel safirus, the mutant Niu Gelong, the skeleton Tyrannosaurus Rex, and other powerful beings.

It is believed that their participation will inevitably promote the war progress of wizard civilization in that Pan star battlefield.

The only one not sent to the pan star battlefield is the fountain of destruction.

This guy told Locke that it has reached the critical period of breaking through the dominant realm, so he hopes to return to Wanquan world first and start breaking through.

The spring of destruction can be promoted to dominate, which will certainly promote the overall strength of the wizard alliance.

So for this guy\'s request, Locke waved his hand and agreed.

Even before this guy left, in order to increase the success rate of his promotion to the master, Locke gave him a twelve item destruction lotus seed, the origin of the Black Lotus.


The space-time distance between the underworld and the silent starfish is really far away.

Even if Locke continued to tear up the space to go, and the space mark he had left near the Neptune world, it took a lot of time when the destruction storm he represented fell on the edge of the silent starfish domain.

The silent starfish realm gives Locke the feeling that it is an enhanced version of the silent starfish realm.

The strong power of death here has pushed other energy elements to a very low value.

When the destruction storm embodied by Locke arrives here, the strong destruction factor interacts with the force of death, resulting in regular shocks and energy tides throughout the star domain.

However, suppressed by a powerful presence in the center of the star domain, these regular shocks and energy tides did not turn out too much wind and waves.

The master of the silent starfish domain naturally found Locke\'s arrival.

And through the bullying force coerced by Locke when he arrived, she saw Locke\'s current strength and found that Locke seemed not in a good mood at this time.

"I didn\'t expect that you have reached the peak of level 8. It\'s incredible. In this way, we have a greater grasp." In the depths of the star field, the voice of the desperate spider mother came faintly.

"What\'s the matter? And spider mother, where have you been in the past 20000 years?" In the storm of destruction, the will from Locke asked.

"Hehe, is it because I\'m in a hurry to see your granddaughter? That\'s really a clever and lovely little guy."

"Come to the temple of despair first. I have something to discuss with you. Of course, I also have a gift for your granddaughter." The voice of the desperate spider mother came from the depths of the star field.

After listening, Locke\'s incarnation of the destruction storm was not coy, and went straight to the deepest part of the silent starfish domain.