Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4416

Not seen for many years, the feeling of despair spider mother to Locke has not changed much.

This is still a mature, steady and powerful woman. If the only difference is that the desperate spider mother who gave Locke an unfathomable feeling in the past has lost much mystery in his eyes.

The other side\'s power, authority and control over the rules are indeed stronger than Locke, but this strength is only limited and has not reached the level of invincibility.

"What\'s the matter with the spider mother calling me?" The destruction storm gathered outside the temple of despair. Facing the invitation of the mother of despair, Locke adjusted his breath for a moment and finally gathered the body of human Knights into the temple.

The desperate spider mother had been waiting on the gray white death stone outside the temple for a long time. Seeing Locke incarnate as a human body, but there were still a large number of black lightning across his body, she couldn\'t help saying, "it seems that you haven\'t fully controlled your power."

"As for my invitation to the temple of despair, I want to discuss with you about the ongoing dimensional war in the desperate world and whether we have the opportunity to take advantage of the turbulence of star rules to enter level 9." Said the desperate spider mother.

"Dimensional war? The opportunity of level 9?" Locke was stunned.

This information can not be understood by Locke at this level, including the reason why the desperate spider mother knows this is also because she has experienced the second world, has in-depth communication with Hongjun, the Taoist ancestor of Xianyu civilization, and has sneaked into the deeper part of the desperate world in the past tens of thousands of years.

"Yes, the dimensional war is a coincidence. It may also be an inevitable phenomenon when the star world develops to a certain stage."

"The two top civilizations with equal strength met in the desperate world, so as to break out a world shaking war, so as to promote the development and evolution of the rules of the star world."

"Only at this time can we have a greater opportunity to spy on the level 9 mystery under the permission of the star rules." Said the desperate spider mother.

Many of the above information is based on the conclusion that the mother of despair spider has sneaked into the world of despair in the past tens of thousands of years and analyzed and compared the war experienced by the civilization of the dead country that year.

And in order to verify the accuracy of these information, desperate spider mother even went to Xianyu not long ago to communicate with Daozu Hongjun.

Standing at the level of level 9 biology, Hongjun\'s understanding of the rules of the star world is more thorough, which is also Hongjun\'s answer, which deepens the guess of the desperate spider mother and determines that she is likely to take the right path this time.

As a remnant master whose civilization has been destroyed countless years ago, now the whole star world can attract the mother of despair, only the Ninth level realm and the world behind the door.

The level 9 realm is not so easy to break through. It is difficult to recreate the experience of Zu Hongjun of Xianyu Taoism.

If it was a step-by-step practice, the desperate mother couldn\'t step up to level 9. Now without the backing of the whole civilization, it\'s more difficult to slowly improve to level 9 only by her own strength.

Therefore, the ongoing dimensional war in the desperate world is an opportunity for the desperate spider mother to borrow.

By analyzing the various visions that appeared during the desperate world war, the desperate spider mother guessed that when the civilization of the dead country swept through the desperate world, there must also be some stars seeking opportunities in some remote corners of the desperate world.

"At that time, we also found and cleaned up some scheming masters in the desperate world. Now it seems that those masters may also want to use the convenience of dimensional war to spy on the secrets of the world behind the door." Replied the desperate spider mother.

"Since you have said so, now that the two top civilizations are at war in the desperate world, will it be dangerous for us to intervene rashly?" In the temple of despair, after absorbing the information mentioned by the mother of despair spider, Locke couldn\'t help asking.

"Hehe, the contingency of the dimensional war is that the two world civilizations fighting in it have equal strength, but the strength is not necessarily on the top of the star world."

"If it were the top civilization as powerful as the civilization of our dead country and the tide of enemies, if we rashly intervene in it, it would not only be difficult to spy on the world behind the door, but also be affected by the war between the two world civilizations and erased by them."

"But at this time, the dimensional war in the desperate world is far less intense than the war we experienced in those years, which means that there are opportunities to seize." Said the desperate spider mother.

"Now the war broke out in the desperate world. Is one of them the light Protoss?" Locke couldn\'t help asking. He remembered that the Lord of glory had found himself ten thousand years ago.

"Good." The desperate spider mother nodded.

It is precisely because the desperate spider mother also knows something about the light Protoss that she has a certain confidence in finding a level 9 opportunity in this desperate world.

At least she and Locke will have a greater grasp when competing for the \'door\'.

It is difficult for the desperate spider mother to explain to Locke what the "door" is, or even the desperate spider mother herself does not know very well.

It can be understood as the manifestation of some rules of the star world, or it can be imagined as a shortcut to the Ninth level mystery, or a channel to a higher dimension.

When the desperate spider mother led the civilization of the country of death to defeat the tide of wronged souls, a "door" appeared in front of her.

But at that time, the desperate spider mother chose the wrong door and failed to reach level 9, which triggered her backhand.

It is enough to see the power of the space-time rules of the desperate spider mother.

If even she is not qualified to go to level 9, I really don\'t know which masters in the star world have this honor.

"What should I do?" Asked Locke.

With the guide of the desperate spider mother, Locke would be much easier, and after so long contact, Locke didn\'t believe that the desperate spider mother would specifically harm him.

Locke\'s trust created a warm current in the heart of the desperate spider mother. After inviting her into the temple of despair, the desperate spider mother slowly said, "according to my observation in the desperate world for tens of thousands of years, this time because the intensity of the two top civilizations is not high, the number of doors should not be too many."

"The three gates should be left to our foreign masters. Our task is to snatch them from other foreign masters who spy and wait after the end of the dimensional war."

"In addition to you and me, Taoist Zu Hongjun of Xianyu seems to want to completely get rid of the shackles and leave the star world by taking advantage of the dimensional war." Said the desperate spider mother.

"You and I, plus Zu Hongjun, should be sure if there are only three doors." Locke couldn\'t help but say.