Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4414

Trichi pan baesa\'s answer shocked Locke.

He knows exactly what the light Protoss is.

Even the immortal realm may not be able to win the bright Protoss, but the bright Protoss is defeated in the battlefield of the alien realm this time. Locke is very curious about what kind of strong enemy the bright Protoss is facing at this time.

When asked about trichi pan baesa\'s deeper understanding of the war of the protoss of light, the federal five-star general also failed to give Locke more answers.

Galent Federation also doesn\'t know much about the light Protoss, and in recent years, Li, the main energy of the Federation is not on the light Protoss

After escorting Locke and his legions to the border of Mesopotamia, five-star general trichi pan baesa personally went out of the conqueror Titan ship to say goodbye to Locke.

The signing of a longer-term peace contract between the two large world civilizations in the future is not something that the leaders of the two civilizations can decide with a pat on the head.

After the signing of more detailed cooperation terms and rules contracts, special personnel will naturally be sent to discuss and negotiate.

Moreover, as the supreme Knight of wizard civilization, Locke did agree to trichi pan baesa\'s request for peace, but it is not necessary to reach such a relationship between the two world civilizations in the future.

It is not individuals like Locke and trichi pan baesa who will dominate the future relationship between wizard civilization and galent Federation, but interests.

Only interests are the premise of everything!

In comparison, both Locke\'s commitment and trichi pan baesa\'s oral expression are too light.

Moreover, with the close space-time distance between the wizard civilization and the galent Federation, Locke feels that there may be a war between the two world civilizations in the future.

But that should be a long time later.


Because there is a vast blank star field and void meteorite belt between the Mesopotamia star field and the underworld star field, Locke\'s return to the wizard civilization is not achieved overnight.

In addition, with Locke\'s current volume, the energy consumed through the transmission array is probably astronomical, so it will take a long time to return to the wizard civilization.

During this time, Locke can understand the recent development of wizard civilization as soon as possible.

"Tell me, what is the war situation of wizard civilization in recent years?" In the starry sky, Locke asked a level 6 knight who flew out of the space fortress.

This level 6 knight is not the Lancey modo knight that Locke contacted before closing, but a special knight and strong man who embarked on the road of alternative ghost knight.

Two thousand years ago, entrusted by sharafa, the leader of the Mamet alliance, he came to the federal star region of galent to guard and quietly wait for the return of the powerful Knight of wizard civilization.

Therefore, in the understanding of the current war of the wizard civilization, the ghost Knight obviously knows better than outsiders such as trichi pan baesa of the galent Federation.

"At present, 70% of our conquest and penetration of the pan star region have been completed, and the suppression of absolute strength has kept us absolutely active on the civilized battlefield."

"However, the level 7 fire master of the wizard alliance was badly hurt 3000 years ago. I\'m afraid it would have fallen if it hadn\'t been for the timely support of the sword Saint Carlyle." The level six ghost Knight replied respectfully.

"The sword Saint Carlyle has returned from the star world?"

"And listen to you, he has been promoted to dominate?" In the storm of destruction, Locke\'s surprised voice came.

Because the mood was a little surprised, and the destruction storm embodied by Locke also came faintly.

For low-level life, it is the power of the mountain and tsunami, enough to destroy all the weak.

The endless pressure and power fluctuation from Locke make the ghost Knight feel pressure, including the translucent soul long knife behind him.

However, after taking a deep breath for a moment, the level-6 Knight pressed down his uneasiness at the bottom of his heart and replied in a more calm and calm tone, "yes, Lord Karel returned to wizard civilization as a master 7000 years ago, and he joined hands with Lord Lilith to smash a level-7 master in the world of the iron tower 5000 years ago."

The performance of the ghost Knight made Locke know that his strength had overflowed carelessly.

Once again, he gathered the destruction factors around him, and Locke was infected by the good news.

"In addition to the sword Saint Karel, can there be other dominant biological breakthroughs in our Wizard civilization in the past 20000 years?" Locke then asked.

"There are no other master level knights and magicians to break through at the moment, but the predecessors such as Cecilia, the demon General of the abbalut Empire, Vivian of the northern witch organization, the tiger eye Shi KAISIDA of the beren Empire, and abbadan, the dark knight of the Yili Knight alliance, have reached the peak level of level 6 and have the potential to move forward to level 7."

"In addition, in the wizard alliance, a level 6 peak fire phoenix and a level 6 peak earth element giant also reached the qualitative change period of promotion and dominance respectively, and performed outstanding in the pan star wars in the past." The level six ghost Knight replied.

As a level 6 knight, this ghost knight from the Mamet alliance almost stands in the high-level field of the wizard world, so he knows the war situation of the whole civilization and the details of the top combat power.

So far, what Locke has heard from the knight is mostly good news.

This is also related to the fact that the wizard world has stronger strength and deeper details on the civilized battlefield. After all, strength is the prerequisite for everything.

There is no need for Locke to worry too much about the situation of the pan star battlefield for the time being.

It can be predicted that when he returns to the main battlefield of civilization, with his eight level peak power, he will be able to rewrite and speed up the process of civilization war again.

The game between wizard civilization and civilization such as the tower world has not been in a state of war for more than 20000 years.

But play for a period of time and develop steadily with each other for a period of time.

This time, with Locke\'s return, this intermittent hostility is bound to stop.

Because the wizard civilization cannot continue to spend time and energy meaninglessly, and the longer it takes, the smaller the final war income will be and the greater the wear and tear it will bring to the wizard civilization.

The progress of the pan star war has been completed by 70%, and it is almost time to finish it.

For those diehards who still take refuge in the civilization between the tower world and vanity, the wizard civilization represented by Locke must not be soft.

"By the way, what happened to the bright Protoss? Has our Wizard civilization collected any information?" Asked Locke.

"We really don\'t collect much information about the light Protoss, but nine thousand years ago, a seven level Lord God named the Lord of glory contacted us and wanted to talk to you directly."

"But at that time, we didn\'t give you an accurate answer because you were in the depths of the silent bone convergence star domain." Replied the ghost knight.